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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 96 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Draconis

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Draconis at

  • PLAYER 2 - Yyrkoon

    Yrkoon stood on the top of his tower, watching peasants crawling through the 
    streets like ants, as useless movements, but not as busy. Thousands of 
    people, all waiting to become soldiers of his new empire.
    From where he was, he had a good look at the interior city, where workers 
    just started building a church as he had ordered. People seemd easily be 
    impressed by religions, he realized, though gods had different names, they 
    were much alike, whether High Elves or Dark Elves, whether Dervishes of 
    Orcs, everyone seemed to believe in the concept of order and chaos, of 
    creation and destruction, of druidism and dark.
    Druidism and Dark, that reminded him of the other Wizards, who had recently gained control of a city, just like him. He wondered who would make best allies, but he couldn't come to a conclusion, he just didn't know enough about his fellow wizards yet. So he decided to write to all of them.
    Dear fellow Wizard,
    I wus just informed you were salved as a High Wizard by the priests of order and chaos, just like me. Times are changing, and monsters are spotted all over the land. I hope you are interested in relationships with other races, if so, please send me a message.
    Yrkoon, master of Sorcery

    Contact Yyrkoon at

  • PLAYER 3 - Shadowmage

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Shadowmage at

  • PLAYER 4 - Cardinal Teplin

    The round chamber was so carved with ancient sigils that it appeared rough hewn
    from the living rock.  The bluish glow from the coldfire, burning in the central
    bowl, cast a fierce but shallow light, that caused twisted shadows to scuttle
    around the thickly carved walls, clinging to crevice and carving.  The light
    revealed only traces of the dark faces gathered in the chamber, but for those
    gathered here, it was enough.  Here was the heart of Shadowfeltz, and the true
    rulers of the city.  Here the Priestesses gathered, to forge their divergent
    instincts into the city's iron will.
    "The portents are clear."  One of them had spoken, but in the inky depths of the
    shadowed chamber, noone could have sworn to who.  Words tumbled around the room
    echoing from the walls, while those within shifted position constantly, a dance
    of concealment that spoke of more than it seemed.  Who stood with who, and who
    appeared to be who, and who drifted away like smoke spilling from a chimney
    shaft only to be found in a different position in the chamber spoke more than
    mere words.
    What portents, was not spoken of.  Each knew, or if they did not, would have
    bought the information dearly before the month was out.  The Elven Races were
    heading for war, that much was certain.
    "The whispering Brothers speak of movement on the surface."  A simple statement,
    and one that left much unsaid.  The surface elves, both ancestral enemies and
    too far away to be counted as much a foe as their kinfolk neighbours, were also
    going to war.  That meant a far ranging conflict, one that the underground world
    would find harder to escape.  It meant too, that other races might be drawn into
    the conflict.
    But worse still, the status of the Whispering Brothers themselves were
    uncertain. Those spies well trained enough to be trusted and yet worthless
    enough to sent as far as the surface, were almost exclusively male.  To trust
    the weaker sex to matters of such importance spoke of determination that the
    city stand unified, of resoluteness that all resources be utilised, but worse
    still, it spoke of desperation.  The menfolk were the most expendable of the
    race.  To trust to the judgement of their reports without further verification
    was more a plea for haste over care, that the time of planning was over, and the
    time for action was already here.
    Eyes turned to the priestess of the Endless Dance.  Perhaps the most
    conservative in such matters, she might have been expected to pull away from the
    speaker.  Yet despite her normally restless manner she stood still, feet planted
    in a determination that was familiar to many, but seemed horribly out of
    "The time has come."  That was her almost certainly, and she evidently cared not
    who knew it.  A bold but possible foolish move.  Then again, with a war coming,
    she might have felt the need to demonstrate her factions growing strength.  Most
    other Dark Elven cities had come under the sway of one or another of the major
    priesthoods.  Once in a dominant position, the subservience of the others could
    be ensured with lethal force.
    "This is a time for unity, unity and strength."  The play had been made.
    Agreement now would put the High Priestess of the Endless dance in total control
    of the city.  The movement in the room intensified, as the majority opposed to
    such a move tried to find an alternative.  But few would want to be the one to
    oppose the strongest faction, nor stand out as opposed to what might shortly be
    the new regime.  Worse still, what alternative was there?  Could they really
    keep on as they were, in the face of a great war?
    "There is, of course, an alternative."  A sudden hush of astonishment, a one
    figure stepped forward towards the bowl of coldfire.  Elisha, priestess of Our
    Lady of Mirrors, of little power and known for her lack of tact.  But the choice
    made sense.  She would gain from her presumption if it succeeded, and the
    faction that supported her would lose little if her gamble failed.  She would
    die, but she would count but as a minor loss.
    "We have, through our divinations, discovered a Great One."  Wizards who could
    command powers on a great scale were rare, mysterious beings.  Frequently not
    powerful on a personal level, they were capable of a scale of magic that would
    prove invaluable in a war.  Such a being would be of great use to them.  Indeed
    many had probably already started searching, through their circles of summoning
    or scrying mirrors, or by sending minions through the panoply of the planes, to
    find such a creature.  Her success was a coup indeed, but it would not be
    But she had a altogether more radical plan.  "Like many of his kind, he is weak
    at present, but we can make him strong.  He shall lead."  The proposal was
    vulgar, bringing directly what had only been discussed by implication.  It was
    also controvertial.
    "How can we follow one who is not of the sacred blood?"  An old myth,
    resurrected for deadly purpose.  Some claimed that the priestesses of Shadowfelz
    ruled because they were related by blood to the powers they served.  Many
    disagreed, and some in the priesthood saw the truth in these words, but did not
    feel that the city was necessarily better off ruled by divine blood.  The powers
    they served did not always have their best interests at heart.
    "He is a summoning.  Would you dispute being guided by such?"  Many backed away
    at this.  A direct insult, although it could not be politely construed as such.
    The Endless Dance often consulted with creatures from the wrong side of a
    summoning circle.  Rumours whispered far more.  She offered the opportunity to
    discredit her plan, but only by discrediting their own practices by implication.
    A barbed choice.  The gathered waited breathlessly for a response.
    But a new voice spoke.  "Would any here really consent to being led by a wizard
    in a cage?"
    Sarcastic, angry, but devilishly clever.  It cut straight to hear to the heart
    of the matter, and prevented the Priestess of the Endless dance from forming her
    own reply.  As the silence stretched, it became clear that this alternative,
    however bizarre it might seem, was preferable to a single one of their member
    being undisputed ruler.
    "Then we accept him as Cardinal, for the while?"  A dangerous qualification.
    The title Cardinal would mean this summoned and trapped creature would
    theoretically outrank them. For all that the summoning might be at their mercy,
    he would have considerable power.  The power to command, to direct, to order.
    And if they didn't like it, they could always cut him down.  The genius stroke
    was the clear indication that he was male.  A male was duller, easier to
    manipulate, and less ruthless than a more dangerous female might be.  The
    silence stretched, and thickened into an acceptance.  The Endless Dance had lost
    some face, but they would recover.  Elisha would receive many invitations to
    hospitality and harem from those who might be curious as her potential as a
    political tool.  And this creature, 'Teplin' would give the mobilisation orders
    in a war not lead by them, but which, like anything else in the city, would be
    firmly under their control.

    Transmission from Intelligence Designate 'Teplin'

    - appointed Cardinal by the Conclave of the Priesthood, of the City of Shadowfeltz

    Greetings and Salutations, and welcome to the war. I, by the grace of the assembled representatives of the Powers, am in command of the forces of Shadowfeltz, mundane and otherwise. If you have read this far, you are indeed taking an exceptional in our affairs.

    Know then that this war will not be won by one race alone.

    Contact me, and we can talk

    Contact: Cardinal Teplin

    Contact Cardinal Teplin at

  • PLAYER 5 - Tombei the Mist

    5th Frunnze :
    Elves ! God, how I hate them, the serene bastards. Try convincing them that 
    there is a national emergency and they go off and sing jolly songs in the 
    11th Frunnze :
    Yesterday I asked my chamberlain where my favourite curly-toed slippers 
    were and got a series of infuriating (but beautifully crafted) riddles in 
    verse. Clapped him in irons, but was unable to sleep all night due to the 
    sounds of carolling and merrymaking from the dungeon. Heads will roll !
    2nd  Varidel :
    	Today I was out in the field inspecting the progress of our preparations, 
    only to find the infirmary full of sick woodland mammals and tired 
    migratory birds.
    	Found the ironworkers bedecking the foundry in garlands of flowers and 
    dancing naked in praise of the bounty of the earth. Suggested they might 
    like to mine the bounty of the earth and smelt it, but was given a herbal 
    remedy for hypertension and told not to be so 'heavy'.
    	I then went to have a quiet scream in the woods on my own. However a 
    'sky-clad' elf maiden popped out of the shrubbery to say that I was 
    disturbing the squirrels and would I like to hear a poem about them...
    8th Varidel :
    I don't think my medication is working. Today I visited the dock area to 
    see how the navy is coming along. No work seemed to be going on, but the 
    shipwrights' drama society were busy rehearsing their production of 'The 
    Humorously Shaped Vegetable of King Polypurgonikes' and asked if I would 
    mind returning when they were ready to perform. I did manage to refrain 
    from violence and give a civil, if confused, answer.
    15th Varidel :
    Have decided to stay in bed and let them all go jump. Am thinking of 
    putting my memoirs into verse..."

    Contact Tombei the Mist at

  • PLAYER 6 - Belgarath

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Belgarath at

  • PLAYER 7 - John The Boring

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact John The Boring at

  • PLAYER 8 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *grumble* Where am I NOW? I should never have fiddled with that 'clone self'
    spell back on my first homeworld - now I find myself in the strangest of worlds
    all the time, and soon I lose count of which me is really me, and which me is
    a clone of a clone of a clone... By the way, I wonder which me *I* am ...
    Well, never mind - fortunately magic is much the same all over the worlds, it
    is only the implementations which vary a little, so I should be able to catch
    up on this world's magic quite soon...
    [-Pardon me, sir, but what is this world called?
     -Why, Elven Nation, you ignorant fool!]
    Grmph... So I'm stuck with a bunch of snotty high elves again - just my (but
    which my... ?!) usual luck! At least I hope they have a decent system of magic
    around here...
    [-Pray tell me, sir, but where is the nearest magick college?
     -Not that I understand what a fool like you could possibly understand of
      magick, but that should be in the Dervish settlement called Mantack Mining
      Colony - walk straight ahead about two miles and then take the second
      teleport to the left. Not even an ignorant fool like you can miss it!]
    Sigh... Nothing matches a high elf in snottiness... But I am not totally out
    of luck after all, a group of trading dervishes is much preferrable to those
    aloof elven beings - now let's see, two miles in that direction and then the
    second teleport to the left...
    Two miles *grumble* - maybe the 'space warp' spell from my homeworld works here
    too... It can't hurt giving it a try... *WHOOSH*
    Ahh, here we are - second teleport to the left it was! Mintack Manor, here
    comes Alodar the Apprentice! (Or at least a clone of his clone, or something..)
    Hey STOP IT! This is not only a deja vu feeling, THIS deja vu is for real! Let
    me think - where and what could I (well, one of my I-es, at least?) possibly
    have experienced something like this before? {*thinking deeply for 42 minutes*}
    No, this doesn't work - I guess I must try the 'identify source of current
    deja vu feeling' spell after all, despite its terribly long and uninspiring
    name *sigh* {*incantating for 42 seconds*} *ZAP!*
    Hey, one of my spells actually worked - this must be my (which me?) lucky day
    after all! And now I (or maybe my previous clone?) remember the whole story
    again - it was on Elven Nation as well, and I was heading for Mantack Major
    as well, and I tried the 'space warp' spell as well, and then I took the
    second teleport to the left, but THAT was not as well, since I ended up among
    the high elves of Amilagon (well, after all, that was not too bad either, since
    they were actually quite nice people, once you had learnt to ignore their
    elvish snottiness)...
    OK, now what? I guess I could try the 're-warp space' spell and see if it takes
    me back to where I started, but then I would have to meet that incredibly (yes,
    even for a high elf) snotty type again, and just now I feel foolish enough as
    it is without having a high elf rubbing it in...
    Hmm, maybe if I take a closer look at those... nine, they seem to be, teleports
    I can figure something out... Guess I should start with the second one from the
    left, at least I know where that should lead...
    [-Welcome to Mantack Mining Colony, capital of the dervish settlement in the
      Mantack mountains, oh mighty wizard! You arrive at a most suitable moment,
      sir, since our last wizard just passed away due to old age. May I escort you
      to our humble magic college, sir? It is in dire needs of an experienced
      wizard to take over the vacant Chair of Wizardry...]
    WHAT? THIS is Mantle Colony?? Then why are the nine teleports here - oh holy
    dancing dervishes!! That high elf was not only snotty, he was a snotty high elf
    with a penchant for practical jokes... *gRRRumble*
    Well, at least I've reached my destination, and filling in vacant Chairs of
    Wizardry is sort of my specialty anyway, so let's bygones be bygones and forget
    about practical jokes and impractical deja vu feelings...
    [-OK fella! Your Chair of Wizardry is no longer vacant - Alodar the Apprentice
    volunteers for the position! Now be a good dervish and dance me the way!]
    So this shanty is their magic college?? Looks like I have a huge challenge
    ahead of me (which me?) once again! Well, at least dervishes are supposed to
    be peaceful traders by nature, so hopefully I will not have to worry about
    warfare in the first place - I guess I should consider sending out inquiries
    to the colony's neighbours and discuss possible trading agreements...
    Ahh, here is the library - surprisingly well stocked for such a small shanty,
    I daresay! Now where do I start - well, this title looks promising:
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Elven Nation Magick"
    Good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    *sigh* Now, where did I put my glasses...
    Hmm, I didn't see that little notebook at once, maybe I should take a look:
    "A VERY Short Summary of All a Dervish needs to Know about Elven Nation Magick"
    Oh BOY! This IS my lucky day after all!!

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 9 - Raolin

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Raolin at

  • PLAYER 10 - Kailess Eldreth

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Kailess Eldreth at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
