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Game 82 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Walther Walpamuir

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Walther Walpamuir at

  • PLAYER 2 - Lady Deara

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Lady Deara at

  • PLAYER 3 - DeZigma

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact DeZigma at

  • PLAYER 4 - Tanith

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Tanith at

  • PLAYER 5 - Urlaseus the Archmagi

      		The cleansing fire shall have you all. Arragoth cometh, and
    you puny mortals are no match for his grace. The islanders have a new
    master, and that is my lord Arragoth... For I am Arragoths devoted servant,
    Urlaseas the Arch Magi. Bow deeply and kiss my knuckles, and I may ask
    m'lord to spare you, we always need someone to clean the latrines and lick
    our boots after a nice long walk through the cow pastures. Beg for a swift
    death foolish ones, the time has come for retribution against past
    indignities done upon m'lord. Long have I slaved over the hearthfires,
    working my meager magicks to ressurect my Prince. And FINALLY, he is
    awakening... After all these years, I may yet again be bathed in the
    infernal glare of his gaze. 
    Run little cowards, death is coming and on its heels is eternal burning

    Contact Urlaseus the Archmagi at

  • PLAYER 6 - Casper

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Casper at

  • PLAYER 7 - Afranius

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Afranius at

  • PLAYER 8 - Tyranthraxus

           The sun scorches down upon the miserably bleak
    landscape as vapors of steam rise up from the Lake.
    Tyranth the Swift kneeled beside the shore, slowly
    working the knots out of the small net that was his
    livilihood. Tyranth has lived here all his life in the
    shadow of the accursed Volcano, raising his family and
    gillnetting every day for food. Never before has he
    seen such activity from the rumbling mound of earth
    that his fathers father chose to build their shack
    under. If Tyranth was allowed, he would pull up stakes
    and move his family lock stock and barrel back to
    Traders Point. He still had family there after all,
    and they would surely give him a Bosuns mate position
    if not first mate or master position on one of their
    fishing boats.... Ahh, but that is just a dream for
    Tyranth. You see, Tyranth is just a serf, fishing
    every day and keeping a quarter for his family,the
    rest going directly to Baron Von Helmsfeld's kitchen.
    The Baron loves the fish in this lake, and Tyranth is
    the best fisherman in the village, he would never
    allow Tyranth to leave.
             Then one night, everything changed. Little
    Tyranthraxus, Tyranths youngest and most timid child,
    came bursting in the hovel, raging about the end of
    the world. After several minutes persuasion Tyranth
    was able to calm the child and coax the story from
             Tyranthraxus had been exploring in the hills
    near the volcano when he came upon a squirrel playing
    in one of the stunted trees that dot the hillside.
    Thinking how proud his daddy would be if his littlest
    one brought home something besides fish to eat for
    once, Tyranthraxus quietly withdrew his sling and
    bulleted the squirrel in the head. Swiftly,
    Tyranthraxus set to field gutting the squirrel when he
    heard a soft rustling in the bushes nearby. When
    Tyranthraxus looked, there in the bush was a strange
    beast. It had the body of a dog, but the face of a
    man! The dog-man erupted from the bushes, racing
    straight at poor tyranthraxus. Tyranthraxus raised his
    hands in defense and then the strangest thing of all
    happened. Upon raising his hands, faery fire arced
    straight from Tyranthraxus's hands and set the dog-man
    beast on fire. It ran away yelping and screaming a
    stream of vulgarities. At that time, Tyranthraxus was
    overcome with a weakness of the spirit... He felt
    drained of life, like an old man, and sat down to
    catch his breath and think about what had just
    happened. Upond sitting, he was seized by a vision- It
    foretold of the Volcano coming to life, and of the
    ancient one entombed within breaking his bonds and
    setting the world afire in his hatred. He saw his
    hovel burned to the ground, and his family murdered
    and raped. He saw the village used as a spawning
    ground for evil half-man, half-beast creatures. He saw
    every major city he had ever heard of, and some he
    hadn't heard of, being beseiged by mighty legions of
    lava creatures, the Ancient One directing it all. And
    then he saw himself, leading a vast armada of warships
    to the aid of the dying cities. It was then that he
    woke, and ran as fast as he could to his fathers hovel
    to plead with him to run from this place.
            Tyranth was dubious as to Tyranthraxus's
    mental health. But when Tyranthraxus raised his hand
    and a pitcher of water floated across the room and
    filled all of their cups Tyranth was suitably
    impressed. With no further convincing, Tyranth packed
    his family up and escaped into the night, heading for
    the coast to get on the first cargo ship heading to
    Traders Point. 2 Months later, they were there and the
    Relatives did indeed make him master of his own ship.
    Within a year, Tyranth had saved enough gold to enroll
    his youngest, and now most brilliant, son into the
    College of Magic....
    .......And thus started the magical transformation
    from little timid Tyranthraxus to master of Traders
    Point. But that story will be told at a later date.
    -Penned by Visilicus, Master Scribe
    of Traders Point. CYC 100
    "All who would fight Tyranny, and bring the light of
    rightiousness to quench the darkness, follow me to
    Excerpt from his speech to Traders Point Merchant
    Council, CYC 99.

    Contact Tyranthraxus at

  • PLAYER 9 - Gooey32

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gooey32 at

  • PLAYER 10 - Palin Majere

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Palin Majere at

  • PLAYER 11 - Famorgan

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Famorgan at

  • PLAYER 12 - The Worm

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact The Worm at

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