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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 88 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Warblebutt

    "We exited the cave and found ourselves in a desloate land full of hills populated
    with gnomes.  We continued on in search of other wizards,  and wood.  We had
    but scouted into the next shire when we were brutally attacked by Telmanon's
    dervishes and the survivors retreated back into to the cave, from there we held
    of the dervishes using the terrain to our advantage.  We need support Cairnlord
    Warblebutt,  I have made diplomatic overtures to Telmanon but we have yet to
    recieve any sort of reply.  Still no sign of Pighead's followers or anyone else
    for that matter."
    Report from Bogweasel the Seer
      The grey dwarves muttered among themselves about what to do.  

    Contact Warblebutt at

  • PLAYER 2 - Kanzar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Kanzar at

  • PLAYER 3 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 4 - Aetius

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Aetius at

  • PLAYER 5 - Owl

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Owl at

  • PLAYER 6 - Paradox

    My people are unhappy.  I can see it in the way they move and I can feel in 
    the air.  For generations untold our lives have been governed by traditions 
    handed down by our foremothers.  Traditions that helped govern our lives, 
    each other and our honor.  Now those traditions have been ripped out by their 
    roots and our lives will never be the same.
    It all started on the night of the Quake.  Homes was lost, several people 
    injured, but luckily no one was killed.  The people came to my mother, their 
    Queen for guidance and she immediately put them to work cleaning up the 
    village and caring for the injured.  After everyone was busy with a task she 
    went to visit Diana the Listener, to receive her counsel on tonight 
    activities.  She was turned away by Diana's apprentice with the statement 
    that Diana was listening to the Ancient Ones and could not be disturbed for 
    any reasons.
    The next morning a council of the Elders was called and Diana shared what she 
    heard from the Ancient Ones.  I know I shouldn't have, but I eavesdropped on 
    that council, and heard the news.  A great danger was awakening, the old god, 
    Arragoth, was awakening.  We must form alliances with the other races to 
    defeat him while he still slept or suffer the slavery of his rule once again. 
     A strong leader would be needed to guide our people through these times or 
    we would be lost in the pages of history.
    As tradition demanded a Vote of Leadership was called.  So that the Elder 
    best suited to lead us during a time of crisis would have the mantel of 
    Queen.  My mother retained the mantel by an unanimous vote.  The next day she 
    headed out with her hunting party to spread the news to the other villages 
    and that is when true disaster struck.
    Two days after my mother left another quake hit, this one much stronger than 
    the first, so strong that it toppled trees that has stood longer than the 
    Eldest could even remember.  It was one of these fallen giants that killed my 
    mother.  When her party brought her mangled body back to us the village 
    wailed its grief to the Ancient Ones, myself the loudest.
    A week after my mother was given over to the Ancient Ones the elders was 
    still fighting over who would lead us in this time of crisis.  With the ill 
    omen of the Jungle attacking us, the same Jungle that has protected us our 
    entire existence, no one felt they had the strength to guide us through the 
    dangers ahead.  Finally Diana was called upon to performed her most sacred 
    and dangerous duty.  She Spoke with the Ancient Ones to ask them for their 
    guidance.  The news she brought back to us was more unnerving than the death 
    of our Queen, but the Ancient Ones spoke and thus it was made so.
    The mantel was placed upon my shoulders, Paradox, the first King of the 

    Contact Paradox at

  • PLAYER 7 - PigHead the Flatulent

    Something Leafy Stirs in a Glade
    Nothing much new this week, we have been busy, and news from afar that the 
    councils of other nations are exploring their lands, building great and 
    powerful armies, hiring the most magnificently mean and powerful heroes 
    (ones with 3 or 4 magic swords, flaming steads etc and ones able to weild 
    the most earth shattering magics imaginable).  If all this is true then the 
    dark minions will stand no chance against us united.
    Exploration goes on apace, with all nations seeming finding the most 
    abundant riches just scattered upon the ground.  I have heard tales of Gem 
    trees, Mithril rock formations, and Iron nuggets as big as your head.  And 
    these lands, they seem to be filled with tireless peasants who will work 
    without food and give all their money away to build magnificent cathedrals, 
    monumental castles and awesome structures too complex to even guess at their 
    Here in the Forest, we have umm, well, some trees and a pub. Its a nice pub 
    though, and the trees are nice and varied. In the snows to the north we 
    found three gems, as large as a ladybird. so we are obviously rich beyond 
    our wildest dreams now.  Did I mention we have lots of trees?
    Monoslab the Mighty set out exploring last week, although I think he only 
    got as far as the Tavern, which we have named The Sylvian Glade, where he 
    ate heartily and drank deeply... some syaing that we seem to have hierd a 
    drunken bum rather than a fabled wanderer.  but I have every confidence in 
    him, even though that armour of his looked a bit ropey and dull, I'm sure 
    its just the coolness of the early Spring days.  Roll on Summer is what I 
    better not use the Palantir of Blurb too long tonight, as there is a 
    celebration planned at the Tavern,
    see ya

    Contact PigHead the Flatulent at

  • PLAYER 8 - Telmanon

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Telmanon at

  • PLAYER 9 - D@RKEN----R@HL

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact D@RKEN----R@HL at

  • PLAYER 10 - broth

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact broth at

  • PLAYER 11 - Tybor Pherenzy

    Greetings from the swamplands.  I, Tor, messenger of Lord Tybor come to you 
    with news from Lord Tybor of Camp Jollymount.  One might ask what makes us so 
    jolly?  Well, we're bustin out of here and there ain't no way to stop us.  We 
    don't care about no Arragoth.  We are finally getting out of this stink hole. 
     If you want to lend a hand or need someone to trade with, just send a 
    messenger our way.  We will treat him good, promise.  Lord Tybor Pherenzy 
    also wants to make sure everyone knows that we don't want to rule this whole 
    stinking world.  We just want our piece.  And anyone willing to give it to us 
    will be accepted graciously as our ally.  But if you don't give us our 
    piece...well then there will be some heads a rolling down them there hills 
    over there.  It's your choice.  You can kick your heels up and throw back a 
    few mugs of our finest Swamplend Ale or you can watch your lands taken from 
    you while your children starve in your arms.  Personally, I'd rather go 
    drinking and have a good time.  It's all up to you.  Cheers.

    Contact Tybor Pherenzy at

  • PLAYER 12 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
