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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 81 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Abbadon

    <font size=3D+1>Abbaddon Speaks</font> Abbaddon Speaks
     Greetings my fellow Wizards! Allow=20
    me to introduce myself.My name is Abbaddon,=20
    the great ruler of the Dwarven Underworld.
    Standing beside me is my dear daughter,=20
    Aina Selving. You might see her name show=20
    up in some articles because i have sent her=20
    to do some negotiations for me. She will be=20
    taking on two sets of jobs.One, as an=20
    Ambassador, and the other as Princess of=20
    the Dwarves.
     The people that are standing behind=20
    me are my Advisors.They help me figure out=20
    what to attack and when. They also help=20
    me with the economic desicions that i make.=20
    They all have different personalities so=20
    that they will have diff. choices as to=20
    what to do.One of them is a Paranoid kind,=20
    and always want to keep everything secure=20
    and safe. Another is very optimistic and=20
    always think that something good will=20
    always happen. And of course when there=20
    is an optimistic man, a pesimist always=20
    have to be hired to look at the opposite=20
    side of things.  I have many more advisors.=20
    some of the unmentioned personalities are=20
    conservative, liberal and violent.I've hired=20
    these people so that i can look at all sides.=20
    though all these sound good (at least to me=20
    it does) a problem came up. Now i have over=20
    20 diferent choices on economics, and about=20
    30 on military. choosing from that many, may=20
    take days or even weeks to get the right ones.=20
    B'cause of that i have employed my daughter to
    help me decide. (: she's 21 years old so don't=20
    think that i hired a little girl to keep the=20
    empire running :)=20
     Lets talk about our main oppressor, =20
    Arragoth. I would like  to know some things=20
    about him. like when he is going to appear=20
    with his so called lava legions and how do=20
    i kill them. Do i use  magic or just plain=20
    old army?Is there a way to completely=20
    eliminate Aragoth? how about the lava dudes?
    how many of the lava dude will attack at a=20
    time? will they act like wandering monsters?=20
    Can a beastmaster charm them? Those are just=20
    a few questions of mine about this guy=20
    everybody talks about. =20
     If i see any of the other empires=20
    i will try to make a trade agreementand a=20
    peace treaty. If they dont want to have
     peace or trade then they are of no use=20
    to my empire and I will  have to be forced=20
    to eradicate them. After all no one wants=20
    to have garbage in their empire.=20
    Descriptions ------------ Formal Name
    Paranoid ---------------- Ronald Ironfist =20
    Optimist ---------------- Lady Carmine (nun)
    Pesimist ---------------- Archibald Ironfist
    Conservative ------------ Heather Dreamwright
    Liberal ----------------- unknown ( for some odd reason he dont
                                        want anybody to know his name )      =
    Violent ----------------- Everil Nightcrawler
     Each and every one of these people=20
    have a story of their own. Ronald Ironfist,=20
    a former ruler of Erathia ( a land from=20
    another world) He came to our world seeking=20
    those who destroyed his empire. He has been
    known as the paranoid one because he=20
    preapared his castle so much, and he
    thought his castle was unpenetrable. He=20
    became relaxed, a little too relaxed.
    He thought nothing can possibly get passed=20
    his castle defences, when suddenly=20
    he heard a loud cry for battle. He=20
    immediately looked out his window and
    saw an army unlike any he has ever seen.=20
    Since his cabin was at the top of one=20
    of the towers, he can see at all sides=20
    of his castle. He looked at one side=20
    and saw the army. He wasn't too worried=20
     hinking that his castle can defend itself=20
    from any attacks. When he turned to go back=20
    to bed, he saw an uncountable amount of=20
    torches outside his north window and=20
    thought to himself, hmmmm two attacks=20
    well thats not too much. then he thought=20
    if there is one at the north window and=20
    one at the south window there must be=20
    one at the east and west window as well.=20
    So he looked and saw armies at each=20
    side of the castle. HE began to worry.=20
    Then he took a closer look, and he saw=20
    that the norhtern and southern armies=20
    consist of undead armies such as Zombies,=20
    Skeletons Vampires, and the worst of=20
    them all, the one he feared the most,
    The Black Knight.He saw these kind of=20
    armies at his north and south window.=20
    Then he took a look at the east window=20
    and saw a massive amount of human armies=20
    that consists of Master Swordsmen, Champion=20
    of the swords, Initiates, Bandits, Rogues,
     and the one that he feared the most in=20
    the whole human empire (it does not consist=20
    of the undead empire) The one that the=20
    legend said he has slain over 30,000 men=20
    and has destroyed an outpost of devils all=20
    by himself, his name is feared through out
    the whole land of Erathia. He is even feared=20
    by some from the undead lands of Deyja and=20
    the Pit. His real name is kept hidden from=20
    regular men. But everyone that know him and=20
    every one that has heard of him call him=20
    "The Living Legend." And he is the one that=20
    is leading the whole human army to battle.=20
    Ronald begins to worry, he begins to doubt=20
    his castles defences. Then finaly he saw a=20
    completely different kind of army to his=20
    west window. It seem like The Astral Empire=20
    has just declared war upon him. We know=20
    very little about this empire because everyone=20
    that came to their land (The Land Of The=20
    Giants) never came back to tell their tale.=20
    This Astral Army consist of Titans and Dragons.=20
    And the Fearless leader of this Army is the=20
    one called "The Blood Titan." No one dares=20
    to oppose this mighty army. Because not even=20
    the combined power of both the human and the=20
    undead army can defeat a quarter of this=20
    "Astral Army." After Ronald saw this massive=20
    force, he went straight to the stargate that=20
    his Warlocks have assembled. This "stargate"
    can bring Ronald into any of the worlds he=20
    want. Unfortunately he didnt have time to=20
    set it properly and it started to fall apart.=20
    fortunately he was able to go to another=20
    world before this incredible invention fell=20
    apart. Perhaps the most fortunate thing that=20
    happend is that this machine fell apart=20
    and was detroyed before it fell upon the=20
    hands of the world conquerors ( Astral=20
    Army). And thatis how Ronald Ironfist=20
    came to this world.

    Contact Abbadon at

  • PLAYER 2 - Mongo

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Mongo at

  • PLAYER 3 - elfmagic

    I am elfmagic, king of the Dark Elves. Fear me not, I
    wish to form a strong allaince with others. Send your
    messenger to me all respond in the same fashion. Send
    your army to me and I'll unleash my minions and dark
    magic to eradicate your race from the planet.

    Contact elfmagic at

  • PLAYER 4 - Welkin

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Welkin at

  • PLAYER 5 - Umbra Shalos

    Chapter 1 -- The Perils of Micromanaging
    Umbra Shalos waved and nodded to the passing Plainsman and his wolf 
    companion, inwardly wondering how he ever got into this mess. After all, 
    Umbra himself was not a Plainsman at all, but a Dark Elf. He muttered 
    something about "ruling in Hell" and considered writing a three-part epic 
    about the politics of the Outer Planes.  Fortunately for the rest of the 
    world, he resisted that urge.
    A peasant walked up to him, holding out his hand, "Feed me."
    Sighing, Umbra handed the peasant some food. He hated the Plainsman custom of 
    the lord being directly responsible for feeding the populace, and he hadn't 
    yet had the time to set up a proper feudal system. Then he remembered he was 
    handing out double rations to improve morale, so he handed the peasant 
    another helping.
    "Thanks, Lord Umbra! By the way, that tavern should be done soon. That idea 
    you had about fermenting grain was great! We're looking forward to trying it 
    out! Um, by the way, we need more wood and stone. Can you drop some by 
    sometime this afternoon?"
    Umbra cursed silently, and picked up the handles of his handcart to head back 
    to the castle. Mr. Wolf Companion was going to have a little surprise 
    promotion tomorrow, and he will get to do the handcart! Either that, or Umbra 
    would have to invent a "feed five thousand" spell sometime...
    Chapter 2 -- The Perils of Not Micromanaging
    "Militia... MARCH!" Umbra shouted. He returned to his castle, confident in 
    the ability of his troops. His confidence took a hit the next day, when he 
    realized that his troops were still standing out there. They had apparently 
    ignored his orders.
    He walked up to his newly appointed commander and asked, "Why haven't they 
    moved yet?"
    The commander shrugged, "You ordered the militia to march. The last I heard, 
    all the troops were designated commoners, after eliminating a few of your 
    less friendly choices. Since none of them were militia, well, they stayed 
    "Excuse me," Umbra said quietly. "I'm going back to my castle to beat my head 
    on the wall a little bit. That seems more constructive than what I'm doing 
    The commander looked confused, "Some sort of magical ritual, Sire?"
    Shaking his head, Umbra stomped away. At the last moment, he whirled around, 
    snarling, "Tell the commoners to move out, whenever you feel you have the 
    time. I have a headache, and need to go home."
    "Then banging your head on the wall would not be healthful," noted the 
    "Just do your job, and let me do mine, won't you?" The commander walked 
    toward his troops, marveling at the bravery of his new lord. It seemed their 
    Fearless Leader was willing to endure any amount of pain for their sake. He 
    could only return the favor.
    He summoned a sergeant, "Tell the men to build a wall right there. When it is 
    done, I will bang my head on it, then my master told me to order the troops 
    to move out!"
    "Yes, sir!" beamed the sergeant. "Commencing the wall building right away, 
    (3 days later...)
    Umbra looks out from his castle balcony and sees his entire army bashing 
    their heads on the multitudes of walls that had sprung up overnight. He 
    immediately gives up all hope of understanding his troops, and goes back to 
    Chapter 3: What's Those Lumpy Things?
    The Plainsman with the wolf met Umbra in a dusty room that was 
    euphemistically called "The War Room". So far, their meager conquest efforts 
    were unopposed. Umbra cleared his throat, "Ahem! What news, Wolf?"
    The messenger looked confused for a moment, then turned to his wolf companion 
    with a peculiar set of barks and growls. The wolf answered in kind, and the 
    messenger replied, "Hunting is good. Lots of big lumps in land, though. 
    People are lumpy too."
    Umbra cast a quick spell, and spoke directly to the wolf, "All right, maybe 
    you can tell me what's going on in a bit more detail!"
    "Dark two-legged one shows wisdom at last," the wolf replied.  "This one 
    sensed gnomes in the hills.  They said they wouldn't mind giving you some of 
    their scrap stone and metal, in exchange for protection. They are a 
    scatterbrained folk, but reasonable."
    After absorbing the information, Umbra dismissed the messenger and companion. 
    After they left, Umbra smiled, "I see I've finally figured out how to talk to 
    these people!"
    Chapter 4: The Story Continues... the News section.  I'm pretty sure people are getting kind of tired of 
    seeing me making my blurb 5 miles longer each turn!

    Contact Umbra Shalos at

  • PLAYER 6 - Erkinwhine

    Sorry, no time this week. No blurb. But, hey, this is a good chance to find 
    out how much you like my work. If you like my blurbs and would like to see 
    them each week, check into Erkinwhine's Home on the WWW and 
    write someting to that effect in my guestbook.

    I've almost maxed out the reward, and larger and larger posts are required with more and more html. But if I know my work is appreciated, I'll keep it up even if there is no reward.

    Contact Erkinwhine at

  • PLAYER 7 - Lister

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Lister at

  • PLAYER 8 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 9 - Lister


    <font size=3D+1>Intro to Dr. Dirt</font> Intro to Dr. Dirt

    Greetings, I am Dr. Dirt of the San-Empire, lord over all vacuum cleaners, construction sites, under bed areas, and ... you get the picture. If you have unfriendly intentions, beware, my spies are everywhere. Just look in the corners of your house, and there I am! Truly, "Dirt is everywhere".

    For those of you who have been following this blurb story, let me re-cap a little before going on. My wife is Ruby Dirt, a stunning Jewel elemental, made entirely of red crystal. She is sweet, loving, dedicated, and ... allergic to me.

    After nearly assassinating your friendly dictator with her nuclear sneezes (a creature of rock doing this tends to leave bullet holes in nearby objects), she figures out what is going on, and has tearfully left, seeking an answer in the wilderness.

    For those of you not familiar with the story, here is the the last episode, followed by new ones:

    ... the 3rd week ...

    Queen Ruby laid on her bed, tissues nearby, with a rather large pile of used ones overflowing the trash can. She was just sniffling a little while reading a book. She was feeling better now, the sneezing fits seemed to come and go. Her mind wasn't really on the romance novel in her hands, she stared at it blankly while pondering what was causing these allergies that were threatening to wear her rock-hard nose down flat.

    Doctor Dirt strode into the room with a loving smile, "How are you doing today, my sweetie?". "Better dear", she attempted a smile, "AHCHOO!!!!". Dr. Dirt hit the deck with amazing speed, thinking, "I've been around Strick's squad too long". It was a good thing, as a irregular hail of red bullets hit a nearby wall. Fortunately, she had been facing at a slight angle away from him. "Wheze...thpppt...cough...cough". After a few nose blowings, Dr. Dirt decided it was safe to get back up again. "Thorry, dear. I thud I wath over thith". The Doc hugged his wife, and said, "You know, this allergy has wreaked havoc with our intimate times. I can't seem to get close to you these days..." Her face abruptly screwed up, and with amazing dexterity, Dirt went prone on the floor in nothing flat. He was thankful for his quick reflexes as he looked at the star pattern of rock indentations in the wall above him.

    A series of fragmentation blasts his wife called sneezes went off over head, while Dirt huddled for dear life. He could see he was going to have to give up being "dirty-minded" for a while. Exercising the better part of valor, he crawled out of the room, using the bed for cover.

    An hour later, Ruby Dirt came to a horrible thought, "Could I be allergic to my husband?" She considered disguising herself and heading off to the Witchdoctor, but a woman consisting entirely of red stone was just too unique to hide. So the lovely Empress headed off, and soon confirmed, she was allergic to molds and dust mites. She ran out of town, crying her eyes out.

    Doctor Dirt missed this spectacle because he was visiting the shire's astrologer and Seer of the spirit realm, a robed and turbaned Chinaman by the name of "Shang Hai Noone".

    "Gleetings, revered Emperla", he spoke with a noticable accent as he bowed before Dirt. "Wat may humble servant do for glate empler?". In a lot clearer Basic, Dirt summed it up with business efficency, "I suspect the Queen lady, my beloved spouse, may be allergic to me. I need to find out if this is true, and what can be done to solve it".

    "Thees require consultation with spirits of honored ancestors. Moment please." He then lit some candles, lowered the lights, and threw some powders in the air. When the mood was set, he put his hands on a crystal ball and muttered some incantations. Nothing seemed to happen for a minute or so, and then he moaned faintly and collapsed to the ground. Dirt was about to come over to see if he needed help, when the man started speaking in a trance, quite loudly in an unintelligble but definitely non-chinese tongue. After a few minutes, he came back to, sat up, and said, "Help up, pease". When he was seated again, he said with a long, sympathetic face, "Bod news, exalted won. Situation as you feerd." "Is there any hope, Mr. Noone?". "Yess, antidote can be made, but ploblem. Requilers blood.". "Uh, whose blood?", Dirt asked squeamishly. "Blood of Elkinwhine", Noone said quietly. Dirt was taken a little aback at this one, "Perhaps I can make a trade deal, how much is required?". "Apploximately two full pails". "Holy anemia", thought Dirt. "It seems I have some serious thinking to do", he said as he turned to leave.

    Noone followed him to the door, consoling, "I investigate matter futher, tell you if news. Pleeze come again.". As Dirt moped down the road, Noone waved and said "Bye, Syonara, Alf Wiederzane, Shalom, Adios!". After he closed the door, he said in a different tone with no Chinese accent, "And good riddance".

    He sat down on a comfortable chair, and pulled off his turban, revealing high arched eyebrows over his fake ones, and long, pointed ears. The Elf just laid back and smiled.

    ... the 4th and revealing week ...

    Doctor Dirt returned to his castle to find his sneeze-prone other half missing, but that was not all that odd. She probably went out shopping, gabbing, shooing away pigeons, or maybe visiting the Royal Sculpter for a nose job. Managing a growing empire was a full-time job and a half. The Magicians Guild was looking to him for direction for spell research, as well as wanting him to help locate Spirit this-and-that for future spells. The Royal Cartographers were griping about the need to manually update maps every Arragoth month, and those maps were getting bigger every time. It seemed everybody in the kingdom wanted him to read their status reports and initial his okay on their orders. "No wonder I am King", Dirt thought, "everybody else passed the intelligence test".

    Now the latest of joys, just when the economy was getting going nicely, his officers were talking about the need to build Town Halls in the new central shires. Instead of figuring out how to get buildings constructed in the national capital, now he needed to brainstorm how to do this, and get those expensive new towns founded. Of course, the journalists wanted material for stories, and the media was paying too much of the kingdom's expenses to turn those guys down. Juggling priorities, he told a lackey, "Tell Admiral Brunbar, no I'm not buying him a fleet of fishing boats, nor any Nimitz-class carriers, cruisers, battleships, or anything else heavier than a longboat. And tell the Bishop to read Proverbs whatever on patience, I'll get his "God glorifying spires", Crystal Cathedral, or whatever he called his church built as soon as I can! Eeesh!".

    Dirt went home a very tired lump of clay, sand, and whatnot, but he did not rest well that night. His wife was still not back, and that was odd for her. The next morning, he ordered a full-scale search, even pulling a few members of the mega-squad to head it up. She was not to be found despite due diligence.

    Over in the closed Astrology shack, a very Elven face peered into the faint apparitional image, a magical communications device looking vaguely like a hologram. It was a black-robed figure with oddly glowing eyes. The Elf spoke, "Master, Agent 26 reporting. All is going according to plan. I have convinced his Dirt-Majesty that killing Erkinwhine is the way to solve his marital problems. That and the natural rivalry between those two egotists should soon bring them to war."

    "Most clever, fiendish even", the dark figure complimented, "Even now, my other operatives are working in the Amazon land, to bring their Xena wannabes to war against the Sand-legions. And we shall profit handsomely! But be vigilant, if those two ever cooperate, they could conquer the planet and bring us to ruin. Keep me informed.". The Elf bowed and willed the comm artifact off.


    Contact Lister at

  • PLAYER 10 - Phaze One

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Phaze One at

  • PLAYER 11 - Dworkin

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Dworkin at

  • PLAYER 12 - serlon

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact serlon at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
