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Game 16 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - XenZicht



    city story
    ~~RiNer Xleno, Chief Scribe of TENOCHTITLAN


         I am Fire Breather of Tenochtitlan, a land of great beauty. Where the moss is the truest green any could wish, the mud, the brownest, the trees, the densest, the air, the most humid. A paradise I am honored to rule.
         My land is friend to both Orc and Lizardman, though we welcome discourse with all... while we roast your bones, pick your meat from betwixt our teeth, and wipe what remains of your heart off of our tails.
         As for our goals, they are in union with the whole of our race; to annihilate those usurpers who oppose our rightful rule of this world, whence came from our ancestors. To this end, we will do whatever necessary, within honor, and without. Not to mention, within sight, and without...
         Though you will find it to be a brief stay on our world, we wish you a hearty life, a lurid death, and a torrid afterlife.
         Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures of my father XenLorn (above), and me (below). We must be the most handsome father and son, ever.

    Signed in the blood of your
    fathers and sons,
    XenZicht the Red

    XenZicht's Scales


    Welcome to the Insurance Council of Tenochtitlan.

    From this location, you may request insurance on your pitiful life...

    Once you have succumbed to the might of the Lizardmen, we will dispatch monthly payments to your benefactors. These payments will be in the resource type of your choosing, or in any combination thereof. XenZicht the Red personally guarantees timely payments of the dividends.

    To apply for a policy, fill out the following form, it contains, the payments from you to us, and the payments we will disperse after your timely death, as well as insurance from whom, who you wish to name as benefactors, and in what resources should they be paid.

    After completion of this form, we will require an initial downpayment of 2xs the monthly rate, at which time you will begin to be insured.

    Please don't think of this as morbid, think of it as a sure thing...

    What is your Wizard's name?

    What is your player number?

    What Realm do you reside at?

    What kind of plan do you want?

    Payment Resource type
    note that payments will be converted
    to equivalent values in gold, so that
    payment dispersal may be achieved easier.

    Insurance Plan Monthly payments/Interest rates:

    Whom do you wish to name beneficiary?

    What is their player number?

    What Realm do they reside?

    Against whom do you wish this policy?

    How would you like the payments cut?







    Contact XenZicht at

  • PLAYER 2 - Snorri

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Snorri at

  • PLAYER 3 - Bellaraphon (Chuck), Mordeth (Matthias), Stump O'Mountain (Rob)

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Bellaraphon (Chuck), Mordeth (Matthias), Stump O'Mountain (Rob) at

  • PLAYER 4 - Tyranosaur

    Huiz-Regartec is home to a thriving Lizard community.
    Bordered by the tranquil sea and lush jungles, it has
    been an excellent location for the Lizard folk and other
    Tyranosaur rose from the ranks and with his fierceness
    and skills in magic, became the King of the Lizards. He
    now rules the willing populace and drives them hard. 
    Learning from nature, Tyranosaur controls the events of
    the city to immitate an ant colony. Every peasant is kept
    busy every waking moment - producing, building and transporting.
    Those strong enough get the opportunity to join the ranks of
    the Lizard military. Bravery is never an issue with Lizards.
    Strength and skill are the qualities looked for.
    Tyranosaur relies heavily on magic, knowing well its' importance
    and takes every opportunity to enhance his skill - favoring
    aggressive spells. Fear is a powerful weapon and the combination
    of elite armies and powerful magics would make any wizard think
    twice before engaging Tyranosaur's legions in the field.
    However, diplomatically, Tyranosaur has been fair and has held
    no grudge against any race - even previous enemies.  Aggression
    has always been dealt with by swift counter assaults forcing
    a quick peace to be re-established. "Deal from a posssition
    of ssstrength, never ssshow weaknesss".

    Contact Tyranosaur at

  • PLAYER 5 - Zodiac

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Zodiac at

  • PLAYER 6 - Blimp(Mikael Roth), Sirikul(Robert Valkovic), Yorgi Ferrum(Johan Duyvesteyn)

    The history of Garabor
    To the honour of Garabor

    One day, the lady Voltrig gave birth to a boy. At the same instant, the sun disappeared. Ytheriag, the mage in service of Lord Kraldir Ferrum of the house of Faustus prophesized a great omen. He said that Yorgi, the newborn son of Voltrig and Kraldir would give the dwarves their long since promised prosperity by conquering the Holy Altar of Kirion . Hundred years later, a terrible accident happened. On an expedition the still forceful Kraldir died in a fight against a horde of lizardmen who dishonourable attacked him from all sides and when they found out they even coudn't win unleashed the dragon Gwarg upon Kraldir. Kraldir died bravely, but Voltrig couldn't bear the pain of her loneliness. So Yorgi had the burden of the empire on his sole shoulders. However, Ytheriag was still alive and took him unto the mountain of knowledge. There, Yorgi was tested in strength, honour and trueness. He succeeded his test gloriously and was granted the Sword of Garabor. Now he is ready to fulfill the prophecy.

    Yorgi Ferrum

    The sword of Garabor

    The typical Garabor dwarf clings to his family and to maintaining their honour. Especially the gems of the high mountains are very precious to them, even so precious that they are willing to tighten their belts somewhat and delve more gems instead of searching for sparse food in the high mountains. The ralations with the dwarf friends from below are very good, and trade is replenishing the food shortage partly.
    Although the dwarves are living in a friendly community and are very trustworthy to the ones they know, they can be hard to handle for strangers. Also, when matters of trade are the issue, they can be tough negotiators.
    Typical dwarf building Dwarves are usually talented in the building of large stone works and the construction of powerful warmachines. The dwarves of Garabor possess this talent, but because of the lack of iron, stone and wood in the highlands, they haven't developed their skills very well on this area. Their compensation lies in the very efficient gem mines and the good knowledge of magick and how to use it. Warmachine
    Holy Altar of Kirion The mission of Yorgi, and his fellow dwarves, namely to gain control of the Holy Altar of Kirion will have the priority of Yorgi's future strategy. Before his days, the dwarves weren't so eager to gain control of this Altar, but since the death of his father, there was only one thing left in the mind of the young dwarf. But before making some expansion, first the old empire of Garabor has to made more efficient and ready for defence. The reason for that is that Garabor isn't the only stirring empire. There are rumors that other races and kingdoms are having a sudden interest in the altar too. So the race is beginning, and who knows where it will end... Shield of Garabor

    Contact Blimp(Mikael Roth), Sirikul(Robert Valkovic), Yorgi Ferrum(Johan Duyvesteyn) at

  • PLAYER 7 - Yeilan

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Yeilan at

  • PLAYER 8 - Licharian

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Licharian at

  • PLAYER 9 - Karonisis

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Karonisis at

  • PLAYER 10 - Sirikul

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sirikul at

  • PLAYER 11 - Gandalf

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gandalf at

  • PLAYER 12 - TYM


    Greetings from the Old Kirchdon Under Dwarves.

    Our new ruler TYM has installed a policy worthy of the ancients. He has re-created
    ties of peace with all fellow dwarves. In additions he has sworn to see Dwarves
    take control of the Holy Alter of Kirion.
    To achieve this goal our nations has under gone great changes in the way we do
    business. Not only will we be re-newing the old war with the Lizard slime, but also
    we shall attempt to work together with the other races of Khaydon to these ends.
    Already several bands of Plainsmen have joined the cause. We would welcome word
    from other groups, maybe not located on the Isle of Karobax to work towards our
    common goals.
    Already we have secured tactics with the Stump O Mountain, of Garabor, and
    Yorgi Ferrum of Arabor. Our Dwarven builders are working around the clock with the
    super vision of "fist of Metal", and we are in the process of hiring more heroes and
    soldiers to reach the honest goals of the dwarven nations.

    Contact TYM at

  • PLAYER 13 - Blimp

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Blimp at

  • PLAYER 14 - JustOne

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact JustOne at

  • PLAYER 15 - Bellaraphon (Chuck Ellis), MORDETH (Matthias Frost), Stump O'Mountain (Rob McNeur)


    Greetings to all wizards on Khaydon.

    My Name is Mordeth. This is the third world on which I rule one of the many races the creators once gave life to. This time -on Khaydon- I am the leader of the Nore Kjolden Icelanders. My people are living on the warmest and southernmost regions of the northernmost island of Khaydon. This island is called Ariatna and its inhabitants are proud to live in a peaceful neighborship with all the other races on Ariatna since many decades. Especially with the help of the Halgon Dervishes and our brothers the Kregar Toren Icelanders who live in the colder regions of Ariatna we could develop an atmosphere of friendship over the years. I hope that the quality of cooperation can be continued long enough to bring peace and welfare to all regions on Khaydon. That is our main goal and we will not stop to work for this goal until all Icelanders are dead. It is the believe of our people that this goal can only be reached with the help of the holy altar of Kirion. We plan to find this holy altar by our scrying magics that were helpful many times in the history of the Icelander race. Once we found it, we will begin a major invasion towards the island where it can be found. It is said among our people that ugly creatures -something like walking serpents- were in control of the altar for the last decades. We intend to change this. And should those Serpents not hand over control of Kirion's altar to us peacefully we will start a holy battle! The Nore Kjolden Icelanders are vicious fighters once they chose that war is needed or when their home is attacked then they turn in fearless berserkers. The Icelander sacred Hunters and Mammoth Riders are really impressive... But our people prefer other ways. We rely on economical power and trade to achieve our goals. Because of this we are always open for any kind of trade.
    No matter if you are in search for resources or information: The Nore Kjolden Icelanders surely have what you are searching for. And for a certain price we are always willing to part with nearly everything.
    So if you are interested in trade or want to contact myself, then feel free to contact my embassy located on the planet 'Earth'. When sending your messengers across the magical roads that are in-between all worlds then you can adjust your magics to the following address:

    Mordeth, ruler of the Nore Kjolden Icelanders.

    DISCLAIMER MESSAGE: Everything that has been written above in the name of Mordeth is pure roleplaying. This means that the text above has been written by an imaginary character construct (Mordeth) addressed to other imaginary character constructs. All comments only refer to the game they are published in. However, the News or Blurbs of Mordeth will not always reflect the real situation in a game. But if you ever have the feeling that something is totally wrong or misplaced in Mordeth's texts then please contact me privately <> and I will try to clear any misunderstandings


    Contact Bellaraphon (Chuck Ellis), MORDETH (Matthias Frost), Stump O'Mountain (Rob McNeur) at

  • PLAYER 16 - Bellaraphon

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Bellaraphon at

  • PLAYER 17 - Ararargh

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Ararargh at

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