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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 41 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Kerensky


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    Noise like thunder roared through the hollow ground that was called "Black Rock". Built from a mining colony this town has heard many sounds.
    But this one was nearly forgotten since the Orc-Wars. Pumping steel from the blacksmiths house.

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    The two Dwarves sneaked up the house and Bilbur Streckenläufer, townguide of Black Rock peered through the window. Inside thick smoke covered the room, only to be lightned up like some unearthly being by the sparks the sledge-hammer produced while hitting pure, hot steel. No information gained he turned to Druckfest Papierstau, of the
    media coucil.

    "Whats going on in there?" he asked, gazing into the eyes of the reporter.
    "How should I know?" Papierstau replied, but Bilbur saw the gears of the great mind-machinery already working in the reporters eyes.
    "I have some unfinished business. See you!" Druckfest said and turned to leave his old friend.
    "Donīt write something untrue!" he shouted after him but knew better than that. His friend would never tell lies...only...well...perhaps half the truth, but as long Sun Tsung allowed it it was fine with Bilbur.

    Deep in thought he turned back to the blacksmithīs window as suddenly Tomir Feuerglut rushed out the smithy. "If I shall finish this order I need some apprentices damn it", he shouted, his face covered thick with soot.

    "Whatīs going on anyway?" Bilbur asked.
    "Ah hell...Tsung came by and ordered me to ready as much weapons as possible till next winter. Do you have an idea how much "as much as possible" is? I donīt! You know Tsung. No exact numbers...AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE", he rumbled with changed voice impersonating their leader. "HA! What a task!"
    Tomir suddenly turned as if something came to his mind and rushed back into the smithy.

    Amazed Bilbur stood there. This sounded not good. Not good at all. Weapons? As much as possible? His mind raced. Did the Orcs break the treaty? NEVER! Why should they? The treaty went fine for bothe of them. Did the Dark Elves again tried something sneaky? POSSIBLE! Or perhaps the races of the Sand or the Plains invaded? NO! They hadnīt been in touch with those races for years. What was it?

    Only one person to ask for information like that. The wondrous scribe Keinwort Schweigsam. Hurridly he approached the big building of the was no real library...more a mountain of papers in an old mining tunnel. Tsung promised to build one as soon as policies allowed.

    "Keinwort!!! Where are you? KEEEEEEEIIINWORT!!!!"
    "Keep quiet...hereīs someone working." Schweigsam replied out of a particulary large pile of papers. There was some shuffling inside the pile and soon afterwards the scribes head popped out the top.
    "Whats wrong?"
    "Sun Tsung ordered 1.000 swords and 1.500 armours to be readied till next month" Bilbur said asking himself if that number was correct. "Why? How? For whom?"

    "Hmmm...i donīt know of any wars going on right now", the scribe answered.
    "This definitly has something to do with the meeting of the seers".
    "Seers? Really? They met? Do you know why?"
    "No idea my friend, but if you really want to know, why donīt you go and ask them yourself?"
    "No no no...I wonīt go near those strange people." Bilbur nearly paniced. "I never liked magic and never will change my mind about it, but I know someone who WILL ask them."
    Spoken out the last word he turned and ran out the "library".

    Shaking his head Keinwort dived back into his pile of scrolls. Somewhere in this pile there had to be the Scroll of Millenia. Everything about Arragoths last appearance was written there. And Sun wasnīt one he wanted to keep waiting.

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    Contact Kerensky at

  • PLAYER 2 - xentus

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact xentus at

  • PLAYER 3 - Grimworld Grimbreath


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    "Aaaah...well...thosī derty Lizards sure took sum beateenī", the orc growled laughing, pounding the mug on the wooden table, pouring ale all over the place. "Yesss, but good fightersss they were", a beautiful High Elven woman wearing a leather armor made of pure, dark-green snake leather whispered. "It wasss fun playing with them".
    "Matter it does not. Dead they are. Money we got. Eat and drink we do. Your father he is." The giant Ogreīs voice rumbled through the tavern, not really sure what the last sentence meant, but `good it soundedī.

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    Zitterhand Schenkein, owner of "The Black Horse Tavern" regretted the message he sent out for the first time. Okay, he wanted strangers to visit town. In particular his tavern, but that did not mean EVERY DAMN BEGGAR. This group of poorly educated, rough and monstrous looking mercenaries or whatever they were sent shivers down his spine.

    "More ale mista!" the Orc shouted through the tavern. The dwarven guests already turnd their seats to have a better view on whats going on. "Be patient", Barbie Schmuckstück, waitress of the tavern calmed Zitterhand.

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    "Soon Magnus will have time for them and then they will have much work to do and no time to visit us".
    "I sure hope so", Zitterhand replied, "If they continue their behaviour i swear  will...I... ehm...well...i will... demand double price for sure."
    "Look at the other newcomers", he continued, pointing at some black robed guests in the other corner of the tavern. "They know how to behave. No loud noises, no boasting, just taking their meal and thatīs it. Fine guests these men are. Well, they could drink more ale for sure, but better than this bunch of wild animals."

    "HEY!!! Brutusss here ordered sssome ale. Deaf or what?"
    "Coming!!!" Barbie answered. "Okay," she said to Zittrerhand, "stay here. I will bring them their ale."
    "Are you sure thatīs wise?" Schenkein doubted it, but Barbie was on her way already.

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    Da Orcs

    "HEYYYYYY!!!! Luk what we got hea!" A plainsman eyes opened wide in amazement. "Cutie-cute i would say! Cum hea babe." Grabbing Barbies apron he pulled her near. His breath stunk from ale and weeks biting the dust. "Leave me alone!" Barbie queeked. "You dumb brute!"
    "Now up you wait! Me dumb brute! He numb cute! HARHAR!" Morg NīThrog, the Ogre   thundered ripping more flesh from the roasted boar, spilling some over the halflings on the next table.
    With a short pull Natar Kalinu, the plainsman, lifted Barbie up in the air and dropped her backfirst on the table. "Iīll shou yu heveen, babe!"
    "Now itīs getting funny!!! YEAH!!!", a Gnome howled.
    Building a circle around Barbie and Kalinu the mercenaries cheered and growled. "Show it to her!" "Do hea gud!" "Cum on, cum on!" "I canīt see anything!!!!"
    Screaming and pounding her fists on the plainsmens breasts Barbie tried all she could not to get raped, but the brute force of the man as well as the others cheering and shouting soon showed her her chances of success. None.

    Meanwhile the Dark Elves stuck their heads togehter, discussing what to do and how to help Barbie.

    Fumbling with his trousers Kalinu finally got ready to rock, as suddenly NīThrog fell to the floor with a disturbing rattle coming out his throat. Seconds later Elena Silverhair, the elven hunter sank to the ground unconcious and before recognizing what was going on the two Orcs lay motionless on the table, while the Gnome quickly realized the situation and cowered under the table.
    Taking a quick look around, releasing Barbie and pulling up his trousers Kalinu grabbed for his sword, which lay on the table. What was going on? He couldnīt see any enemies. Only shadows moving around him, shifting from place to place. Turning around quickly Kalinu tried to make out his foes, but failed to pinpoint anything specific to attack.
    Then there was some movement in front of him. He readied his sword to attack, but the figure coming out of the shadows convinced him otherwise.
    "The Shrel Shakan...", Kalinu whispered dropping his sword in panic. "Ehm...neva mind...we wunted to leeve anywey...bye!" Speaking the last word he ran out the tavern molding into the townīs shadows.

    Approaching Barbie the black robed man stretched out his hand to help her from the table. "My name is Schwerer Ausnahmefehler. Glad to be of service, beautiful maid. May i order some more ale now, please?" Amazed and astonished Barbie took his hand and tried to catch a glimpse of the strangers face to no avail.

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    "Th...thank you very much, noble one. I am deep in your debt. Who knows what horrible things they would have done to me." With the last word she broke out in tears, cowering beneath the table.

    "ONE ON THE HOUSE!!!" Zitterhand who watched the show amazed shouted. "TWO FOR THE NOBLES!" The crowed cheered up and everyone continued eating and drinking. Another story for my memoires, Schenkein thought and with a smile he poured the ale for his customers.

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    Contact Grimworld Grimbreath at

  • PLAYER 4 - Lak Luster

    	The once malicious and violent race of minotaurs learned many
    lessons during the rule of the Evil One.
    Peace and Friendship are more powerful than war and evil.
    Defence instead of offence.
    Gems instead of Iron.
    Mithril instead of Gems.
    	We no longer have the desire to conquer the world.
    	We no longer have the desire to make war.
    	We do not even desire to fight the evil one
    		But he will make us.
    Our defences must be thought.
    Our offence must be peace.
    Love is our salvation, from the evil we have known.

    Contact Lak Luster at

  • PLAYER 5 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 6 - Dreamer

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Dreamer at

  • PLAYER 7 - Murgol

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Murgol at

  • PLAYER 8 - Mannorr


    Chronicles of the People - A New Dawn

    The once mighty empire of traders and caravanners from across the lands has long since disappeared, years of war and mistrust have allowed hate and fear grow like a cancer. The people of Trader’s Point have had little reason to be cheerful for many a year now. Few of their people travel openly to meet with others and trade is something done furtively, quickly and only with those who are known and trusted. This "was", but a new beginning has emerged. Last winter was hard and food even here was becoming scarce. Storms drove across the grasslands, rain pounded the soil at first and washed away the most fertile top layers. And then came the cold! Ice and snow froze the bones of the earth and mud set as hard as stone. Firewood was becoming harder to get and our people, as tough as any on this planet, were starving and freezing to death. Impossible to dig graves and not enough wood to build a pyre the dead lay in the town, the most grissly reminder of what was coming for us all. Finally the people became angry at their own impotence and that of the elders to save their children from a slow and miserable end. A council was held in the great hall and every single man and woman attended. No guard was left at the gates, such was the lack of spirit in the people and the desire for change. The hall was warm and at first this calmed some discontent voices but soon enough tempers were warmer still and rising. The council had almost disintegrated into anarchy when a dull thud silenced all in an instant. Then again, it echoed around the walls and ceiling and people looked at each other, fear beginning to replace anger. Once more the noise came, now louder than before and a young man moved toward the door as realisation dawned upon him. As the throng finally understood they cried No! and shrank back as one whilst the young warrior placed his hand on the bar across the mighty oaken door. He glanced round and saw hundreds of frightened faces and staring pleading eyes and understood how low his people had finally fallen. This above all made him lift the bar and pull open the door for he felt any fate was better than this terrible wasting and terminal disease his beloved race had succumbed to. But even as he did this he knew what was outside was not a thing to be fearful of but the promise of something that used to be and maybe more. What was on the other side of the door? That, children, you shall have to wait a while to find out. More stories soon I promise. How do I know these things? Can you not guess - who do you think was it that opened the door?

    Contact Mannorr at

  • PLAYER 9 - Aeren

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Aeren at

  • PLAYER 10 - Aioras

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Aioras at

  • PLAYER 11 - carfax

    The history of Hill Dwarves is a long, sombre and bloody history.
    In the beguinning, they live in a paradisiac hill, where they work in
    peace and prosperity. They neibourgs trade with them all the products
    not produced in Khal-Karad, this was the name of the realm.
    A day, long time ago, a man reachs Khal-Karad, this man introduces
    himself like Arragoth, the son of fire. Arragoth a magnificent
    aspect ho not permet to imagine the late occurs.
    Arragoth helps hill dwarves to create precious things, incredible
    swords, superior armors, amazing shields and all instruments and
    jewelry possible, all of that has superior quality.....
    Arragoth lives betwin dwarves many years, alwais helping, alwais
    corrupting, together poisoning all dwarves actions..... In the
    meantime dwarves so engrossed on their work, couldnīt see all
    Arragoth plans.
    In few years, relations with neibourgs where broken, and the war
    begun. Over 100 years of war let hill dwarves without reaction against
    the sneak attack of Arragoth and his Lava Legions.
    The pillage was atroce, only a few lucky dwarves could escape to the
    After many perils the survivors arrive to Camp Jollymount, a hideous
    swamp, ho provides food and materials to survive...
    Today hill dwarves has only an idea, to return to Khal-Karad and kill
    Arragoth... Babys are educate to hate Arragoth and fight against all
    people ho try evite the dwarf destination. Now hill dwarves are
    prepared to beguin a new empire, and nobody can stop them.....

    Contact carfax at

  • PLAYER 12 - Grom Z. Weevil

    I'm interested in forming an alliance of elemental wizards.  I'm research
    water.  Combined with people researching fire, earth, air would have all the
    bases covered.
    Does anyone have Wood, Iron or Mithril they would be interested in trading
    for Gems or Stone.

    Contact Grom Z. Weevil at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
