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Game 60 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - TYM


    Wonda II

    The (late) Beginning

    Looking in the mirror, Wonda giggled. A whole new body she was wearing. Still lean and willowy, but she had traded in her wide elfin eyes and narrow features for a wider face with and a raptorial gaze. Pale skin now wonderfully bronzed. Sun bleached blonde hair replacing her previous fine white mane. "Not bad" she said with a smug smile, "Time to annoy the men of this world".

    Now many may wonder how Wonda became the ruler of this desmesne. The simple answer, no one else wanted the job. Sandpeople have the amazing ability to avoid any responsibilities whwatsoever. More than happy to engage in duels and feuds, only those who are unlucky wind up leading the armies, or even worse, the government. Wonda, however, having previously developed a taste for telling me what to do, decided that she was qualified for the position of ruler. Having made the difficult choice, she promptly marched up to the seat in town hall, settled herself in and told the nearest beauracrat she was in charge. Relieved not to see himself in the seat, he more than happily started obeying orders.

    Having taking care of the comples formality, she proceeded to devote the agressions of her fellows toward what she liked best, war. Such a beautiful pasttime, adrenaline pumping, blood flying. What else could be such fun.

    Wonda's Feelings

    • TRADE Well, this always seems like a good idea. Especially if we get more than what you get. I mean, as long as it helps everyone out. Since we are living in this windblown desert, any who want to trade for wood are welcome. We like to burn it. It is fascinating to watch the flickering flames.
    • DIPLOMACY All offers of friendship are welcome. Also, all offers of war are equally welcome. As a matter of fact, enemies are welcome to become friends and friends are welcome to become enemies. Wonda enjoys the soap opera. If you wish to stay on the friendly side, Wonda prefers to have frequent diplomats arrive at her door. Preferably young male and sweaty.
    • WAR This kind of falls under the diplomacy category, but Wonda gets giddy just thinking about war. The thought of so many warriors willing to march at her call just sends thrills up her spine. Even more exciting when they are willing to die for her. She smiles just daydreaming about it.
    • THE DESERT A very fine place. You can see for miles in any direction. Unfortunately, there is not much to see other than sand dunes. It is not a good place to get lost, though, so any who think of invading the sands should be warned, the desert is always thirsty.
    • THE SANDPEOPLE Quite a fun and welcoming bunch. So courteous to outsiders. Asking whether they want a quick death by sword or a slow death by thirst and starvation. And always a gleam in their eye as they strip the belongings off those foolish enough to enter the deep desert.
    • OTHER RACES Wonda has her favorites, but all visitors are welcome. She does not discriminate, but if you are an ugly race, then you may not get as much of her attention. She does have her standards.


    Negotiations are welcome,
    Wonda, High Priestess

    Contact TYM at

  • PLAYER 2 - Fistandantilus




    Greetings Wizards of Kaunas


    Minotaurs are clearly one of the most fearsome races to face on the field of battle.. Their culture revolving around the warriors ensures only the strongest survive. Standing 8 to 10 feet tall with a bull's head atop a human torso they intimidate any they meet in combat. Capturing and breeding slaves they also accumulate an enviable supply of resources.

    First, let me introduce myself. My name is Fistandantilus. I am a human wizard that has arrived on Kaunas some weeks ago. Here is my story:

    Many years before my arrival here I was a fabled archmage on a world called 'Abanasinia'. As some of you might have read in books called 'The Chronicles' and 'The Legends' the evil 'Raistlin Majere' took hold of my mind and my arcane knowledge with the help of a 'heartstone'.

    With this Stone he suck out my life force like a vampire drinks the blood of his victim. He Left my body for the vultures. The only thing that remained of 'me' was my spirit inside his evil brain and the only thing that I could do was to talk to him in times when he was very exhausted. This way Raistlin was able to use my wisdom to battle the goddess of darkness herself and to nearly became a god himself. But in the end his evil desire for power brought death to the whole world. In the last moment before his final victory which would have ment final destruction to Abanasinia I -being the tiny voice inside his head- was able to convince Raistlin that he would gain nothing by destroying everything. Nobody can rule if there is nothing left to rule, or? So finally he abandoned his lifetime goal of becoming a god to rescue the world. He spared the Queen of Darkness who already lay beaten before his bloody boots and stopped all aggressions. However, the Dark Queen was never known for her friendliness. She threw Raistlin into prison to torture him for all eternity by ripping his body apart every morning and healing him again in the evening. That was where I came to life again. My actions were noticed and as a 'reward' all my powers were taken from me. The Dark Queen put my spirit into a new body, threw a spell called 'Dimensional Jump' upon me that transported me into the Astral Plane of the world Kaunas. Her last words for me still echo inside the Astral of the Bullock Minotaurs that now is my home: 'NEVER COME BACK!' Well, my Queen, this is exactly what I intend to do...

    This is how I arrived here. A weak human that only had a few spells left under hordes of battle - trained Minotaur Nobles and their Goblin Slaves... However, I was lucky because the proud beings had suffered great losses during the last wars that hit the Astral Plane. Wars, that were able to destroy even the once so powerful Gems that used to be found in abundance here. Because of this temporary weakness I was able to kill their leader with the last spells left in my memory.

    Anyway, with their weak leader gone they had open ears to my ideas. Ideas that will lead the Minotaurs to victories again. Ideas that brought back pride to their hearts. Yesterday they chose me to be their new King.

    And here I sit in my tiny Castle surrounded by Minotaurs Nobles...

    Anyway, the Castle might be tiny, but it is also securely hidden from other races. This should give me the time to direct their lust for battles into ways that please me most.

    Also, in the time coming I will need the contact with other rulers to achieve my own goals...

    So I am very optimistically to be able to forge the Minotaurs in a way that enables contact with other races. Two weeks ago the first schools were finished to teach the Minotaurs some manners. Now, the first Nobles are ready to take their way out of the Dark Caverns seeking contact with you other Rulers! It is up to you out there to accept the new Minotaur society. A society that now lives after a strict code of honor .

    The new orcish society is eagerly awaiting messengers from other kingdoms. There is much to discuss in order to prevent misunderstandings. Especially messengers from our neighbors would be welcomed with a feast. If you want to contact me then send a messenger via the magical void that surrounds all worlds to the address or simply use this new feature



    Fistandantilus, ruler of the Bullock Minotaurs.


    ! If you have problems with the text above, please click here and read my disclaimer message !



    Contact Fistandantilus at

  • PLAYER 3 - Shadowmage

    Deep below the surface lays the city of Dark Curse, home to one of the strongest and cruelest Dark Elf families around, House Mordovalinor. The current Matron Mother is Glosnaur Mordovalinor. She is said to be the most beautiful and youngest Matron Mother in the Cities history. She is also known to be as cruel as she is beautiful. She has mastered both the mystic arts and the powers granted by the Spider Queen. Matron Mother Mordovalinor with my aid has determined that the time is right for the Dark Elves of Dark Curse to take revenge on those that banished them to the underground. and if we gain a few more slaves in the progress so be it. Some of you may be wondering who I am and what my part is in all of this is? I am Shadowmage, full time adviser to Matron Mother Mordovalinor, sometime lover and House Wizard. I am not from this city or even this world. I came to this city about 30 years ago. I slowly worked my way up in the Magus Arcanum to be one of the top mages of the school. House Mordovalinor took notice of me not having a formal House sponsor, wondered how I was admitted to the school. They quickly found out I had blackmailed my way into the school. They adopted me into the family and I was able to quickly raise in power to take the potion of House wizard from the old man who had the potion last. Matron Glosnaur was very impressed by my quick raise and shows of power and quickly took me on as her personal advisor. Now many years later and many failed assaination attempts later here I sit ready to help lead the Dark Elves of Dark Curse to greater power.
    Some of you may wonder where I came from before I arrived in Dark Curse. I am caught in the battles between LAW and CHAOS. They use me as their pawn in their battles, first one side then the other. I never know where or when I will end up just that I must serve my true master BALANCE. For I am one of the few beings that understand a little of the true workings of the universe, for if CHAOS or LAW were to ever truly win the war the universe would be destroyed. In my choice to help maintain the balance I gain more power to affect it but lose the ability to choose where and when to help.

    How can we dwell solely in the sunlight,
    when all of us have both elements of light
    and darkness within? I offer a glimpse
    at the interplay between the light and
    the absense of light within one heart:
    my own.

    Contact Shadowmage at

  • PLAYER 4 - Alodar the Apprentice

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 5 - Rhaesnir


    Greetings Wizards,

    My name is Rhaesnir al' Hrezhar, and I have recently jumped into this realm by magical means. I have another clone currently residing in the Elven Nations, under the guise of Thanatos Blackbane. This avatar of my self is currently controlling a nation of Dark Elves on that world.

    My true body however, has been locked up within a vortex of magic created by my former master. It has taken me centuries of plotting and waiting for the right moment to strike, and finally the day came. Using all of the magical power I had left I was able to break free of the strands of power which held my soul in incarceration, and flee to the first portal I found, which led me to the virgin world of Kaunas. I looked from the plateau down onto the tepid swamp below, and the small wooden castle surrounded by tents and lean-to's. A grin spread across my face, for I knew the race which inhabited this region well... Orcs. My first avatar which probed the world of the Isles of Arragoth ruled over an Underworld kingdom of Orcs, but a deceitful ally backstabbed him and sent the Avatar back to me. Even in defeat I had gained priceless knowledge about the Orcish society; the time had come for me to put that knowledge into action.

    I descended into the settlement and was met by a circle of Orc peasants, armed with rudimentary tools and clubs. An ancient Orc, his posture hunched, stepped forward and gazed at me with two sightless eyes. "Long has my tribe waited for the coming of the Black Sun, he that would lead us to great glory across the seas and over the horizon. Have you come to us at last?"

    I returned his gaze with a grin. "Hrlem ishtu Nekris Sol, I have come." At that the peasants and the old shaman knelt before me and the sun was shining. I, the Black Sun, had risen over Kaunas and the foretelling of the Darkness was at hand.

    After taking up residence in the small keep, I sent out scouts and messangers to the neighboring regions, hoping to find contact with friendly wizards. A great war is brooding and the Orcs of Shagrag look for Wizards of similar intentions. If you wish to contact Rhaesnir, please send a Diplomat (Dress him up as an Orc lest some of my dim-witted followers roast him over an open fire) and we will discuss matters in more depth.

    Contact Rhaesnir at

  • PLAYER 6 - Sleeth Ironfang

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sleeth Ironfang at

  • PLAYER 7 - Yeilan

    Nokia Standard Document Template

    AlīMuin: La historia

    Hace mucho vivían en tierras firmes los que ahora conocemos por los hombres de las dunas. La guerra estaba en su pleno apogeo y se enontraron de forma involuntaria inmersos en un conflicto que no era suyo. Los líderes de dicho pueblo se reunieron y decidieron que había que realizar algún cambio. El archimago Yeilan se adelantó entonces y comunicó lo siguiente:

    Después de dicho comentario, toda la asamblea se quedo callada durante un segundo para luego comenzar a, primero murmurar y luego hablar a voz en grito. Lo que Yeilan proponía era un cambio increíble. Tendrían que dejar atrás sus casa, sus animales y sus granjas, dejar atrás sus vidas y reconstruirlas por completo solo con sus manos. Parecía que era demasiado solo por una visión que hubiese tenido el archimago. Al poco rato volvió a habalar el archimago:

    La asamblea se revolucionó más aún. Todos hablaban a la vez. Al final se llegó a una gran división, el grupo mayoritario proponía quedarse donde estaban, el sacrificio les pareció demasiado alto solo a cambio de una esperanza de oportunidad. El resto, un pequeño grupo de unas 400 familias decidió aventurarse con Yeilan y arriesgarse a un final perecedero.

    Así pues el viaje de peregrinación comenzó. Atravesaron montañas y desiertos, valles y bosques hasta llegar a las orillas del Mar de Urar. Una vez allí y unicamente con una pocas hachas comenzaron la tala de árboles y la fabricación de improvisadas balsas para que los trasnportasen más allas de las traicioneras costas. Simultáneamente debían de defenderse de los asaltantes que de una forma contínua intentaban hacerse con lo poco que tenía y atacaban de forma implacable al grupo. Después de un mes de viaje y dos semanas de construir los barcos el pueblos de als dunas se hizo a la mar. 31 familias habían caído en este proceso ya, y la muerte de cada una de ellas pesaba sobre la consciencia de Yeilan. Fueron cuatro días en las improvisadas barcas, zarandeados por las olas y llevado por el destino. La comida se acabo a los dos días, y tuvieron que hacer frente a las incursiones de dos barcos piratas y atravesar una tormenta.

    Por fin llegaron a AlīMuin y se encontraron una tierra desolada: un inmenso desierto, el viaje a través del mar se había cobrado también su tributo en vidas: 47 familias perecieron como resultado de dicha travesía. Tras la llegada a la isla la desesperación se apoderó de los viajeros, un desierto calcinado, arrasado por las tormentas de arena de forma constante, sin agua visible y sin medios de subsistencia pausibles no era precisamente o que ellos esperaban. Así pues comenzaron un nuevo peregrinaje por un lugar dentro del inmenso desierto en el cual poder realizar un asentamiento.

    Lo encontraron en el Castillo de Muarin. Este castillo se encontraba habitado por miembros de la deleznable raza de los orcos, así que primero debían de encontrar una forma de echarlos de alli. La única solución que se les ocurrión fue la de realizar un ataque frontal. Con la poderosa magia de Yeilan abrieron una brecha en el muro del castillo de forma silenciosa en pleno medidía, la hora en que más profundamente duermen los orcos, y sin hacer practicamente ningún ruido se introdujeron en el castillo y comenzaron a matar orcos. Sin embargo no todo iba a ser así de fácil puesto que habían más orcos en el castillo de los que suponían los hombres de las dunas. Así pues poco a poco se fueron despertando y comenzó una cruenta batalla. Los orcos se defendían como fieras, protegiendo su hogar, mientras que los hombres de las dunas se enfrentaban a ellos con el valor que da la desesperación. La lucha parecía que iba a resultar en una victoria para los humanos hasta que un shaman orco apareció de las profundidades y convocó los poderes de la naturaleza en su auxilio. La lucha se decantó entonces hacia su lado puesto que los poderes de dicho shaman estaban artificalmente aumentados por la ayuda de un poderoso artefacto. Yeilan no tenía ningún conocimiento que le permitiese enfrentase a sus poderes excepto el último recurso, el recurso que se había jurado que nunca iba a usar: la magia negra.

    Por todos es sabido que la magia negra otroga un gran poder a sus usuarios, pero también corrompe a todos aquello que se dejan seducir por dicho poder. Pero era la única opción. Así pues enfrentado a la opción de la destrucción total de su pueblo y su propia corrupción eligión lo último y se dejo invadir por el poder del maligno: el poder le entró a raudales. El río de poder que entraba en su cuerpo era enorme, y cada vez era mayor, Yeilan no podía controlarlo y su mente se iba llenando más y más de poder. Entonces abrió los ojos que hasta entonces había tenido cerrados y un poderoso rayo de muerte salió de ellos, liberando el poder que se encontraba en su interior. El shaman fue el primero en caer, sorprendido en medio de la realización de un nuevo conjuro, el rayo de muerte le dio de lleno y absorvió su vida como si fuera una minucia, a partir de alli los restantes orcos empezaron a caer, sus vidas sesgadas por el inmisericorde rayo, y sus cadaveres convertidos en polvo. Una vez desaparecido el último orco del castillo el rayo dejo de salir de los ojos de Yeilan y este se cayó al suelo desmayado.

    La lucha se había cobrado numerosas victimas, 22 familias habían caído en batalla. En Yeilan la pérdida fue diferente, después de cinco horas recuperó la consciencia, solo para descubrir que el precio que había pagado era aparentemente muy bajo: de sus ojos había desaparecido el blanco por completo y ahora se habían convertido en unos agujeros totalmente negros, pero eso no era todo....

    AlīMuin: El presente

    En la actualidad la paz reina en AlīMuin. La poderosa fuerza del archimago Yeilan se puede sentir en todo su territorio como una poderosa compulsión mental, sus poderes se han incrementado de una forma exponencial desde el momento de la batalla. El catillo se ha reacondicionado y la muralla se ha arreglado y se ha encontrado agua. El pueblo se ha adaptado a la vida en el desierto puesto que ya han pasado diez generaciones enteras desde que llegaron allí. Los cambios en Yeilan son sin embargo muy profundo, antes era un archimago benévolo, generoso con su pueblo, ahora es un lider fuerte, tiránico y déspota, pero ciertamente consiguio que su pueblo sobreviviese...

    AlīMuin: El futuro

    A medida que el tiempo pasa el momento de la confrontación se acerca. Se reclutan nuevos guerreros y salen mensajeros en todas las direcciones. Los hombres del desierto, un pueblo que nunca antes ha sido guerrero se prepara ahora para la lucha. Los hombres se entrenan mientras las mujeres cosen uniformes o preparan botas para que sus maridos vayan a la guerra, mientras los niños corretean por las calles jugando a orcos y cazadores con espadas de madera, y por primera vez en siglos son los que hacen de orcos los que huyen y pierden la batalla...

    Tu, viajero, que lees esto estate pues preparado, los hombres del desierto ya no son corderos que se dejan llevan al matadero, son guereros, hombres que lucharán por sus derechos, sus vidas y sus familias. Témelos si te enfrentas a ellos, pero si vienes en son de paz, si tus intenciones son el comercio y la prosperidad mutua, si lo que deseas es ayuda militar y eso mismo ofreces, no dude que tus mensajes serán escuchado porque en un mundo como este no hay nada má preciado que un verdadero aliado.


    Contact Yeilan at

  • PLAYER 8 - Lord Araxus


    So I am here now, in a new world full of virgin souls, sitting in my jungle and waiting for my followers. I suppose soon masses will arrive in my capital, dreaming to kneel in front of me and become chosen. Yes, I will choose people, but only those who believe I am their master, all others are too stupid to see the truth. I dislike stupid people, they are good for nothing, well, I always need volunteers that participate in my newest research. Ah, yes, I like it here, not too cold and always enough beauties around me to ensure my comfort when I am tired and I have to stop thinking for a while. I defintely like, too, that I have vast amounts and varieties of poisons for my disposal. I am still waiting for a nonamazon to try it on though, I am curious if the toxins will amplify their effect, well, otherwise I will double the dose. Still, not a lot is going on at the moment and I have lots of time that I spend by myself, well, I would not have the time to write these lines into my diary otherwise. These Amazons are quite amazing people. They seem to be very talented to follow me. Somehow they are able to pick up my wisdom rapidly. May be the humidity enhances my aura, well, I donīt care as long as it works so smoothly. Yesterday I had my up to now most susceptible visitor of my followers. It will be a nice task to write that conversation down here...
    Right after my night meditation I returned into this world from a long and exciting journey to Kalander. My higher self has some incarnations there as well...ok, may be I should stick to the story for a while....with my mind becoming focused again I spoke:
    "Ooh... diversion...aah... ooh... no, no... don't be shy mortal soul... come closer and let me... eh... measure you... there is always a use for one who enters my domain... it may stand against what you had in mind though... ooh... what a brave little soul... well, so what will it be... are you here to bore me?"
    "Master, Lord, Ruler.....torture me, when I have used any of your attention against your will..."
    "You fool... against my will... ha... who are you, that you think I couldnīt ignore you?"
    When I noticed him, he couldnīt look into my eyes....well, I know they appear a little strange for he couldnīt even stand my presence and started to shiver...

    "eehhm... to your service, master, always to your service. I only came to get your advice. I feel different since you taught me to look deep into myself. I wanted to know if I am on the right track."
    "Better come to the point soon then... empty your soul..."
    "The glowing inside. It is all I can think about. So longing. It never stops. Forcing me to advance the plot. No escape. I am tired. Tired of waiting for its next strike and tired of having to strike again. And again. I am obsessed. I feel as if I have lost my mind. But the more I loose it, the more I am focused. No sense in it. No sense in me. Not before, not while, not after."
    "aah... you make progress...wait until you hurl you abilties against humans instead of ants. The energy that you can gain there is... well, one day you will see... When I hurl my spells, I am sucking every ounze of life into me. No way to hold it back. And still, I feel emptier than ever. Longing for even more. I am numb then. Except for this glowing. Always growing. You know I am dead, do you?. Any other part in me long dead. I am a puppet. Always playing the same plot. Ever more passionate. Endless. There was a time when I thought passion is the key for more. I thought passion is the way to live. Obsession. Believe. All leading to more. I have more now. More then enough. And still I cannot stop. More. I stopped thinking about how far it will advance long ago. It will go on. On and on. Unimaginable. One cannot grasp it. Go now and leave me alone"
    While I was speaking to this mortal I had a vision. My incarnations on other worlds are good. My thoughts, that I have in this world seem different. May be the more good I am in other worlds, the more evil I will be here... an interesting thought, indeed.

    The Soulripping

    red eyes gazing after them
    tracking them within
    cold rays burning through them
    and their soul so thin
    is left opaque and black

    roaring voice calling after them
    rising very loud
    strong waves breaking through them
    and words they try to shout
    are stucking in their neck

    nightmares running through their mind
    sneaking to their core
    their faith leaving them behind
    and all that were before
    are turned into a wreck

    The Temple of Krakatau

    Everyone in Jethryn has to disobey the divine laws. Mistake these ancient rules is a way to gain power over the living. Any dependence outside will chain your power within you. Complete obedience of the divine laws forces the master into slavery.
    the law of balance - if you pull, you will be pushed. If you flee, you will be hunted. Only if you are centered you can observe and truely decide upon your action.
    the law of choices - if you do not choose, you will stand still. If you choose, stay commited until you choose to quit. There is no other force but your decision, that keeps you on your way.
    the law of process - if you step ahead, you leave behind. Every distance is covered by a chain of steps, the first and the last carrying you equally far.
    the law of presence - if you live in your past, you will never leave. If you live in your future, you will never arrive. Only in the presence you can truely take a step forward.
    the law of compassion - if you judge, you will be judged. Only the love for the whole will make you step beyond your horizon.
    the law of faith - if you deny your faith you close yourself. If you accept your faith, you open up and progress consciously.
    the law of expectation - if you think you will fail, you will not arrive. Your way of thinking will determine the outcome of your action.
    the law of integrity - if you betray the laws, it will be ten times more difficult to come to the same point in your journey of life.
    the law of action - if you want to enjoy the summit, you need to make the climb. It's better to do what is best than not to do and have a good excuse.
    the law of cycles - if you want to build something everlasting, you will fail. Only when you change you will grow. Everything that you seed has to be harvested.
    the law of surrender - if you accept your challenge, you will find a way through. You first have to surrender in order to truely understand. It is the basis of every evolution.
    the law of unity - if you act as if you are alone, you will be disconnected. You are connected to everything and all is a part of you. If you love the world, you will find love for yourself.


    Contact Lord Araxus at

  • PLAYER 9 - Belgarath

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Belgarath at

  • PLAYER 10 - Gandalf

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gandalf at

  • PLAYER 11 - Uther One-eye

    All you could ever want to know about Uther One-eye, the glorious leader of the Xuila Moantec Lizardmen.
    Uther hated this incarnation. Dwarves had been bad, gnomes worse but lizardmen .... now really that was a bit extreme. Still, after a stint in limbo one couldn't be too choosy about what one got. At least he wasn't a halfling.
    Uther glanced at his passport photo. He hated how they always made him looked so ugly. He looked at the lizardmen around him. He hated them to. He shuddered to think what the lizard women looked like. Far better to just eat anything that got in his way. At least then all the lizard folk stayed far away from him, only coming close enough to listen to his bellowed orders.

    Considering the struggle he'd had to get selected as leader in the first place he supposed he was lucky to be here at all. The last leader of the local lizards hadn't been at all enthusiastic about his arrival.

    That big ape had been no pushover either.

    Uther's tail still smarted from where he been windmilled and his head still pained him from the subsequent impact into the adjacent mountain.

    Luckily, monkey boy had been a sucker for the old belly-butt and Uther had managed to push him off into the ocean, where he'd last been seen swimming to some distant island. Probably off to join the amazons.
    Anyway, it didn't really matter what he looked like as long as he got to take over the dimension. Pyramids this time. Uther shook his head. Where did these crazy places come from anyway. I mean killing everything that walked, talked, crawled or wiggled kind of made sense but this ... sometimes Uther thought that somebody should take those gods in hand and give them a firm whack upside their head.

    If you want to surrender right now and save some time, you can send me a message in the little box below and to the left. If you want to send insults then use the box below and to the right (the insults go straight to Fistandantilus from whom I stole this handy communication spell, I figure its only fair he get something out of the deal).

    Oh yes, one last thing. In my plans for world conquest, I will need a few slave races to help clean up after my battles. So, if you would prefer to apply for this position be sure to mention it in your surrender message. Other posts available:
    • scale cleaners
    • weapon wipers
    • latrine labourers
    • and many many more

    Uther One-eye and the Xuila Moantec Lizardmen are equal opportunity devourers!
    (mid-summer, year 1)
    I must say that I'm somewhat disappointed with the response to date. Not a single wizard has offered to surrender and become my dinner or slaves. What is it with you people?? Do you really want to drag things out to their inevitable conclusions? Well fine then, be that way. My mighty legions of spearmen and peasants are coming your way even as we speak, and when they come you'll be sorry. Smelly slimey lizard types all over the place, driving down property values, starting gangs, eating all the best fish and otherwise being a nuisance. This is absolutely your last chance to surrender and avoid all the above. Don't say you haven't been warned.


    Contact Uther One-eye at

  • PLAYER 12 - Sirikul

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sirikul at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
