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Game 85 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Seh'thaan

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Seh'thaan at

  • PLAYER 2 - Barstool

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Barstool at

  • PLAYER 3 - Red Head

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Red Head at

  • PLAYER 4 - Salcar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Salcar at

  • PLAYER 5 - Silent Wolf

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Silent Wolf at

  • PLAYER 6 - Rakhan

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Rakhan at

  • PLAYER 7 - Fistandantilus


    Greetings to all Wizards on "Arragoth"


    My name is Fistandantilus and since last Month I was the ruler of the Dark Cavern Orcs on another world called the Elven Nation. The beings that I ruled there were totally different from what I met here in the Starlight Forest. The Orcs were very big, stinking and offensive creatures whose only desire was killing and boasting around with achievements that only Orcs would see as achievements (like being able to name dozens of ways to rip off body parts of human women). In the end the nearly five years of rulership in the Dark Caverns changed my own personality in a way that even my close friends could not stand any longer (I knew more then 10 ways to ... --- no, I don't want to speak about this now nor anytime soon). I still thank the heavens that those friends were really good ones, so they told me about how I changed.

    Thus, I decided to leave that world where my brutal Orcs already had mercilessly ripped off most body parts of all opposition till a time where no human opposition was left at all (except for me of course, so I left before they realized). I finally removed my presence from that world via the newly invented transformation spell (not the dimensional jump spell which is for weaklings only). This new spell is a nice tool because it enables to jump directly to a by the caster preselected world. But that is not everything. It also allows the caster to choose which race he wants to rule...

    Well, after I reflected about my past and how the Orcs had changed my character I finally came to the decision that I would like to rule a race that is most likely the total opposite of an Orc. I chose the Starlight Forest High Elves on the new world where the cruel Arragoth is tormenting the citizens of the cities and towns for the second time. I am sure High Elves have never even thought about ways to rip off anything from anyone. ;)

    So after the final incantations of the Transformation Spell were done I easily materialized in the Starlight Forest and just as I thought the High Elves here are a very joyful race of graceful beings that absolutely have no desire for war or boasting (nor ripping). They are also one of the most ancient and noble races on the face of any world. Long flowing blond hair, sharp facial features and a slight build are the characteristics that make the Starlight Forest High Elves stand apart (where have I read this before?). The architecture of the elfish cities is something many a Traveler has journeyed to see in safer times. But now that troubled times approach with Arragoth's lava guards tormenting especially the good natured High Elves our Capital in the Scared Forest has been closed and will only be opened again to rulers that are good in heart too. The race is unimportant to my High Elves as everyone deserves a chance.

    Just unlike the Orcs the Starlight Forest High Elves have a very relaxed life style although they pretend to defend their shires vigorously when threatened. Well, at least this are the stories that are told late in the night when the few elfish children have need to feel more secure in a world that is full of Arragoth's living nightmares also known as Lava Guards. It is said that High Elf Longbowmen, Heart Bowmen, Pegasus Knights or Knights in general could be quickly recruited to repel any unwelcome visitors. The problem is that after the decades of slavery under Arragoth nobody seems to remember what a 'Bow' or a 'Knight' is...

    Anyway, as said, brutality is something that is very far away from a High Elf's favorite daydream (or dream in the night). The Starlight Forest High Elves in special have nearly forgotten their military possibilities. They have a highly developed agricultural skill however after the many years that they lived in harmony in their holy Forest. Only the many burnings that the green, blue, purple or red lava legions did to the edges of the Forest caused lots of frustration in the population. But a real High Elf will never give in to the evil that is Arragoth in person!

    The Town Hall in the Starlight Forest is where Dironiel Finilas sat in office for many years till he gave over rulership to me last month. During the first week after my arrival I described to him in what a mental dilemma the Dark Cavern Orcs had brought me into. However, by this time the High Elves already had integrated me into their noble society. I needed assistance and they gave it to me and after three additional weeks the shadow which had been laid upon my soul by the Orcs was driven away by the sheer light of the friendliness and joyfulness of my new friends.

    Yesterday, my mentor Thelas gave the Flute of the leader to me so that I could fulfill my own destiny as leader of the Starlight Forest High Elves. A destiny that will bring the long lost glory back to the High Elves and will hopefully bring doom to the evil Arragoth and his fiery legions in the end. And just as the shadow on my own soul was driven away by the good elfish way of live I intend to bring this Light and Glory to every corner of Arragoth's domain so that all races sometime in the future will be able to do nothing else then peacefully smoke their pipes under the tree of their choice.

    Fistandantilus, new ruler of the High Elves

    Aus den Feuern der Hoelle stiegen sie empor,

    gierig auf das Blut der Uschuldigen,

    hungrig nach den Schreien der Gequaelten,

    in den Farben gruen, lila, rot und blau stiegen sie herauf,

    mit Klauen so groß wie Wagenräder,

    oder auf Schwingen, die die Sonne verdunkeln,

    um alles Leben auf Erden zu toeten kommen sie,

    genauso, wie sie es oft auf anderen Ebenen getan haben.

    Vom Teufel selbst geleitet wurden sie:


    Zum tausendsten mal marschieren seine Herrscharen, 

    um zu wiederholen, was sie schon immer getan haben!

    Aber diesmal wird alles anders!

    Diesmal sind die guten Lebewesen vorbereitet.

    Ein Elfenkurier, leicht wie eine Feder,

    schaffte es durch die Dimensionen,

    um das Herz allen Guten auf dieser Welt zu warnen.

    geradewegs auf die hölzernen Portale

    der Stadt mit folgendem Namen marschierte er zu:


    Hier begruesste ihn freundlich Fistandantilus

    der Hersscher der Hochelfen,

    denn obwohl er ueble Nachrichten brachte

    ueber das Neuerwachen von Arragoths boesen Schaaren,

    brachte er auch die Hoffnung 

    zu allen Laendern der Welt zurueck.


    Geschrieben im Jahr 15, Jahreszeit Fruehling, von dem beruehmten Poeten "Tyrannosaur".

    In Gedenken an die letzte Schlacht, in der Arragoth von den vereinten "Kräften des Lichts" getoetet wurde.

    Zurueckgebracht durch Zeit und Dimensionen von dem beruehmten Kurier  "Marathon Thanthalasomariel".



    Here is the translation:


    From the fires of Hell they emerged,

    eager for the Blood of the Innocent,

    Hungry for the cries of the tortured.

    In colors of green, purple, red and blue they ascended,

    with claws as big as wagon wheels

    or wings that darken the sun,

    to kill all living beings on earth they come,

    just as they often had on other planes of existence.

    Led by the Devil himself:


    For the thousands time his evil minions march,

    to do again what they always did!

    But this time it has to be different!

    This time the godly people are prepared.

    An elfish messenger, light as a feather,

    made it through the dimensions,

    to warn the heart of all good on the world.

    Straight he went for the wooden portals

    of the city named


    Here Fistandantilus, the Ruler of the High Elves

     welcomed him warmly,

    for although he brought disturbing news

    of Arragoth's evil Minions rising again,

    he also brought back the Hope to all lands 

    of the world we all live on.


    Written in gods year 15, season spring, by the famous lizard poet "Tyrannosaur".

    In memory of the last battle where Arragoth was finally killed by the combined "Forces Of The Light".

    Brought back through time and dimensions by the famous messenger "Marathon Thanthalasomariel".

    Welcome traveler to the area that has been designed to establish Contacts of all kind with my Empire:


    1. If you would like to contact me you can simply use the feature below. The form can be used to establish Trade or to send general comments of all kinds to me.

    2. If your browser does not support forms then you could write a standard mail to me by clicking here.


    What is your Wizard's Name?

    What is your Player Number?

    On which plane do you have your Castle on?

    • Which Resource do you offer?

    • Amount

    • Resource

    • What do You want in return?

    • Amount

    • Resource


    Please note that not all messengers are skilled enough to use this feature (Ahem..., this means not all browsers support forms). It is recommended that you have e.g. Netscape 4+ or Internet Explorer 4+ to use forms like this properly:

    ! If you have problems with the text above, please click here and read my disclaimer message !


    Contact Fistandantilus at

  • PLAYER 8 - N'CogN'To

       game 12 BLURB
    [Unable to display image]
    T F My name is N`CogN`To . I am the First of the Ruling Circle of the Trading Point, Watcher over the beautiful garden in . I welcome all the other races on my isle! It is my policy that every race has its creator chosen place among all the other races. We stand at the top of all the other races, because we are the only Trader good race on this world. Our purpose on this World is to bring peace to all the other neutral and evil races and minions of Arragoth, so that all can prosper and live under my great and wise Rulership. I am the only one who has the Knowledge of the Ancients (see story below). That is my legalization to rule. We love nature and live in harmony with it. To care and look after the trees that surround the lakes in our beautiful garden forces our hearts to beat faster. To see how they climb to new highnesses of beauty and strongness (after we cut down a branch or two) brings us the joy we are looking for. Our Trees are unique on this planet. They are watered with the liquid of the fabled Traders Lake. Thus the leaves always shine in a pale white light, so that the darkness loving EVIL is repelled even during nighttime! My people are nevertheless peaceful until we are threatend by adanger from any outside realm, if so we are able, willed and equipped to fight for the glory of the Dervish Traders and, of course, for the glory of our allies. Kings of the realms, beware, accept our borders or you wont be in the situation to accept anything anymore. HEVIL on has to be vaporized. But if there is only one spark of goodness left in your race, you do not have to fear us. Most races can be brought to the GOOD path!
    So I extend the hand of friendship and invite all other races to prosper in and around my beautiful and strong Garden! HIGH LORD MN`CogN`To FIRST OF THE RULING CIRCLE WATCHER OVER THE Traders GARDEN Incoming messages will be answered by my embassy: [Unable to display image] To establish a easier and faster way to first contact between our races my embassy was busy and recruited several pigeon carriers. These pigeons will fly directly to our capital city where they will be taken straightaway to our ruler . method=post enctype="text/plain"> [Unable to display image] It is now possible to visit to our lovely city of Traders Point. Our magicians were busy during the last few months, but now the great crystalline portals are build! You only have to travel through the knots of the magical net that surrounds this beautiful planet, enter the portals and enjoy the warm welcome we Dervish will give! HIGH LORD N`CogN`To

    Contact N'CogN'To at

  • PLAYER 9 - Nemenix

    The Chronicles of the Aiel
    A short history of the war of revenge
    In the beginning the land was fertile and men, dwarfes, elves and all other 
    races had land and food, more than they could use. Then Arragoth appeared and 
    with him his lava legions, all races, which dared to fight him and his 
    legions lost and were subdued under his rule.
    The last race to fight Arragoth were the Aiel. They fought brave, but in the 
    end they lost. Arragoth, in his anger wanted to punish this race, he drove 
    them out of their fertile lands into the deserts of the isles.
    In this exodus many thousands died, many more died of famine in the deserts, 
    as they tried to survive in the harsh arid climate. Only the strongest and 
    thoughest of them survived. And they gave this qualities on to their children 
    and grandchildren. And their anger, their wish to take revenge for their fate 
    and the deaths of thousands of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and 
    daughters. After many generations Arragoth retreated into hybernation, and 
    the Sandpeople, as the Aiel called themselves by now, still lived in the 
    deserts and waited to take revenge.
    Now as the sages say that Arragoth and his legions will return within a year, 
    the Sandpeople prepare for war, for long they have preserved their anger, 
    stockpiled their hatred. Until now!
    Chronicles of the Aiel.     Chapter I
    So it came that the chief of the tribes came together in Nazair, to elect one 
    out of their ranks to be the chief of chief. A young and determinated man 
    won, Nemenix of the shadow, an apprentice in the art of magic, but a master 
    in tactics. 
    He sent out his 50 militians as a vanguard and to claim the lands outside the 
    deserts of Nazair. Now as this lines are written, the sandpeople controll all 
    of the desert of Nazair and the hills that define the end of the sandy 
    plains. Heroes come to Nazair to offer their services to Nemenix, and the 
    best of them were chosen to contribute in the fight against Arragoth.
    And so the Sandpeople go where their ancestors came from, to take back what 
    rightfully is theirs and bring punishment to Arragoth and all those who ally 
    themselves to him.
    Chronicles of the Aiel.     Chapter II
    As the vanguard of the army conquers shire for shire, the peasants of most 
    shires are happy to become citizens of the well organized and mighty empire. 
    But in the summer of year 1 a small group of sandpeople ran into a 
    bloodthirsty partie of amazon tribesmen under the command of Rakhan. They 
    killed some peasants. The  sandpeople defended themselves and the peasants of 
    the shire and defeated the tribesmen taking no prisoners. In the capital this 
    caused confusion because all leaders thought of an alliance between the major 
    empires to defeat Arragoth.
    At this time some heroes of the sandpeople empire began to explore some 
    architecural remains of Arragoth rulership over the isles, hoping to find a 
    clue in how to defeat Arragoth befor he could rise to full strenght.
    Chronicles of the Aiel.     Chapter III
    War song of ancient times
    Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings with nothing to atone
    A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride like thunder from the sky
    May your sword stay wet as a young girl in her prime
    Blood and death are waiting like a raven in the sky
    I was born to die
    Hear me while I live
    As I look into your eyes
    None shall hear a lie
    Power and dominion are taken by the will
    By divine right hail and kill
    Rip their flesh
    Burn their hearts
    Stab them in the eyes
    Rape their women as they cry
    Kill their servants
    Burn their homes
    Till there´s no blood left to spill
    Hail and kill

    Contact Nemenix at

  • PLAYER 10 - Vincent Blackthorne

    Here he was, standing in front of the entire Gnome populace, he had scoured 
    the isles in search of a race that could aid him in his quest to unify the 
    the isles. 
    "Hello my people, I'm sure you have all heard that you have a new leader." 
    His gaze moved from one side of the gathering to the other, "Well I'm he your 
    new leader, Vincent Blackthorne." This he said with utter dignity, "My goals 
    are to unite the Isles and to glorify the status of my people, the Gnomes." 
    He could tell that the Gnome populace before him was intrested in what he was 
    saying now. "Let it be known that we shall need allies for such a great 
    venture, but also we will need great intellect to know when there is no other 
    recourse then to destroy an enemy." He smiled curtly seeing as he had the 
    Gnomes eating out of his hand. "My people, let it be known that the Age of 
    the Gnomes is at hand and that stand against us shall be crushed and all that 
    stand beside us shall be treated as family." With his speech done he stepped 
    back from the podium.
    With the ending of his speech a great resounding cheer filled the Gnome 
    populace, a cheer of pride, a cheer of hope, and a cheer for their new leader 
    who would lead them into the next Golden Age...
    With the cheer Vincent made his way to the castle which he now called his 
    home. Here he would begin his research and here he would plan his next moves, 
    he already new that they needed to expand and had already made arrangements 
    to do so. He also new that he had to increase the morale of his people, 
    arrangements had also been made to implement this, but one thing that eluded 
    him was his spell reasearch yes he would need more time if he wished to 
    implement this beast. He also wondered if his people, the Gnomes, if they 
    would be up to the task or if they would not have the grit to succeed in the 
    plan he had laid before them, I guess only time could tell....

    Contact Vincent Blackthorne at

  • PLAYER 11 - Pax

    Hear ye, Hear ye!
    By order of his august majesty, Pax, Chief of All Clans, King of the Dwarves, 
    be it known that from this day, the Dwarven Holdfast shall be extended to 
    cover all of our  Island, and the Clans shall look to strengthening their 
    defenses against all and sundry future troubles.
    Friends, and their emissaries, shall be as ever welcome to our hearths, and 
    foes shall be driven back by our Clansmen.  Let Jollymount be our rebirth, 
    not our barrow; let our children sing praises for our courage, not make 
    eulogies for our corpses.
    Let Hammer ring and Forgefire light!  The Clans march once more!

    Contact Pax at

  • PLAYER 12 - Tetsuo

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Tetsuo at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
