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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 95 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *sigh* Yet another cloning loop having taken effect it seems... And this time I
    have an even stronger feeling of deja vu than usual - which IS unusual, since
    being stuck in this endless loop of 'clone self' spells makes deja vu feel like
    an almost normal experience anyway... But this one is really strong or strange
    or presumably both - rather like having a deja vu-feeling of having had similar
    deja vu-feelings before...
    Yes, I know I have only myself to blame - I should never have fiddled with that
    'clone self' spell back on my first homeworld in the first place... Not to
    mention second place, third place and even 42nd place *grumble*  Well, not that
    42 can hold any particular significance anyway, I must have been through at
    least fortytwo squared cloning incarnations (or should they be called
    clonecarnations, or charcoal nations, or - drat, now I seem stuck in an anagram
    loop as well, and a seriously flawed one at that) since I first attempted it -
    HEY, it can't have been ME, if I am the 1764th chocolate ransom since him!?
    {Aarrghh - how on Crynn do you break loose of a lousy anagram loop?}
    Crynn? Now THAT rings a Bell, said Graham! Let me take a look (and don't you
    expect me to give it back) - hmm, mountains all around, I don't recall them
    (hey, how can a mountain call you in the first place?) {Well, I think I got out
    of the anagram loop at least, but now I seem stuck in a pun loop, and it isn't
    even a fun pun loop...}
    Well at least I now have something to go on - Crynn is likely to be the name of
    this world. I guess I had better go on (or at least walk on) and see if I can
    pick up any other clues...
    [-Ask that of that original idiot 1764 clonecarnations removed, rather than of
     me, you decibel violator... But I'll show you PUNY, you arrogant little, err..
     HUGE, loudmouth - **ZAP!**]
    Heh, looks like one of my spells actually hit it right the first time! {Gently
    bowing down and carefully picking up a miniature minotaur in the palm}
    -[in a whispering voice] OK, you minitaur, now tell me all about this world and
     I just might consider zapping you back to your original size [except for the
     volume of your voice, methinks, or my ears are likely to file a complaint with
     the earworkers' union...]
    -[in a booming minitaur voice which amounts to approximately 42 decibel in real
     life, whatever the meaning of that is] We taurian minions are afraid neither
     of death nor downsizing, but I can sense from your actions that you are indeed
     a mighty wizard, and our community is in sore need of such a person, oh wize
     one! So, on behalf of all the minotaurs (and the one minitaur) in Boarlands, I
     beg you to restore me to my original size, and I'll tell you all about our
     somewhat precarious situation...
    -[still whispering] OK, hang in there for a while while I think about how to
     reverse the effects of the spell... Let's try this - **PAZ!** Hmm, wait
     another spell, er... second... **EARZAP!**
    -[in a perfectly normal voice - provided a minotaur turned minitaur returned
     minotaur could be considered normal in any normal sense of the word of course]
     Thank you, wizard... ?
    -Alodar the Apprentice is the name, fella!
    -Thank you, wizard Alodar! If we just walk in that direction I can fill you in
     on the situation in our world...
    {Somewhat later - well, to be perfectly honest "somewhat" later would be a more
     apt description of the time passed...}
    -Thank you for the briefing, fella! So this is your magic college - quite a
     sizable building even taking into account your own race's quite sizable size,
     I daresay... I do hope the number of volumes in its library is as sizable -
     hmm, speaking of volumes, I'd better look around for a pair of really
     high-quality earplugs and I might even begin to enjoy this assignment...
    -Earplugs, sir? You mean sort of like them horns we wear?
    -No, never mind... I'll think up something else which won't get me in trouble
     with the earworkers' union... Anyway, thank you for showing me the way and
     filling me in on the details, and don't you worry about those pesky druids on
     that nearby continent, good old Alodar the [cloned] Apprentice has dealt with
     worse magic than that in other realms!
    -I am truly glad to ear that, wizard Alodar! Good luck!
    Ouch, my poor ears... I'm lucky at least the earzap spell worked or I'd be at
    least deaf (if not dead) by now - I'll definitely have to find something which
    can double (or, to be on the safe side, maybe triple or even quadruple) as
    earplugs, before I dare to even think on anything else...
    {somewhat later - and in this case somewhat is indeed an apter description than
    OK, I think these widgets will do... All right, now a quick shower, and then a
    slow and delicious dinner break, and good old - or newly cloned - Alodar will
    be fit for fight again! 
    {somewhat later - though, honestly, this time not even "somewhat" later is an
     apt description of the time good old newly cloned Alodar spent at the dinner
    Ahh, here we seem to have the library... Now where do I start - hmm, this title
    looks promising:
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Crynn Magick".
    "A short introduction" - that sounds good! I like them short and snappy - wait,
    what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    *sigh* Too bad I never bothered about the "speed reading" spell back on my
    homeworld... Now where did I put my glasses - OH NO! It was them I zapped into
    earplugs... *sob*

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 2 - Gorm

    Lich came from nowhere. We not smart, but we Ogres not weak.
    He think he take over. He do. He take over as new pit dweller.
    We figure what to do with him later.
    Ogres strong! Ogres need to grow. We send out slaves to explore.
    We send slaves to conquer!
    Ogres smart. We know others grow. We know others not like us.
    We prepare. We get stronger. When we meet others, we talk.
    We like talk we leave alone. We not like talk, we crush!
    Ogre life simple. Grow. Find Friends. Crush Enemies. No Mercy.
    Lich say many same things, but Lich not Ogre.
    Lich also say he in charge. Lich funny.
    Gorm in charge till stronger Ogre come along.
    Could be long wait.

    Contact Gorm at

  • PLAYER 3 - Nuzzgrund da Dark


    ~The Horde of the Long Toof~

    The Beginning.

    From The Book of Medokh,

    Gork, sat back and admired his creation with a growing smile. The miniature creature before him on this huge desk just sat there looking around, bemused. It had just opened it's eyes for the first time, red orbs piercing the darkened workshop. It sniffed the air, the keen sense of smell obviously working perfectly. Tilting it's large sloping head to one side, the large ears picking up all the little sounds that few other creatures could hear, even here among the Gods. Raising to it's feet, stretching the taut muscular body, it began to prowl along the desk, scratching itself in places no civilized being would even dream of scratching itself in public. Perfect.

    In the Laws of Creation, to force one to keep within limitations, you had to take on this to give on that. Gork in the race that he would call Orks, he sacrificed longetivity for sheer bulk and powerful muscles; intelligence for battle-cunning with a cruel streak; civilization for the will to have what one could not, and Love for Hate. He created a true monster.

    The creature paused in it's investigation of the room to look up at it's Creator hunched over it, it's red eyes widening slightly at the sight of the God. Boldly it looked at Gork squarely in the face with a mischievous smile beginning to form on it's fanged mouth. In a flash the creature leapt from the desk, it's tiny but strong claws raked the cheek of the God before darting for the portal that led to the world of Crynn.

    The God sat back, wiped his blood from his cheek and smiled to himself. Perfect.

    The Present.

    "Ere' Nuzzgrund," Bograb said suspiciously. "Wot's dat der?" Nuzzgrund opened one eye lazily and followed Bograb finger.

    "Squish" he replied as he closed his eye and laid his head back down on his nice warm rock. Nuzzgrund wondered about Bograb sometimes, maybe he was dropped on his head too many times when he was a whelp.

    He was enjoying the warmth of the setting sun, tired after raiding all day. He thought he would become used to all this raiding, pillaging and general running about after several months, but it still made him feel, well. uncomfortable and down right ill-tempered.

    He took a breath and let the tension drain from him, he allowed his mind to wander. Clouds of color drifted across his vision, some taking shape as a bi-pedal form then break apart only to reform as other shapes. One of the smaller red shapes looked particularly like a squish. Actually it looked more and more like a squish all the time. His stomach began to rumble, maybe he ought to get something to eat soon.

    One of the larger shapes began to take a more solid form and picked up the smaller red squish-shaped object and offered it to him. A blurry green hand extended out towards it.

    "So why's it floatin' in the air then?" interrupted Bograb.

    Nuzzgrund woke from his dream with a start. A Squish hung in the air in front of him, a fat juicy squish, his favorite. Nuzzgrund plucked it out of the air and popped it into his mouth. Delicious! He felt better now as he laid back down to enjoy the rest of the sunset.

    "Boss! Boss! Quick come 'ere and see wot 'e did! Bograb yelled as he jumped up and down pointing at Nuzzgrund.

    Nuzzgrund sat up to see what all the commotion was about. The Warboss was hurrying towards him and the jumping Bograb.

    "It was 'im! It was 'im!" shouted Bograb pointing at Nuzzgrund. The Warboss looked at the sticks and the stones and the squishs floating around Nuzzgrund. The Warboss Grabbed one of the closer Squishes and popped it in his mouth.

    "Young Nuzzgrund, I think da Master will want a word with you."

    Contact Nuzzgrund da Dark at

    Contact Nuzzgrund da Dark at

  • PLAYER 4 - TYM


    TYM Master of DRAKILAK Proclaims:

    Its is time to leave our beutiful swamps. Our Lich Masters haf learned how to become humans again, and now commands us to retrieve
    gems, gems and more gems.

    And So my scaly brothers its is time to leave the warm waters of Drakilak and cross the Death Sea in search of Gems.

    I know we likes these murky waters, we likes the twisted trees, we like feasting on rodents and birds. But now its is time for something better. Now we haf been commanded to crawl forth into the lands of Man. Where we can once again Eat Peoples


    Diplomacy is another matter. We are not going to eats all peoples, just the ones who fail to gives us gems. Anyone who wishes to work together in following the Lich Masters commands need only send a message by way of and you shall haf your chance to discuss co-operation in not being eaten by the lizardmen.

    Recipes I can recomend:

    Chop three Orc toes into bite sized pieces and eat them.
    Put entire human in boiling water. After an hour eat the organs. Then eat everything else. This is especaily good if humans is named Lothar.
    Take five Silthen leaves and fourteen Srilting stems. grinds up and rub onto live dwarf meat. Eat raw.
    And in general only cooks things that might run away.

    A speciel thanks to Uther (shown to the right) who demonstrated the true mights of the lizardmen in Kaunas. May he be written forever as the lizardman who taught all lizardmen how to eats people with dignity.

    Well it has been a few monthses and several of our neighbors haf discussed the Lich Master's need for Gemses. However quite a few haf ingnored our generous offers of Lizzickian peace. I shall gifs the other neighbors one more chance at discusions before bloodshed. Speakes to us soon at and perhapses the bloodsheds can be avoided.

    Contact TYM at

  • PLAYER 5 - Daedalus

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Daedalus at

  • PLAYER 6 - Kailess Eldreth

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Kailess Eldreth at

  • PLAYER 7 - Erkinwhine

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Erkinwhine at

  • PLAYER 8 - Blade!

    A message to the outlanders, from Blade!, First Speaker of the Peoples'
    Revolutionary Command Council.
         As was predicted by the Druidic Masters of yore, a time of
    stagnation and barbarism dawned on the world after the seals were
    placed on the Astral Plane.  Magic waned and the secrets of high
    sorcery were lost to the ravaging sands of time.  Even technolgy seemed
    to regress without the great economies and magics incouraging
    innovation and invention...people returned to simpler ways.  The humans
    of the world fragmented and formed their own cultures.  With the threat
    of rampaging demi-humans and Necromancers banished, and the lack of
    magic keeping humanity united over vast distances, the social
    dispersial was unavoidable.
        However, many of the Druid Lords and Ladies nurtured specific
    groups of Humans and pushed them culturally in specific directions. 
    Why did they do this gentle guiding?  To create peoples who would
    defend and live in harmony with the pristine lands of Crynn... and to
    combat the Necromantic Arts if they ever rose again.  One of these
    lords, Ravennos Riversbane, predicted that the legions of dark, would
    indeed rise again.  He brought the most talented Monks, Rangers, and
    Druids of the lands to a most inhospitable land... the deserts of
          Deep in the sandy wastes, Ravennos taught them the ways of the
    land; where to find moisture, the secret entrances to the gem mines,
    and  how to keep intruders out.  The mighty Druidic Prophet knew that
    the Human's of Crynn would never again achieve the numbers of Sorcerers
    required to open the gates to the Astral plane.  The Sandpeople's
    patron also knew The Corruption would rise again, and that without the
    Magic fueled by the Astral Plane the Humans and the Lands they defended
    would become enslaved.  Ravennos called upon arcane powers from an
    elder time and shifted the stars and extinguished his own life in a
    spell of great power that would alter destiny.  He shifted the stars
    themselves, so that when the Necromancers reawakened, the soul of a
    great wizard from another world would be called forth from the void and
    placed into the body of a babe destined to lead the Sandpeople.
          From the Etherspace between worlds, I, Blade!, was travelling
    when I heard the call.  I came to Crynn, and left my old Drow body
    behind, and...'became' human.  I became a Prince of the Raven Clan. 
    With the death of Ravennos and the passing of time, the Sandpeople
    broke into semi-civilized clans and lesser nomadic tribes.  Each took
    unto themselves one of the tasks assigned by Ravennos to protect
    Jafnna.  Some guarded the borders, some preserved the purity.  The
    largest clan, The Raven Clan, which I was 'born' into, guarded the
    precious Mines of Jaffna.  I quickly set about to uniting the clans
    peacefully so that we may prepare for the onslaught of decadance that
    will soon reach the shores of other enclaves of humans.
        Now the Clans are united, and I, Blade! lead them.  Beware forces
    that seek to hurt the innocents of Crynn.  A new era of magic will
    begin, anew era of a united world will be initiated.  Already, a grand
    number of new lands have fallen in line.  The fabled Ruby Woods, where
    the High Elves dwell closest to the Astral Plane which dips in this
    area has joined the fight to protect their forest dwellings.  The
    Northern Reaches of the Jaffna Desert which were traditionally out of
    our domain have been incorporated in the rejuvenation plans.  There
    Lizardmen who live in simple ways and reject their barbarous cousins
    way, camp under the stars and read their signs which point to a Druid
        FELLOW MAGI OF CRYNN!  I beseech thee, come to the side of
    rightiousness and do not stray into the clutches of the most unholy
    Necromantic Daemons.  As thee hear my plea, the noble Peoples of the
    Desert wake the Bronze Dragon hatchlings to wing my messages offering
    alliances and cooperation.  Those Demonic and Tainted Wizards that hear
    this...look around you the world suffers and decays from your will be lords of nothing in the finale.  Recant your ways
    and make a strike against the Lords of Necromagic.  Some of our lost
    tribes who protect the bountiful lands of Balismo have begun the
    harvest of resources that will catapult us towards victory.  Similarly
    those plainsmen of Xandra have been led by their wise leader to bring
    their wolves and breads to the Cavern of Birds to give us tribute and
    join the cause of all peoples.
         The Peoples' Revolutionary Commanding Councils will take the steps
    neccasary to combat the oncoming onslaught of corruption.  Rally to our
    banner and we shall rally to yours... show us you have the will to
    combat evil and carry the battle into eternity and we will gladly
    sacrifice for you as you would for us!

    Contact Blade! at

  • PLAYER 9 - Iermorcus

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Iermorcus at

  • PLAYER 10 - Rishi

    A History of the Children of the Ice and Crystal Path, from the mouth of 
    Jaivus Second Elder;
    "Come now children gather round, aye even you Jaiuk, older then the rest you 
    may be but all of us are children here, Children of the Ice.
    "Our Ancestors were among the mighty and wise, they were foremost amoung the 
    Druids; they delved the deepest waters, flew in the wildest skies, crept 
    into the darkest caverns of the earth, and never went cold for the largest 
    to the smallest flame was their's to command.
    "The world was peaceful then with all of it's creatures working togeather 
    for the greater good of all, yet giving all the freedom to choose their own 
    path.  But amoung the many were those few who would take more than they 
    needed, more than they wanted, just to have more than others, just so others 
    would have less.  These dark ones built fortresses of darkness and hid 
    within their shadows, working arts of magick darker then the most ebony of 
    shadows, they delved into the forbiddenness of Necromancy.
    "All know it has been forbidden for time immortal, its dark arts meant only 
    to enslave and control the living and the dead, who should be resting in the 
    fields of afterlife.  Yet they delved into its arts, they studied it and 
    practiced it, they raised armies of undead, they sucked the life from the 
    very land.  Yet all this in secret.  All this done in the quietest of ways 
    and behind walls of many barriers, mystic and mortal.  But nothing of this 
    perversion could stay from the eyes of the wise for long.  They were found 
    out, but not before they had caused the people and the Druids of old to war 
    within them selves.  But their trickery could not stay the might and fury of 
    the land and its chosen.  The Druids thundered toward the gates of the 
    wicked's castles and keeps.  They charged with the hope of the rightous and 
    the purity of the martyr, fo if they failed at this the world would be lost 
    on all accounts.  The wind swept tornadoes, the earth shot jagged stones, 
    the waters crashed in mighty waves, and flames of the greatest might all 
    sote the walls of the evil ones.  But it was within those walls they found 
    greater horror!
    "Their lost ones, deceased and gone, kidnapped or missing, were rising up 
    from graves to fight them.  Oh the evil they felt that day, having to battle 
    with their own kin and elders.  The Necromancers had counted on this, and 
    planned their attacks to falter their enemies.  But they had misunderstood 
    their enemy!  They thought to fight ones own kin would be impossible to the 
    noble Druids, but the Druids knew that to fight was to release their kin, to 
    break these unnaturaly moving bodies would free their spirits once more and 
    forever for the happiness of afterlife.
    "The Dark Ones cowered in fear, their most delicate plans and dwenomers 
    falling like cobwebs before the fury of the elemental Druids.  They turned 
    their arcaneries inward and outward, searching for a path to freedom, a way 
    to escape these turnings in the war they had brought.
    "They did indeed flee, to cower in the darkness, but never to forget, for 
    ones as dark as they would not flee without a place to prepare in.
    "And our Ancestors knew this, they knew this and knew we should prepare.
    "They searched the land long and hard.  Where could we thrive and grow, yet 
    be hardend in body but open in mind, to be purified in spirit?
    "Then on a bright morning a shining was seen in the distance, a glow of 
    ephemeral light suffusing the sky and bringing a smile to young and old.  
    Our people went forth to investigate and saw a spire of crystal rising from 
    the ground, and in the distance another and another...
    "Spans of towers, rising into the distance, a path of light and power, 
    leading us north and into the distance.  Our people knew they had found 
    their way, this would lead us to what we needed.  And along this Path of 
    Crystal our ancestors did travel.  A hard travel it was, with harsh weather 
    swirling around and clashing into our weakend bodies.  Our Druids felt the 
    world had been abused much of magic lately, so had locked the precious Gems 
    into the Astral and tempted themselves naught of casting spells to tame the 
    land and weather.
    "Our people survived their treck, they came upon a land cold and wind swept, 
    but felt rejoice for they had reached a place to call home.  The elements 
    here still raged with the power of the worlds beginning.  They knew if they 
    were to prepare for life here was the place to do it.
    "The land had towers of Crystal that were shown to be Ice of such purity it 
    would glow even as the sun was setting, and our home was born.
    "Then called it Crystal Path in honor of our harsh trek over the world.
    "Our people toiled to make the land livable and comfortable, their bodies 
    grew stronger, and their eyes sharper, their minds quicker.
    "The Druids came to be keepers of tales and histories, teachers and seers.  
    They became Elders, with fewer and fewer expressing magical gifts, until now 
    when only the young Rishi in his cave still meditates on the plance of the 
    Druids, yet he guides us well for one so young.
    "We have been shaped by this land and have shaped it in return, a loving 
    union to keep us both strong and workable in preperation for times dark.
    "So long have we been here, all others know us as Icelanders.
    "Yet we know ourselves as the Children of the Ice, for we are young yet as 
    the land is old, and it has much yet to teach us.
    "Now let us help your parents bring in the catch, next time I'll..."

    Contact Rishi at

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