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Game 33 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Loren

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Loren at

  • PLAYER 2 - Kyrien

    Deep in the sticky jungle lies the large city of Ixi Banzay, upon which
    many tales roam the worlds that are now apart. Lizardmen all over bend
    head in the direction of Ixi Banzay when they start their morning
    Entering the city itself, you'll find that all streets finally lead to a 
    central square. Located here is the biggest temple ever seen and you can
    magic words being whisperd and high voices singing beautiful songs. The
    is a center for all druids living on Rutax and even offers trade and
    exchange with other people on Rutax and nearby islands.
    Made of Mithril, Gold and Copper, the most precious selection of metals
    on earth, 
    the temple can be seen shining through the surrounding forest just by
    it's sheer 
    reflection of sunshine.
    Should you ever come close to Ixi Banzay, make sure you pay the temple a
    and learn the magic of the druids.

    Contact Kyrien at

  • PLAYER 3 - Gandalf

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gandalf at

  • PLAYER 4 - Greyhawk

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Greyhawk at

  • PLAYER 5 - Azeal


    • The day of promise
      The Sandpeople of Taomo Tabr have lived in their isolated deserts for many centuries. They never let visotors inside their town of the sand. On rare occasion a fully packed dried out merchants caravan may stop by at the city gate to trade with the sandpeople population. Not much is known the Sandpeople inhabitants of the region, except that they live according to the obligation of the promise. Long ago a very wise and old Sandpeople priest made a prophesy about the one who would come to lead the nation to victory. Bring the world back in balance together with those races who would form perfect harmony together with the Sandpeople of Taomo Tabr. And according to the time table that person had to stand up and take the leadership of the tribe this year. Eager to find their glory the Sandpeople sent out scouts and sniffers to find a man of great glory. Unaware of what to look for they were not aware of a strange glooming light in the deep burial cellars of the rock city of Taomo Tabr. There where the ancient and most glorious warriors had found there final resting place was a large tombe build in the centre of the room. And the only spot of light that fell through a hole in the stone ceiling at noon fell directly on the carvings on top of this tombe. The letters could not be read by any of the wise sandpeople scolars. Nobody knew when the grave had been placed there, all that was known was that it had always been there. And the last couple of weeks it had begun to glow in a strange purple gloom. During clouded nights one could catch a little bit of purple light coming out of the rock, but noone noticed it. Then suddenly the rock hold began to shake at its foundation. Afraid of their life the sandpeopl fled outside of their homes in panic. The leaders tried to move the crowd in an organised patterns when the trembling stopped, just as sudden as it had started. After that a bright light shone from the entrance of the burial cave. The inhabitants of Taomo Tabr hurried toward the light both afraid and anxious of the source of this bright light. There stood a being, shape of a man but with the skin and eyes of a sand wyrm. His movements were a perfect flow of controlled motions. His muscles in absolute control, he walked toward the gathering of people.
      I am Azeal he said. I've been born from the desert and waited for my time to come under the protection of my people. The time has come that the world will be cleaned of all unbalancing factions. Once again the other races shall feel the power of the sandpeople of Taomo Tabr. Bring me to the palace, there is no time to lose.

    • Scrubbum
      This is the story of Scrubbum, Advisor of the Sand. Chief of military advancement under Azeal till the day of promise. Scrubbum was born 30 years aga as the first son of Situ, clan leader of Taomo Tabr. This made him heir of the clan chief. Thus said, Scrubbum was the chief of the Sandpeople when Azeal woke up to take command. Scrubbum thinks he's the mighty chief of all ages, cause he was the one who was chosen to guide his people under the one who was promised. Some have doubts about the abilities of Scrubbum, but Azeal kept him on to keep the good faith up for the people of Taomo Tabr. He has got the full trust of Azeal and those who reveal their doubts on Scrubbum should watch their tongues closely.

    I will soon allow visitor in the hidden sanpeople capital, but for now you will have to do with the silent notes sent by my desert scouts.

    Send a messenger to Taomo Tabr

    Contact Azeal at

  • PLAYER 6 - Arc Welder


    Orc Things...Seal
    The Partrax...things
    ...uhm, where news and stuff are written down.

    The Arrival - It is raining and two figures, one small but upright, the other small and hunched, fight their way through seemingly endless waves of mud. Each and every step produces slurpy noises and soon these sounds turn into an omen of things to come.


    "Well, one should think that you Orcs would have managed to build a road in the past decades, shouldn't we? I mean, you have had plenty of time and somewhere in these things you call 'books' [waves around block of wood] my appearance is forecast and all you manage to do is to get three stupendous creatures together, who make terrible humming noises by holding their nostrils closed. Was that supposed to be music? What kind of reception is that? Huh?"


    Orc, with a deep and hollow voice: "Yes, Master! Yes!"


    "Don't Yes me all the time. I hate that, what can you tell me about this world. How did you call it? Mud? How fitting."


    Orc, with hollow voice: "Yes, Master! Yes!"


    "Argh. I have the urgent feeling to beat some sense into you. How would you like that, eh?"


    Orc, with hollow voice and nodding frantically: "Yes, Master! Yes!"


    "What have i done to be punished with this? Lost a game or what? Where is my residence to be... [Orc points somewhere] ...aha, that could be best described as...a pile of mud. How comes that i am not surprised."


    Orc, with hollow voice: "Yes, Master! Yes!"


    "Oh, shut up."


    Ignoring the sound of feet stomping through mud the two figures close on the pile of mud. In a huge gap in the pile of mud stands another hunched figure with arms far to long for the body, waiving stupendously and showing a demented smile.


    Orc, gesturing: "Master, we are there. This is, ...uhh, Orc."


    "Oh great. Hey Orc, who are you? I am Arc Welder, and i guess i am stuck here until i conquer the whole world. Do you think you can handle that?"

    Orc, hollow voice: "Yes, Master! Yes!"

    Orc, demented smile: "Huh?"

    "Oh boy,don't even know names yet. I AM ARC WELDER, YOUR NEW MASTER AND YOU WILL CONQUER THE WORLD FOR ME, got it?"

    Orc, hollow voice: "Yes, Master! Yes!"

    Orc, demented smile, watching the other Orc from the corner of his eyes: "Yes, Master! Yes!"

    "Okay, that is something to begin with. So, who am i?"

    Orc with demented smile: "You are Orc Welder, Master of Orc and... Yes Master!"

    [Bringing his hands to his head a slight sob escapes his mouth] "Oh well, guess that must do it. Let's get inside."

    Inside the pile of mud it is raining.

    "I think, we will start by building a nice roof on this pile of mud. Get some more Orcs together and gather some wood, no chop down some trees. Use saws [draws picture of a saw into the mud] to make planks and posts and hammer them together by using nails. Do you understand?"

    Orcs, puzzled looks: "Yes, Master. We know, we can do. What good for?"

    "Don't ask, just do it."

    The days pass and finally the faithfull Orcs manage to build a small shack for their new master without getting killed more Orcs than you have fingers on your hands, that is 23. Inside the shack a wooden stool serves as throne and a crude bronze stand holds a small blue bubble which paints the interior in a strange blue light. On the throne sits Arc Welder, soon-to-be conqueror of the world and leader of the Partrax pack of Orcs. Next to the throne lay a huge pile of wooden blocks and Arc Welder was holding one similiar to these, studying it with a tense stare.

    "As far as i understand this describes..."

    The legend of the of the coming of the new master.
    as written by the one-eyed Orc with no teeth at all

    Someday, not tomorrow, will there be a big flash in the sky and the sun will not shine. Everything will be pretty wet and raining won't stop for a hundred days or longer. Mud will be everywhere, just like right now. Worms and other tasty stuff will abound and then, with a huge shatter, there will be a new master. He will ask great things from us, like shelter and think. We must obey him, for he has the thing we don't have. Behold the brain. We are his faithfull Orcs. He will lead us into the vale of bliss. All hail, the new master.

    Finishing the last log Arc Welder sighs and shruggs. At least they don't question him all the time. And it has become something like a advantage that all and everyone of the long-armed fellows react to "Orc". In this way he can issue commands to several Orcs at once without explaining everything twice. And already now some especially gifted fellows won his attention...

    [Partrax Dagger Clan Banner]

    Contact Arc Welder at

  • PLAYER 7 - JustOne

    Welcome to Grond Khar - Underground Capital of the Dark Elves of Illithia

    Greetings Traveller, and welcome to Grond Khar - The Drow Capital led by myself, the wizard JustOne. I urge you to take the liberty to explore my city, see its sights, meet its people and soak in its atmosphere.

    I am a leader who wants the best for his people. We have been seperate from the ground dwellers long enough and now it is time for us to settle and to make ourselves known worldwide as the friendly people we are (Hehehe).

    To this end i urge you to see our wonderful marketplace and see all the wonderful items we have for trade, or visit our taverns and drink our mead, the best in all of Illithia - but with permission only

    I issue a warning to all races not to enter my domain without permission - If you choose to do otherwise then your death will be swift and your body will lie in a dark tomb for all eternity - if you are lucky - if you are unlucky you will join the slave force that provides life for the Drow. Any aggressive moves will likewise be punished without mercy nor thoughts of guilt after the act. On the other hand if you are interested in co-operation with my dark followers then feel free to contact me - if we consider you worthy of our time then we may decide to grant you the pleasure of meeting with us. Plot or betray the DarkElves as you see fit - but know that even in the darkest hour a smile will cross our faces as the life blood flows down your throat and you gasp your final breath - Win or Die - we accept no substitutes.

    I will leave you to explore - if you want more information then please go to my information center or contact me via my ambassador. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

    Goodwill and Peace to your people - only as long as we feel like it at least

    JustOne - Dark Elven Warlord and Necromancer


    Contact JustOne at

  • PLAYER 8 - Dimlùr

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Dimlùr at

  • PLAYER 9 - Lord Araxus


    Amazon leader


    Deep Chapecay

    It is the Amazon outpost, that grown into the largest village in range of many months of journey. Inhabited by tribe of jungle dwelling warriors. Both of its males and females are the fittest of nearly all humans. The city blend almost perfectly into the jungle, but those who find it should be aware of certain death that meets unwanted guests.

    Death of the Chapecay

    When three months ago old chief died. Deep Chapecay drown into despair.

    Grand Melee

    Soon enough warriors emerged and competed for vacating title of grand chief of Amazon tribe. Various spells and weapons were used, most cunning tricks, ganging and backstabs, traps, poisons, vicious beasts of jungle and undead servant all employed for the ultimate victory over others.
    Womans gathered on the field of battle watching thrilling spectacle of death, but their ring was soon broke by the bloody whirl of steel when participants started chasing each other all over jungle.

    Rule of the sacred Jungle

    Each time grand chief dies, Amazon tribe suffer great loss. All but unable warriors have to fight for leadership, and most of the bravest die in the strugle. That is the right of the Tribe - Right of Equality.

    The Choosen One

    After full day and night of fights bloodied and barely keeping on his feets Hipolithos emerged from the sacred jungle.
    Immediately, as no one could opose, he was appointed leader.
    And immediately began executing his orders.

    New era

    Hipolithos soon was informed about presence of other tribes, on this island, which are led by magic wielding wizards. Those Ptolemaios, Loren and Azael spoke that our island is named Faron, and was once inhabited by a powerful tribe of Druids, and that their villages are still hidden somewhere. They also spoken about two other island one inhabited by servants of Evil and other brought together by the power of gold (they are suspected of invention style of ruling called Democracy - which gives the wealthy tribesmen absolute power over poor one). Both of which must be forced to respect the Balance (this is something Hipolithos does not fully understand, but it look as it is similiar to more understandable term - the Equality).

    Indeed much is to learn for Hipolithos, much to understand, but on the bright side there will be many killed foes and much glory for the victorius tribe of tribes (those wizzies call it faction or something).

    Contact Lord Araxus at

  • PLAYER 10 - Ptolemaios

    Lorentz Dale

    "Father, who is Hazdrubal?".
    Roxanne stayed glancing at his father waiting eagerly for an answer. Her curious gray eyes shared innocence and an incipient intelligence. Yes, the great king Ptolemaios was proud of his daughter. Whenever Dyonne calls him at her side, one among his offspring will be signed by the goddess and shall bear the royal name, Ptolemaios. However,the question took him back to a time of uncertainty and danger.
    "Who is Hazdrubal?", the king repeated to himself. "A shadow, Roxane. He is now a shadow which can not resist the sunlight, ready to be wiped out in the next corner of the path of life. But he was the most powerful man in Lorentz Dale, some time ago". The king felt transported to the old times while threaded the story.
    "The Prime Bachelor of the Royal House rules just below the king and not even children of the royal seed can counter his edicts. Hazdrubal was a qualified magician of vast wisdom, his counsels saved the kingdom from important disasters and, thus, my father appointed him at the highest rank as Prime Bachelor. My child, be careful with people wiser than you. They might have higher ambitions that you can never think of. Then suddenly, and unexpectedly, the king died. Two crescents walked though the Cloak of Night watching a land without joy and music. It was the mission of Hazdrubal to prepare the funerals of the old king, and also, finally, the Day of the Choice, when the goddess signs the one who will become the new Ptolemaios..."

    As her father continued, Roxane lost the thread of the tale. It reminded her of another much older story. The legend of the foundation of Lorentz Dale. She recalled how much she wept the first time that Gwydeon the Bard sang the holy chants. He began with sounds of war and destruction, the land was being torn apart at its center by a titanic war between angels and demons. When the Dark One conceived the Black Creatures, Michaelus the White feared the defeat of angels and looked for the help of a Powerful One. He traveled through many planes to meet Dyonne.

    "My brother, what do you come for?" asked the goddess.
    "Your help, Dyonne", was his answer.
    But the goddess said:
    "The forces in Ithilia are in a draw. Why do you want to govern a world of mortals?".
    Michaelus seemed uneasy with the question.
    "They have suffered under Belial's supremacy, they need our bless and rule".
    Dyonne reflected for a while and then said: "No, Michaelus".
    But then the archangel desperately tried the last chance.
    "Let me show you something of Ithilia, Dyonne. A mortal being. But one of the purest souls".

    A group of shepherds poorly lived in an arid plains whipped every now and then by storms and earth shakes, testimony of the fight between angels and demons.
    The old Lorentz had many sons and daughters, though among them he had one very special whose name was Ptolemaios. The boy was fifteen, but due to his weak constitution he could not work as the other boys of his age did. However, he possessed amazing beauty, sweetness of heart, and a very special gift. When any man, woman, or child, or even a lamb, got ill or injured, he leaned his hand on their head and they became completely reestablished. One day, a large pack of hungry wolves attacked the shepherds and they barely had time to take refuge into their tents. The lambs remained outside but Lorentz was more worried of Ptolemaios, who did not appear anywhere.
    Then he realized a surprising silence reigned outside. The old man could not bear the uncertainty and stepped into the night. Under the light of the few torches, he observed with wide open eyes the most amazing scene he could ever imagine. Dozens and dozens of wolves lied around the figure of a boy sleeping, the figure of Ptolemaios.

    As Dyonne looked at the boy sleeping, something changed inside her. Her brother smiled, because he had succeeded. His powerful sister could not resist the most powerful spell: a spell of love. The arm that Michaelus had wielded to hook Dyonne to this world. From that day on, the goddess walked invisible among the shepherds only to be close to the boy. She understood their sufferings and, in the meanwhile, helped Michaelus to defeat the Black Creatures of Belial. One day, she sensed something was wrong and immediately traveled to the arid plains of the shepherds. Ptolemaios was gravely ill. His weak constitution didn't help much, and it seemed he could not do with himself what could easily do with the others. For a month she stayed at his side in silence, until the day he asked his relatives to leave him alone. When everybody stepped outside and the room became silent, he said: "Beautiful lady, are you there?",
    and in a whisper added, "I have seen you, sometimes", and then fell asleep.

    Dyonne felt a tear on her cheek, and then she realized her figure had been transformed to that of a woman. She knew Death was coming to that room. Thus she kissed his forehead and covered his body with her cloak. With a word of magic, both of them appeared in a blessed world where he could possibly survive. When he woke up and looked at her, a wonderful smile flashed in his face. They loved each other. Boy and goddess discovered the joy of passion. Their souls and bodies linked while day after day of happiness blessed their paradise. But Time runs different in every world. One day, Ptolemaios and Dyonne were walking by a spring. He suddenly fainted and Dyonne held him in her arms. He smiled but Death was clearly visible in his face. As he expired, his body began to disappear leaving Dyonne with a deep emptiness. She could feel her woman's heart painfully beating inside her body. And something else. A new being fighting to live. The mystery of mortal lives.

    Years passed at the shepherds settlement. Lorentz was very old and damaged from sadness since the incredible day that his son Ptolemaios was dying and his body disappeared.
    A quiet night in his lonely tent a wonderful source of light startled him. From inside, a beautiful woman and a child stepped out. "I am Dyonne, noble Lorentz, and this is Ptolemaios".
    The old man looked at the boy in surprise. "He is son of your son".
    Lorentz wanted to ask for his own son, who disappeared in a mysterious night, but the pain in her face made him guess the most important parts of the story, which he would know in detail afterwards, from his grandson.
    "Listen, Lorentz, I shall bless these plains with fertility, and after you a powerful kingdom will be founded. This law I give you, Ptolemaios will always reign. From the offspring of the king, when he dyes, I'll choose the heir, whose name will be changed to Ptolemaios."
    The woman disappeared, and when he stepped outside the land was glowing. The dawn drew a wonderful landscape. What had been arid plain became fertile terrain. The wind had stopped and even earth shakes would never be felt again in the valley, because Dyonne had placed magical shields of protection. It was called Lorentz Dale, after the shepherd who founded the kingdom. Because many women and men came from everywhere to the wonderful valley, and they were wisely ruled by Lorentz until the day of his death. Then, his grandson Ptolemaios was proclaimed king of Lorentz Dale and a strange phenomenon occurred. Hundreds and hundreds of wolves came and bowed before the king. From that time on, plainsmen and wolves have shared a strange friendship, and wolves even allow to be ridden by them. Dyonne got immortality for Ptolemaios, because a king with that name has always ruled Lorentz Dale. But there is another story. An old song says that Dyonne traveled to many planes and many worlds, looking for his beloved Ptolemaios. At the end, in one of the deepest worlds, she faced the most horrible entity, whose name is Fate.
    It said: "You can not reach Ptolemaios. But be patient, my child. Time will bring you a new chance".
    So it is said that before Time dyes, Dyonne will meet again her love.

    "Are you tired, Roxane?"
    "No, father." Then she realized he had been watching her in silence.
    "Shouldn't you be sleeping right now? Your mother will be worried. I'll request the presence of your servant Lubna."
    "No, father, please. Tell me more."
    The king doubted, because he strongly disliked to recall the events before he became the new king, the new Ptolemaios, but then decided to carry on with the story.
    "Among the royal offspring was Kleo, a dark and beautiful girl borne by Lauria, a dark elven wife. She had been initiated in the mysteries of magic and the power of darkness. A royal concubine had died giving birth to Lheos, a vulgar name for a vulgar boy with no interesting talent. The youngest royal son, Alexandros, had developed an incipient interest on the druidic skills. This time, the choice of the new Ptolemaios would be crucial for the future of Lorentz Dale. The new global situation in Ithilia stressed the plainsmen to choose between either the light or the dark path. Two factions were formed and each of them had, therefore, their preferred candidate. Those who felt closer to Rutax were led by Lauria, the mother of Kleo. The supporters of the druidic magic had laid their hopes on Alexandros..."
    The face of the king wore no special expression. Roxanne kept holding the breath, waiting for the next words from her father. "Yes", she thought, "there is pain in my father's soul. Even though he doesn't want to show it."
    "Father, and what was Hazdrubal doing?".
    And before he pronounced a single word she already knew the answer. "Hazdrubal wanted the crown for himself. He planned the assassination of Lheos for the eve of the Day of the Choice".
    Everything was now crystal clear in her mind. If Lheos had been killed, each faction would accuse the other and only the Prime Bachelor would be able to save the kingdom from a civil war. Hazdrubal would appear before the people as a hero, and the only possible king able to unify Lorentz Dale.
    "But something went wrong, wasn't it so, father?".
    "Yes, Roxane. Mortal beings can not control everything, and Hazdrubal dared to think the opposite".
    "So, what stayed out of his plans?", asked Roxane with expectation.
    "Olympias", was his answer,"she spoiledhis splendid plans".
    A grimace of disappointment escaped from Roxane's control. She didn't like the Queen Mother.
    Ptolemaios smiled. "You don't like her, I know. But you should have seen how she subdued the druids of the Order of Water. She is the most powerful magician of Lorentz Dale. It was very easy for her to find out the conspiracy. The protection of her son Alexandros had become the most important task in her life. So after the king's death she kept hours and hours scrying in her magical bowl observing everybody. That way Olympias discovered Hazdrubal's plans to kill Lheos and how war would threaten this world. She just had to thread a spell of confusion in Lheos' room. When the assassin arrived, he killed the servant who slept in the same room and thought he had succeeded in his mission".
    "But, father, if Hazdrubal knew that Olympias was a so powerful magician, why did he risked so much in the conspiracy?".
    Ptolemaios was now openly amused. That made her feel clumsy, which she did not like at all.
    "Because he did not know. For everybody Olympias was a pretty wife who did not have any apparent skill apart from singing and making large and beautiful tapestries which ornate her rooms and those of her esteem. Now we know those tapestries are magical. Some protect from mental and other attacks, but some we don't know yet what they were made for.
    Roxane, Olympias is a daughter of the high elven king Enthar. When he knew that the old king Ptolemaios had married a dark elven lady, close to the spider queen, he thought the kingdom of Lorentz Dale would fall into darkness. So he sent Olympias to influence the king towards the light of Hichilis. She strongly disliked the mission ordered by her father, because she much preferred to continue with her studies on the arcane magic, but obeyed. She has not been happy here, Roxane."
    Roxane recalled the proud figure of the elven magician. She always seemed to know what Roxane was thinking, at any time, either good or bad. She could not love her.
    "And what happened the Day of the Choice?"
    "Well, when the daylight was appearing from the horizon, we all three were gathered in the Square of the Alliance. The surprise stroke the face of Hazdrubal, but before so many people he could do nothing. The people of Lorentz Dale crowded the area with a silent and dense expectation, but allowed us to reach the entrance to the temple of Dyonne. We stepped, then, into the darkness and calm of the holy site."
    "Kleo and Alexandros observed each other. The girl smiled looking at the boy like the wolf looks at its prey. Alexandros was quiet, waiting for the movements of his enemy. So he was prepared when Kleo suddenly attacked him with a black beam of energy, his blast of fire met the dark spell and the explosion made me lose consciousness. I felt my mind clouded and heard as remote the sounds of the magical battle. A woman of amazing beauty stood in front of me. "Lheos", she said, "it is the Day of the Choice, and you have to choose. Come with me." The woman drove me to a world of darkness, were dark beings condemned their opponents to slavery. Afterwards, the light blinded my eyes and then realized I was in another world: a world of light, inhabited only by beautiful beings. Suddenly we went back to the dark and calmed place. "Choose", asked the woman. I was confused and did not know what to say. "Choose!", requested the woman more vehemently. Panic began to extend through my body while the only thing I could stammer was "I don't know". "CHOOSE!", demanded the woman. My head seemed to explode. I could not choose, I did not want to choose. I had not chosen anything all my life. I had never wanted to be a king. Either Kleo or Alexandros would be much better rulers than me. "CHOOSE!!!"
    Suddenly I yelled :"No, I don't want to choose between light or darkness. I choose freedom!".
    I feared the anger of the woman, but incredibly she was smiling. "I am Dyonne", she said, "and you are Ptolemaios, my beloved. Make the Balance rule the world."
    She kissed my lips, which made me feel fire and ice, at the same time. Then she disappeared.
    At the temple, Kleo and Alexandros were still fighting.
    A powerful voice echoed in the chamber: "ENOUGH!"
    Both combatants turned over to look at a man of amazing power. He seemed familiar to them, but could not recognize him at first glance.
    "Who are you who dares to order me?", demanded Kleo.
    "I am Ptolemaios", was my answer. They looked amazed and recognized the shadow of Lheos in the features of my face. "Yes, I have been called Lheos in the past. But now my name is Ptolemaios. And you can not oppose my power inside here, in the temple of Dyonne. Bow before me, because I am your king, and you owe me obedience."
    Alexandros smiled to himself. These were the jokes of destiny. Nobody had ever thought that Lheos could become anything of importance. After a while he bowed with elegance before the new king. But Kleo was not going to bow before anybody. She had thought that either death or glory would be the gift which she would find inside this temple. Never thought of submission. She doubted for a while, but finally abandoned the temple, nobody knows where."

    Roxane seemed transfixed. "But, father, why did you appointed Olympias as Queen Mother? She is not your mother!"
    "She is the only mother I ever knew. Saved my life!", answered her father. She could not help hating the arrogance of the elven magician.
    "Does she hate her father yet?"
    "I don't know, Roxane. Alexandros has visited his grandfather in the royal court of Tyr Elyn many times, but Olympias has never gone with him. She has stayed on Faron since the day the elven ship disembarked the maiden ready to marry a barbarian human king. Here she found the love of her son, also my own,...
    I think too many things would hurt her soul if ever she comes back to the elven city."
    "And what about Kleo? Did you know anything else from her?"
    "Kleo? Who could know where Kleo is?"
    In the bottom of her soul she guessed her father knew more about his sister than he wished to share with her. But then she decided she was very tired.
    "Some other day I'll try to know more", thought to herself. And asked for her servant to prepare her bed.


    Contact Ptolemaios at

  • PLAYER 11 - Lord Thunder

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Lord Thunder at VSTROETTCHEN@AOL.COM

  • PLAYER 12 - Garnornomor

    A dark and stormy night.  Lightning flashes outline a brooding ring of
    stones that dominate a tiny meadow in a valley that had been sealed off from
    the world by a wiser race of beings. Beyond the clouds, seven planets align
    themselves in a once-in-an-epoch conjuction and mystic forces gather.

    Back below the clouds, between one flash and the next, three figures appear within the ring of stones. Figures chanting in an obscure language, casting powerful magics and placing ritual objects on a central stone, coloured dark with the blood of bygone sacrifices. Moving closer ....

    God 1: Never bloody fails. Every time we meet for a picnic it pours. I thought you said that this would be a good day?

    God 2: Well, according to all the signs its supposed to be a good day, or special ... actually as I recall it was more like auspicious. Or was it ominous? Ahh ... what's the difference.

    God 3: Auspicious for ducks maybe ... here let me put up a shield to keep the rain out. Now who has the salad? I'll put the tea samovar on this big rock over here.

    God 1: Us almighty! That's one big samovar. Lightning flashes do set it off nicely don't they? Whoo! Wasn't that a big one there? Fair made me drop the kebabs. Darn storm doesn't look to be letting up does it.

    God 2: According to my forecast, the auspicious events are supposed to peak at midnight. Anyway, here's the salad. Hope you all like potato. My own special recipe.

    God 3: Oh yeah, Belial left me a message saying that he couldn't make it though he dropped off this set of bells. Said it would summon up dessert.

    God 1: That guy. First he wants the picnic, tells us all exactly what to bring, when and where, and then he doesn't show up. Well, that leaves us with one extra kebab? Who wants it?

    God 2: Oh not me. Got to watch the waistline you know.

    God 3: Same here. One's enough for me.

    God 1: Well, we'll just put it aside for now and if anyone wants it they can take it later.

    Time passes ...

    God 1: Ooooohhhh, I couldn't eat another bite. Not one, no siree. Anyone want that kabob?"

    God 3: Not me, I'm stuffed. Just room for dessert.

    God 2: Me too. Quite a light show from the storm huh! Look! Its almost midnight! Things are supposed to peak now.

    God 3: If it's supposed to peak now how come it got so quiet all of a sudden?

    God 1: Getting dark too. And look at how all those lights in the sky are lining up. Haven't seen anything like that since the creation of the Dark Deceiver.

    God 3: Anyway, let's get dessert. Belial said for best results we had to ring it 12 times with the last ring falling on the stroke of midnight. Let's see, there's one bell for each of us. All together now!

    bong Bong BONG

    God 1: Say I was just remembering ...

    bong Bong BONG

    God 1: isn't Belial ....

    bong Bong BONG

    God 1: the only surviving disciple ...

    bong Bong

    God 1: of the Dark Deceiver? Hey! Where'd that cloud come from?

    god 3: Us save us!

    enter the mother of all lightning bolts

    exit one tall steely tea samovar

    merge three gods who were eating into a single figure of

    three gods eaten ...

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