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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 54 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Fang Storm

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Fang Storm at

  • PLAYER 2 - Tyranthraxus


    by Matthew James Brooks

    I walk on water in the winter
    like a Part-Time Jesus
    with nothing to preach
    except pity for the world
    and sorrow, sorrow, sorrow
    for those to follow.
    Beneath me, the crystalline water
    blows notes on a broken bottle
    playing the sad, sad song
    of Nature's misery.

    Fire and Ice
    by Robert Frost

    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I've tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice


    For many years our "cousins" in the south have made trouble for us in Fradle and our brothers in Röle. But now they have gone too far! It's not enough they are unfaithful - now they have planes to conquer the world and disseminate their heathen beliefs.

    I, Lord Tyranthraxus of Fralde and Lord Alodar the Apprentice of Röle have together decided that this can't be allowed to continue. Together we will stop our barbarian cousins and once again reinstate the true faith in Trigolde and Kelna, which are the haunts of sin.

    But now their dark forces have spread even our own regions. A spy! in the palace!! How could he betray his God, his king and his family? He will pay dearly for his traitor. But he managed to expose our magnificent plane to the unfaithful so we must start our planes now without the preparation we need.

    Our brave scouts have sent message that our enemy became scared when they heard about theirs rishes our plans and started attacked neighbour to take theirs wealth

    Are they completely lost?

    The Holy Book tells us that we should let the weak people live in peace How are these weak people going to be able to defend themselves? Even against Trigolde's and Kelna's undisciplined and poor armed troops they've no chance. This news has spread like a wildfire across the world. To be able to defend their self our neighbours asked us to help them,

    How can we say no?

    This will decrease our resource substantially for an attack against renegades, is it impossible for two such just men as me and Alodar the Apprentice to say no.

    Already are parts of our proud army on the way to help our neighbour to build their defence. With our superior arms and tactics, the unfaithful will have no chance. With our wealth's we will build armies more powerful than ever beheld before, and our great magicians will research new great spells.

    Together will Lord Alodar the Apprentice of Röle and I, Lord Tyranthraxus of Fralde, crush the progeny of the dark in Trigolde and Kelna.

    Lord Tyranthraxus

    Wizard of Fralde

    Welcome to Lord Tyranthraxus of Fralde

    Contact Tyranthraxus at

  • PLAYER 3 - Alodar the Apprentice

    [*curse* Where am I NOW? I should never have fiddled with that 'clone self'
     spell back on my first homeworld - now I find myself in the strangest of
     worlds all the time, and soon I lose count of which me is really me, and which
     me is a clone of a clone of a clone! By the way, I wonder which me *I* am ?!]
    -Pardon me, sir, but are you Alodar the Apprentice?
    -Yes, I am! (Or at least a clone of his clone...)
    -Excellent - I have urgent news from wizard Tyranthraxus!
    -Tyrannosaurus?? Don't tell me I've got stuck on prehistoric earth AGAIN, where
     the only magic is how one can survive even 10 seconds before getting eaten by
     something 25 times bigger than oneself...
    -No no sir, Tyranthraxus was the name, and this world is called Shrelna!
    -Ah well, and I now recall you said he was a wizard. So this is not a world
     without magic, then?
    -No sir, but please come with me sir, we have an emergency here, and wizard
     Tyranthraxus needs to talk to you immediately!
    [OK, I'd better get an urgent update of this world ASAP anyway...]
    -So you are Alodar... ?! You don't look much like a wizard to me - but
     appearances can be deceitful - I've heard of halflings masquerading as
     lizardmen *chuckle* Pleased to meet you, I am Tyranthraxus, and fate has
     brought us together to save this world from the heathens of the south!
    -Nice to meet you, Tyrantraxix, and pardon my appearance, but I am sort of
     stuck in an endless loop of 'clone self' spells, so I'm apt to a certain
     degree of schizophrenic feelings, and don't have time to bother about looking
     wizardlike... But then, I have picked up quite a few magic systems during my
     loops, so please fill me in on this world's situation ASAP!
    -Sorry, Tyrannofix, that means the same as 'on the double'...
    -On the double??
    [Grmph... Wizards stuck on only one world are sometimes so... limited in their
    -Immediately, at once, NOW, Thorax!
    -The name is TYRANTHRAXUS, Alodar! Try to remember that! OK, listen here...
    [Two hours later]
    -Thank you for the briefing, Thor... er, Tyranthraxus! I do have a certain
     difficulty remembering names - after all, me and my clones have been on so
     many worlds that we hardly even remember the names of the worlds! So, no
     offence intended, Thor... Trax... er, ahem, no offence intended, pal!
     OK let's go to work then - I seem to have a lot to catch up to here!
    -Good bye for now, Alodar, and good luck!
    [A clone of a clone of a clone with a memory problem? I wonder if I can trust
     him even to be able to tie up his shoelaces correctly - ahh, now I remember,
     he didn't wear shoes in the first place... Hope he'll be OK then...]
    -God bye pal! And don't you worry, we'll save this world - also! BTW do you
     think the teleport spell from my homeworld works here too, I'm sort of in a
     hurry to get started ***WHOOSH***
    [**bounce** OUCH!! **bounce** ARGH! **splash**]
    -Drat, I _should_ know by now not to mix magic systems - two bounces in virtual
     space and then I land in a latrine heap!! Grrr...
    -[*sniff*?!?] Sir, the magic college is that way, sir!
    -Thank you lad! I do hope they have a decent shower in there, not to speak of
     dry cleaning!
    -Never mind kid, just show me the way!
    [So this shanty is their magic college?? Looks like I have a huge challenge
     ahead of me (which me?) once again! Well, but first a shower and some clean
     clothes, and then good old - or newly cloned - Alodar is fit for fight again!]
    -Ahh, here is the library - surprisingly well stocked for such a small shanty,
     I daresay! Now where do I start - well, this title looks promising:
     "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Magick in the Lands of Shrelna".
     Good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
     "Volume I of XLII"...
    [*sigh* Now, where did I put my glasses...]

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 4 - Inquisitor

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Inquisitor at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.