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Game 62 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Fizzle

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Fizzle at

  • PLAYER 2 - Aeneas





    Screams of pain, anguish, terror, despair, the smell of blood, the dark clouds, the sound of thunder and the bloody lighting, babies crying, sad faces, haggard looking up. YES I LIKE MY CITY!. This is as every other city in Kaunas should be. No weakness allowed at Minotaur domains. I am the greatest, the biggest, the most powerful of us all thus I command, I am the owner of lives, the commander of the armies, the giving of justice?, well my justice anyhow. Little babies cry at the sound of my name, entire nations humiliate themselves and knee before me, and soon Kaunas will respect me for what I am.  

    Pain and despair must reign in this world, the dark gods provided us the means to enter so we could made the habitants suffer. Are you going to forget why we are here? If you are, watch your back!. Every Minotaur under my command will be reminding you why we are here, and if you forget the means we will use to remind you may be fatal to your health.  

    A new era has began. We aim to convert to darkness every single creature in this world. We may do it alone but we will welcome some help. No need of help though, but companions with taste are always good partners. If you get tired of their company you can turn on them and make their damnable minds and bodies suffer too.  

    Our city is built over the bones of those we defeated, their heads are the walls of our houses and their offspring is our current slave population. Our palaces are decorated with the bodies of our most powerful enemies and their women serve us in any, and I say any, degradating way you could thing about. We live of the treasures we steal, and no luxuries are permitted if you don't belong to the upper class, which in our society is formed by the strongest ones. Creation is forbidden for our race. Our Childs are schooled in death and misery. They are teached how to kill, steal, torture and bring misery to everyone but them and the strongest of their race. Thus we consider ourselves the chosen ones by the Dark Gods and able to fulfil all their biddings.  

    Now that you know about us, let me introduce myself and my household. I am Aeneas of the Death Lock Clan. I killed my fist victim at 6 with a spoon and knew how to torture any kind of living creature at the age of 7, giving great pleasure to my elders who knew I would rise higher than anyone. You should know that the torture of death creatures is a more complicated thing that I am now proficient at. At 13 years old I was already the hidden head of my clan. At 16 I did finish forever the struggle between my clan and that of our powerful and lifetime enemies the Black Blood Clan. I completely wiped them and no survivors remain to be seen. Oh, pardon me, my first salve was the former head of that clan. He can no longer say anything, or for that matter see or smell. No ears, eyes or nose decorate his body now, they are included among the many items we have in the treasure vaults of my palace. He know cleans my wastes everyday. At 18 years I was already a formidable force for my race, after a short but bitter fight I took control of our nation and killed those that opposed me. In short I was going to take control of our cousins to the west, but a cataclysm stroke our nation and separated the two branches of the same race far away from each other. I hope their leader is as strong as me and can join me in the destruction of this world. Our race is supreme and if he is a weak link I will dispose of him, be sure of that. As I was saying I have been for four years now the unchallenged leader of my race. I aim to create the most powerful alliance of this word and to destroy the last remnants of goodness that I or my allies can find. Pain and suffering must reign in Kaunas and that's law for me and my minions. My nation is ready, and now we are getting on the move. New land will be conquered and enslaved, and new materials and treasures will be buried in our palace cells.  

    I just suggest you to send a message by magic means if you want to join me and my slaves in the conquest of this world. So I say, let the strongest reign and the weak live in suffering and pain.  

     Aeneas, Bloody Leader of the Death Lord Clan.              



    Contact Aeneas at

  • PLAYER 3 - Syt Dai'kon


    • The day of promise
      The Dark Elves of Kashar have lived in their isolated underworlds for many centuries. They never let visotors inside their town of the sand. On rare occasion a fully packed dried out merchants caravan may stop by at the city gate to trade with the Dark Elf population. Not much is known the Dark Elf inhabitants of the region, except that they live according to the obligation of the promise. Long ago a very wise and old Dark Elf priest made a prophesy about the one who would come to lead the nation to victory. Bring the world back in balance together with those races who would form perfect harmony together with the Dark Elf of Kashar. And according to the time table that person had to stand up and take the leadership of the tribe this year. Eager to find their glory the Dark Elves sent out scouts and sniffers to find a man of great glory. Unaware of what to look for they were not aware of a strange glooming light in the deep burial cellars of the rock city of Kashar. There where the ancient and most glorious warriors had found there final resting place was a large tombe build in the centre of the room. And the only spot of light that fell through a hole in the stone ceiling at noon fell directly on the carvings on top of this tombe. The letters could not be read by any of the wise Dark Elf scolars. Nobody knew when the grave had been placed there, all that was known was that it had always been there. And the last couple of weeks it had begun to glow in a strange purple gloom. During clouded nights one could catch a little bit of purple light coming out of the rock, but noone noticed it. Then suddenly the rock hold began to shake at its foundation. Afraid of their life the Dark Elves fled outside of their homes in panic. The leaders tried to move the crowd in an organised patterns when the trembling stopped, just as sudden as it had started. After that a bright light shone from the entrance of the burial cave. The inhabitants of Kashar hurried toward the light both afraid and anxious of the source of this bright light. There stood a being, shape of a man but with the skin and eyes of a sand wyrm. His movements were a perfect flow of controlled motions. His muscles in absolute control, he walked toward the gathering of people.
      I am Syt Dai'kon he said. I've been born from the desert and waited for my time to come under the protection of my people. The time has come that the world will be cleaned of all unbalancing factions. Once again the other races shall feel the power of the Dark Elves of Kashar. Bring me to the palace, there is no time to lose.

    • Scrubbum
      This is the story of Scrubbum, Advisor of the Earth. Chief of military advancement under Syt Dai'kon till the day of promise. Scrubbum was born 30 years aga as the first son of Situ, clan leader of Kashar. This made him heir of the clan chief. Thus said, Scrubbum was the chief of the Dark Elves when Syt Dai'kon woke up to take command. Scrubbum thinks he's the mighty chief of all ages, cause he was the one who was chosen to guide his people under the one who was promised. Some have doubts about the abilities of Scrubbum, but Syt Dai'kon kept him on to keep the good faith up for the people of Kashar. He has got the full trust of Syt Dai'kon and those who reveal their doubts on Scrubbum should watch their tongues closely.

    I will soon allow visitor in the hidden Dark Elf capital, but for now you will have to do with the silent notes sent by my underworld scouts.

    Send a messenger to Kashar

    Contact Syt Dai'kon at

  • PLAYER 4 - Talitha Darkmoon

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Talitha Darkmoon at

  • PLAYER 5 - Sirikul

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sirikul at

  • PLAYER 6 - Gorm

    Somewhere, deep in the Traxcan forest, two shapes move down a seldom =
    used path as shadows slither through the trees with the coming =
    "What will he sssay?" asks the shorter figure.
    "What can he sssay? We are victoriousss. The War endsss." replies the =
    "But what do we now, Ssselisss?"
    "We are the Ssstong. We will find new Enemiesss to ssslay. You worry too =
    much, Achesss."
    "But who ssshall we attack? We have only friendsss left. The othersss =
    are all gone?"
    "We have no friendsss. We are the ssstrongessst ssspeciesss. We had =
    alliesss. That War endsss. A new arrivesss. We ssshall have new =
    enemiesss. Perhapsss even new alliesss."
    "But who ssshall we sssurprisss, and who ssshall we sssupport?"
    "Gorm decidesss..."
    And as they climb the steps of the ancient tower there words fade. But =
    the last word floats back.

    Contact Gorm at

  • PLAYER 7 - Uther One-eye

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Uther One-eye at

  • PLAYER 8 - Owen Deathstalker


    reetings Glorious Wizards of Kaunas,

    I am Owen Deathstalker, Leader of the Jethryn Amazons. For centuries we have battled many of those who lay claim to our lands, and yet we still survive... here... in Kaunas, and will continue to do so against all those that threaten our way of life.

    With that warning aside, we would like to extend our hospitality and friendship to all those who wish to exist, with us, in peace and harmony. Let it be known that any messengers that we receive shall be fed, entertained and well rested before he, or she, is sent back home, with news of trade or alliance, or perhaps, even both!

    We are of a peaceful race, who like nothing better than to hunt in this jungle we call home. There are plenty of food to support our people as well as to provide as resource for trade. We also lumber the ancient trees which make the area a very dense jungle. All offers of trade will be considered.

    So, it all boils down to the control of these Pyramids of Nature. Well, we amazons for one, will not be left behind, so you can be sure we will strive to survive, and control most, if not all, of these pyramids. Which of you would like to ally with us, I wonder?

    As I finish this letter, I leave you with one last thought... and that is... cross us Amazons at your own peril, for we do not give up easily and make vicious enemies,... I anxiously await your messengers.

    Owen Deatlhstalker,

    General of the Amazons of Jethryn



    Welcome one, welcome all... to the dense jungle that is, Jethryn. We are one of the last two remaining Amazon outposts left on Kaunas. We are situated near the deserts of Astak, where the Sandpeople live. We have yet to make contact with these fierce people, but we remain hopeful.

    Our homes are built high in the ancient branches of the great Redwood trees which grow in our dense jungle. We like a good hunt and, and every day we bring enough food for our children, but yet we go back, for the love of hunting.

    After a hard days work, what better way than to relax with a tankard of mead and some good company! We gather in our local tavern, The Silver Fox. Legend has it that a Silver Fox lives in these woods, whose age is beyond counting. It appeared when our first ancestors stepped into these woods, and it lead the way to the heart of the jungle, where they built the First Home. Some local folk say that they see a silver fox everytime they go home at night... as if guiding them to our houses. Personally, I'd say they were too drunk to be believed. Also, even though we are not known for our music, we sure can kick up a good tune or two, before the drink of the Gods gets to us. We look forward to drinking with you in the future!

    We are led by our great leader Owen Deathstalker, whose past still remains a mystery. He appeared many moons ago, during the Times of Hunger, when it seems that the jungle was hostile to our folk, and refused to support us. As it turned out, an evil mage had moved into the woods to conduct his sorcery. His magic corrupted the trees and animals, but Owen saved the day. He battled the evil mage for 13 days and 13 nights, until he was utterly defeated. Today, we are still trying to recover from our past, but live to battle again one day... 

    As for neighbours, we have them mysterious Sandpeople, whom we haven't heard from at all. They be hardy folk, I'm sure, with enough zest and zeal for life live out there in the desert, where nothing grows! We wish them the best of luck, and keep a lookout for any messengers that they may send our way.

    With that, I leave you with a picture of quieter and more peaceful time,... may Lady Fate smile upon you all, and visit us soon!


    local clown, and proud of it!


    Contact Owen Deathstalker at

  • PLAYER 9 - Talruum the Fierce

    Talruum gazed across the warrens of Krog Tukbax and the far-reaching
    mountains of his homeland, Mt. Martir.  He had just won the right to lead
    his people in the traditional way of the minotaurs only minutes before.
    Now, he stood in the clearing holding the head of his opponent by the horns,
    victorious: a champion.
    Basking in victory was not something he could afford to do, not if he wanted
    his people to prosper and flourish.  He barked out orders, "Tell the slaves
    to move out and take the surrounding lands for us.  And remind them what
    happens if they decide they do not wish to work for us."  With that, he
    threw the head of his one-time opponent to one of his lieutenants and
    snorted contemptuously, before moving on to his next task.  He knew that the
    kobolds could be counted on to do his bidding.  They were, after all,
    cowards and weaklings.  But even weaklings in great numbers can be a
    formidable opponent.  Yes, the kobolds would do his bidding, because they
    were too stupid and cowardly to realize that they might actually have a
    chance of escaping.  "Keep the lash on them, and they won't have the
    strength to escape.", he thought to himself.
    The mountains could be inhospitable to those who did not know their way
    around them.  Talruum knew that he must figure out a way to get his troops
    to the front lines faster, so he ordered the construction of paths.  He also
    knew that his people needed to have some time to themselves, for the period
    of trials was soon to come.  So, he ordered that a tavern be built also.  
    After carousing for some hours with some of his friends, he went back to the
    now reeking carcass of the former king of the minotaurs.  Using his great
    war axe, he started to dismember his former teacher and king and called out
    to his messengers.  "Take these to the outer reaches of our kingdom.  When
    you meet a stranger from another tribe or people, show them this and say
    "Talruum was merciful to him.  Join us, or prepare for an even worse fate.
    --- Now, GO!!"
    Do you wish to join Talruum and his cause, or do you wish to vanish into
    anonymity?  The minotaurs are a mighty warrior race and will behave
    accordingly.  The minotaurs will not hide behind magic as some other races
    do.  No, the minotaurs will develop a mighty army that will challenge any
    who come up against it.  

    Contact Talruum the Fierce at

  • PLAYER 10 - Nicolas

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nicolas at

  • PLAYER 11 - Marcil van Dramo



    Hail honorable wizards....

    The name be Dramo, and I be the new ruler of the Lizardmen peoples of Xuila Moantec. Out in our 'ere jungle, liards are a bit different than they once used to be. We chop down rotted trees for wood, sweat green blood, and fight with pride, honor, and loyalty -- usually; But now our purposes have changed, and the chameleon assassins have been born anew.

    No longer do we take pleasure in the beauty of nature as we once did, nor thrive for the precious warmth of sunlight on our scales -- We have become one with the darkness and the endless terrain of endless bogs, angry volcanoes, and the dying jungle forests - and have thus come to accept this new life as our own. Inevitiably such living conditions have scarred us in ways we might little notice any more, but never let it be known that the Lizardmen of Xuila Moantec show disdain for any of the druid races who so selfishly put us here. We have found peace amongst our tools and our toil, mining stone, gems, and mithril, harvesting grain, and endlessly chopping down the once beautiful jungles without any knowledge of day or night ~ Here our struggle to be stronger, brighter, and more productive than our self-righteous dwelling neighbors is non-stop. We shall not cease in our efforts to be anything less than perfectionists, and to bury all who attempt to stand before us.

    Unlike others of our people who have grown restless and contemptuous of their once friends among the other races doomed to survive with what little we have been given, we of Xuila Moantec strive to work once again towards unity. We believe that in alliance, that ignorance and hatred, which has separated all our peoples from that race which the Gods all intended us to be, shall be overcome and forgotten. We can not acheive these goals alone, and do not proclaim to be able to do so. The efforts of diplomacy with all the races and peoples of Kaunas has been a high priority for our nation of late, and that is why we have a new ruler to lead us to prosperity once again. His name is Dramo - and he is Thane over the Jungle. I do be him. One might ask how a dwarven metalsmith came to be ruler of a surface dwelling race of half lizards, half human people - I myself am not so sure I will admit. However my efforts have been successful before and the knowledge of how to rule a nation is within my abilities - the liardmen take great pride in having a spokesman that is not of their own, and will not be doomed to failure, or killed anew in battle by the first arrow as has been the case of late it would seem. I make no promises for them, and they expect nothing - yet somehow we both seem to know more than we let on, and I have full confidence that we shall not only survive, but prosper and conquer all who would oppose.

    May all the rulers of Kaunas know that wisdom and justice abounds when they do speak my name - Peace, generosity, and mercy are as overflowing, but also quick to come by is the demonic anger of a Dwarf in a humid jungle with a leech up his....well you get the point.

    You can contact me, Thane Dramo through any of my numerous diplomats, who even now roam the lands of Kaunas in search of worthy allies, beneficial partners in trade, and possibly, future subjects of the merciless wrath of Dramo.

    Contact Marcil van Dramo at

  • PLAYER 12 - Mitsushi

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Mitsushi at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
