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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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These are the player blurbs. Send in anything you would like to have in this section. Also web links to graphics and sites are OK. See Info Page for more information on how to do this.

Game 100 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Kel'dakar



    I am Kel'Dakar, Lord of the Dead.
    Long have I slept, waiting for the time to awaken and once again ravage the world. I was thought to be destroyed by my "brother", Caizarius, centuries ago when my fool of a younger brother, Tark, brought Caizarius back from the dead. But what Caizarius did not know is that I had suspected the treachery in his heart years before and had set a powerful dweomer upon myself for escape in just such a circumstance. My escape was not complete however and I was forced to lie in wait for the time of awakening.
    That time is now.
    Power and greatness will come to all who walk beside me in my quest to rule this rock. Those who oppose me will learn swiftly the folly of opposing a wizard whose ambition is limitless.
    Few of you know me for now I work in the shadows, manipulating magic to suit my whim. The Icelanders of Heyervallen have embraced my strength as a sign that I am the chosen one. They are mere mortals, but they have the wisdom and strength to survive these wastes and I respect that. These subjects will do nicely. They surely deserve to be my instrument of retribution. Besides....They owe my "brother" payback for his curse upon Isarna.
    I will not bore you with more of my stories or tell you unending tales of how vast my knowledge is. Only know this, when the end comes, I will be counted among the survivors. My allies can rest well in the knowledge that Kel'Dakar of Heyervallen will account well for himself.
    For those who would call me enemy I am death.
    My Dark Lords call, I must go and sacrifice another slave now before they decide to take one of my mistresses instead. I will be seeing you soon, pray it is as Ally and not as enemy.
    Sincerely, Kel'Dakar Lord of the Dead

    Contact Kel'dakar at

  • PLAYER 2 - Kailess Eldreth

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Kailess Eldreth at

  • PLAYER 3 - Sir Alfred Packer

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sir Alfred Packer at

  • PLAYER 4 - Draconis

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Draconis at

  • PLAYER 5 - Mister Fuzzy

    Hallo, hallo, HALLO! Eez everyboty der? Eez everyboty listerning? Eet eez us Gnomeses een zee Astral Plaaane! Wee are trying out our new eenvention, zee Voice Carryer Mk I. Eez eet working? Wee hope so, az wee want tooo get een contact with you weezards... *smack* -=[Personality Change]=- Ahh... that's better. Had some internal problems then, some idiot took over my mind and started talking in a wierd accent. I have no idea what he was talking about... what was it? .... Ahh.. yes... the gnomes. That's it! The Gnomes... a funny race them, so happy-go-lucky they give the Kenders a run for their money! .... *pause* .... -=[Personality Change]=- Oh,... hi there! It is I, Personality #1... the original Personality. I firstly would like to apologize in advance if ever you speak to me and a 'different' me answers, for I am under constant pressure to keep this race alive, here in the desolate Astral Plane. There's not much food, no wood, ... heck the only thing we have going for us is gems! Now, what good is THAT???? Can't cook it, can't sew it, can't burn it... man, it's COLD here! If any of you kind and sympathetic wizards have any of the basic resources for trade, please don't hesitate to send us a runner. We love our food, and we certainly need our wood and stone! Unfortunately we have nothing to offer except our gems... we gots plenty of gems! What are they used for again???... And as for our temperament, we are friendly, and know that we need help in surviving this world. We have had a little experience in this world, as we recently acquired the help of a Journeyman... who apparently can travel through dimensions. He has plenty to tell about a version of this world in another dimension, where the Gnomes control the fate of the Realm of Alustria! Boy, we are looking forward to repeating that feat... but we know we will not be able to do it without help... we ALL need help... YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!! -=[Personality Change]=- AHA! GOOD TO BE BACK! YOU ALL ARE GOING TO GET IT NOW! WE WILL EAT YOUR BRAINS FOR ENTREE, THEN BOIL YOUR KIDNEYS AND HEART, MIXED WITH SOME TRADITIONAL GNOMISH HERBS AND SPICES (KOLONEL'S RECIPE) AND DEEP FRY FOR THE FIRST COURSE... THEN ... I WILL CHOP OFF YOUR ARMS AND LEGS, AND USE THEM TO MAKE MY BED, WHERE I WILL THEN HUNT FOR YOUR WOMAN AND... *thud* -=[Personality Change]=- Ooops. So sorry, our nasty cousin #666 escaped for a short while. Thank God I had this mace handy! It seems that this trouble maker has regenarative abilities, for we had cut his tongue out before... another has grown back in place! The best we can do is to hold him down and keep silencing him while we conduct our talks with you wizards... please forgive us if he decides to make an appearance and cause havoc, we are trying our best... -=[Personality Change]=- ... speaking of our best, we got the best entertainment in the WORLD! Caizarius himself would be jealous if he knew who we have entertaining us gnomes... yes, that's right, Champion Bunny Lolita! She and her troupe have provided many hours of entertainment and fun for us Gnomes... so we can't help but feel the Good JuJu vibes spreading through out our empire! If y'all would like, send your troops (unarmed of course) and generals to Valdoramax, and join in the fun! Only 20Gp per person (a BARGAIN), and you can drink all you like! So come one, come all... to Valdoramax, the party town of Alustria! Well, there you have it! Send your missives/runners/emmisaries/diplomats/letters/scrolls or whatever else you have with news of trade or alliance, or even just a short note saying "HI"! We gnomes are listening, Mister Fuzzy. #ALL.. except #666. He wants to see you... ahem, how shall we put it? Eliminated? Oh well, don't worry, we will try to hold him down for you... PS. Best of Luck everybody!

    Contact Mister Fuzzy at

  • PLAYER 6 - Cardinal Teplin

    "I come up here to speak today, wishing I could bring better news.  But there is
    little good cheer to speak of.  We face a disaster unprecedented in the history
    of our kind.  There is a war, a great war, coming to this land..."
    The crowd began to shift and fidget.  The gatherings of the Moot, the great
    Halfing meeting house where matters of import were decided, was rarely so busy.
    But the crowds had been promised a discussion of something important.  Wars came
    and wars went,and few really cared.  Halflins were not by nature a military
    people.  A really big war simply meant that they would hear more about it.  Dull
    dull dull.
    "... an impact upon trade that concerns every one of us here.  For we can not
    afford to be complacent about the economic viability of..."
    To give him his due, Elder Mathlis was generally quite a good speaker.  He was
    known to get really worked up things, to wave his hands in the air, and roar
    until his tiny round face went all wrinkly and red like a Scarsdale potato.  But
    there seemed less chance of that here.  He had calmed greatly of late.  No
    longer the savage orator that the bored could jibe and heckle on an otherwise
    dull afternoon.  Maybe his time as leader was coming to an end.  Hey ho.
    "... the effect of conflict on our trading partners mean that the prices of some
    commodities may exceed the annual town budget for any given year.  Allowing for
    the effects of inflationary market practices on a situation of turbulent credit,
    we may be forced to scale back..."
    The crowd were definitely bored now.  If it weren't for the steady and
    relentless rain that poured down from a steel grey sky, many would have left
    long since.  The promised 'matter of import' had yet to materilise, and this
    long discourse was wearing thin.
    "... reduced food supplies.  It is thus my recommendation that the practice of
    afternoon tea be banned for the foreseable future."
    In the cavernous silence that followed, a single elderly matron let her
    stitching fall to ground. A single pin, falling lose from the fabric, tinkled to
    the stone floor and was still.
    Mathlis blinked at the sudden and unexpected feeling of having everyone's full
    and undivided attention.  It was a most disagreeable sensation.  "Ahem.  It
    simply isn't feasbile, with the reduced trade caused by the war, to go one
    having five meals a day.  We have to get rid of one.  Its as simple as that."
    A hesitant hand rose from the stunned ranks.
    "Yes Teplin?"
    "So you're serious then.  No more high tea?"
    "Oh, yes.  Of course if the war carries on too long, we may have to cut out
    elveneses as well...  I know its a tough prospect, but that's the price we pay
    for keeping out of the war."  He paused, so caught up in his oration that he
    didn't bother to look down at the reaction of the crowd.  "Besides," he said,
    smiling broadly.  Its only a meal or two isn't it?  Its not like its something
    really important."
    Witnesses latter insisted that the sound could be heard from as a far away as
    Scarpike Mill.  It went on for quite some time.  The town hall would have to
    rebuilt, of course, and they eventually decided to bury Mathlis with full
    honours, once they could find all the peices.
    Meanwhile, Revolutionary Leader Comrade Teplin was chosen as the leader to bring
    the Halfling nation fully into the conflict.  No matter how many nations must
    fall, or what strange powers must be brought to bear, the full fives meals were
    sacrosanct.  Truth honour and justice were all given their fair play, but no
    true Halfing could stand by to watch civilisation fall.  High Tea forever,
    though the heavens fall.

    Contact Cardinal Teplin at

  • PLAYER 7 - Gorbaal

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gorbaal at

  • PLAYER 8 - Mestoph

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Mestoph at

  • PLAYER 9 - Gorm

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gorm at

  • PLAYER 10 - Baron Shadowrunner

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Baron Shadowrunner at

  • PLAYER 11 - Emerald Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Emerald Wizard at

  • PLAYER 12 - Wandor

    void flickers. More and more stars appear, at first in infinite
     distance, then coming closer. Among the dazzling white stars
    you find radiating balls
    of varois colours. Red nebulae of unfamiliar shapes float 
    beneath you.
    And suddenly, a white-bearded man in a dark robe appears in
     front of you.
    "Greetings, fellow wizard!" The full, baritonale voice echos in the infinite universe of your vision. " I am Wandor, guardian of the Cristal of Time and Space. From Reert on the plains of Mahalton I am calling you..."

    For a moment the image fades. A white fog appears between the mage's outstrectched arms and gathers into a radiating ball. As the image is restored again, you notice the sweat on Wandor's forehead. His trembling arms show his strain to maintain the magical connection.

    " Only recently I came to Alustria which is not the world of my origin. A Shaman of the Plainsmen contacted me and asked for aid in defending his people. I was impressed by his ability to reach me, since I never heard of his world before, and fascinated by the country he decribed. Well, at my arrival this place looked not as great as expected. The Shaman died after overstressing his powers, and his people has been decimated in the war against Caizarius. Nevertheless, I have promised to help them survive. Maybe this means d efeating Caizarius, maybe this means serving him. Time will tell."

    " Alustria is a world full of magical power and contains a wealth of gems. I was not surprised to learn that other wizards also chose this place. There is room enough for more than one, but certainly not for all of them. If you agree, perhaps we could also agree on the question who should remain and whom we will ask to leave. An alliance focusing our powers could change the face of this world."

    The glowing ball wavering between the wizard's gnarled hands turns to a dark red colour, and lightning flashes between the distant stars. "I must leave now." The old man looks worriedly around. "You may send a messenger to Reert. The streets are safe for a few more days, but soon there will be war." In an instant his image is gone, and the stars fade. You open your eyes and recognize the familiar sight of your study chamber.

    Contact Wandor at

  • PLAYER 13 - Fatalber

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Fatalber at

  • PLAYER 14 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

  • PLAYER 15 - Aeneas





    The battle rages back and forth. Dead human and non-human bodies are all over the field and the battlements. The central keep of the castle watches the combat as if it had no interest in it, an estrange blue glow completely surrounds it. In fact it is where the fate of this battle is being arranged. Inside several wizards are trying to counteract the spells cast to render the walls useless. The fighting is bloody. Crimson rivers of blood flood the castle moat together with limbs, corpses or any other body part coming from living beings. This was no normal fight it was the very fight for survival.  

    The defenders knew they were defeated a long time ago, they were just buying their supreme Leader and Wizard the time to escape. Another plane of existence awaited him. The spell needed to transport his body to another plane was costly and needed thorough preparations, thus the desperate fight to win a couple of minutes. And time went now very slow.

    The wizard commanding the attacking armies knew as well what was happening, and in his haste to storm the castle threw his troops away as little pieces of litter. They were nothing compared to what could be won if “he” was captured.

    And now the final throw, now the final push was about to be cast.

    Yes! Or No! That cry was in everyone’s mouth. Attackers and Defenders alike each mouthing the word soundlessly or shouting with all the strength they had in their lounges.

    The warlock, once the magic wall was broken teleported himself inside the keep in time to see the body of his most dangerous enemy disappearing from sight to another plane. There was no time to loose and disappoint could be seen in his face. Gods, it was not fair!  They had left another of his enemies get away but not before a little present was delivered. The Warlock laughed, yes he had got away but not completely alone as he would soon discover.





    The blizzard storm came fast and destroyed the tribe fort “ruthlessly” and thoroughly as an enemy tribe could. It was not normal blizzard. Year after year they had lived in the icelands and survived the storms the god chose to send them. This one did not follow the god rules. It had come with no warning and it had left as suddenly as it had come. Just several minutes it had raged, but they had been enough. They were just wondering what had happened and were not paying attention where they should. Just behind them a slowly walking figure was approaching them.

    The tribe as a whole turned around when the slightest sound of the figure walking reached them. They looked at the apparition as they would look at a ghost. No one could have survived the storm and the figure came just from where the blizzard had come.

    The man was dressed fittingly for a ghost. Estrange phosphorescent clothing enveloped him. He was slim and not powerfully built. A blond beard appeared beneath the hat and hazel eyes looked at them as harpoons fly straight to the enemy heart. It was not a very powerful figure but the eyes, his look and the supernatural appearance made them think twice before attacking him. That was the normal curse of life in the icelands. You attacked anyone outside your tribe. When their minds were focusing on this and the attack was imminent, then and only then he deemed necessary to speak, and when he spoke…….  



    Dammed to the pits of hell the warlock and his cunning! This was no way to treat a fellow wizard! Three weeks, three whole weeks with this blizzard around him and he could not stop the spell. He had spent all his magic energy heating himself and now it was fading away. No more energy to tap from. He needed to find someone fast, but the endless plain of ice had no habitants so far. Night after night and day after day he had walked sure to find a city, town or village and he found none. Had he not been a powerful wizard he would be dead by now. Had he been so powerful he would have transported himself to a town and not here. Still the plane teleporting spell always ended where people in need of leadership were. Something had gone awfully wrong here. He could not leave these lands without having a try, it would mean the worse defeat in his long life. Being defeated by a fellow wizard was bad, but being defeated before he had the chance to develop his powers was disaster!

    Was that a voice, yes! People at last! Now this dammed blizzard spell will be over. He had studied it to put an end to his working but could not. His study of the spell just yielded that as soon as another eyesight different from his touched the blizzard it would fade away.

    He did not expect the violent blizzard reaction. It was as it had life of its own, and that could be very well true. The destruction it brought to who would soon be his proper subjects was shocking. There was a lot of work to be done here and now there was more of it.

    He walked toward whom would be their subjects and then they turned around. Their looks were of amazement and hate, but soon they would be of love…….      






    Yes, yes colleagues that is the story of my coming to this world. I am now the leader of one of the two most powerful nations at the Island of Isarna. I greet you now that I have the power to do it and wish you fare better in this world than I did in the last one. I will be glad to receive you missives of friendship or trade agreements, not so glad if you send war declarations. In fact I am expecting them from this very minute, I mean the friendship missives of course. I will receive all messages good or bad at this place Do not hesitate to contact me, I will study all offers fairly and will answer as they deserve. In the meanwhile I will study what to do regarding Cazarius and his minions. I am still not sure about the right course. Ohhh! I always forget, my name is Aeneas and all races will come to fear and respect it, I hope.


    Contact Aeneas at

  • PLAYER 16 - Jegron

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Jegron at

  • PLAYER 17 - Sithek uth Mater

                               TWILIGHT OF THE ELVES
         In a time long past...a millennium ago....before the time of
    men.....before any of the lesser humanoid races walked the lands....
    reflected a lone figure, atop a windswept cliff, staring at the boundless
    seas....the Elves dominated Alustria, their culture, their passions,
    powers, magics...equalled in power only by the Kingdoms of the Ancient
    Dragons.  Alustria herself was one...peace and tranquility dominated those
    far away times.  The lands stretched as one, forever-joined in one great
    massive continent, not the fractured lands floating amidst the rolling
    seas, as today.  It seemed that everything reflected the current Age...the
    dragons were gone, missing for a millennia or more.  The Elves were a
    splintered peoples, isolating themselves from one another, as well as the
    rest of the world.  An attempt to stem the tide of Fate which threatened
    every day to sweep them into the past, sharing the Dragons' Doom.  A day
    didn't go by that reports were not received of elves, sometimes whole
    tribes, gone missing, disappeared into mists, never seen again.
         Dragon's Doom, Sithek uth Mater mused.  Not aptly named.  Better it
    were called, 'The doom of Elves and Dragons,' for we share the same end.
    We were touched by the corruption differently, less 'dramatically'.  The
    corruption kills us slower, nothing else.  We shared in the folly, but
    attempt to disassociate from it by ignoring our part, ignoring our fate.
    As if, the corruption of the Weave could be changed, ignored, by simply
    calling that one act, at both out races' pinnacle of arrogance, the
    'Dragons' Doom.
         Both our races were arrogant, we thought to live for eternity, a
    millennium of life, was not enough, we had to have forever, we sought to
    remove our kinds from the Weave of Magic that gives this world life.  In
    doing so we broke the order, the balance.  We shattered this world, we
    shattered the life force, the Weave.  Elves and dragons created the lesser
    races.  My own peoples pity the Dragons, their death.  I pity my peoples,
    who have had to watch an eternity as their death creeps upon them,
    overwhelming them, watching, waiting, trying to pretend they have some
    control over their fates.
         Pity.....pity those who lay before his path.  He could not control
    fate, but he could ensure that when the flames of the Elven Peoples died
    out forever, the flames burn out strong an powerful, leaving their memory
    imprinted upon the world, forever.  Immortality, could be attained in
    death, rather than life.
                                     YEAR ONE
         Alone once again, atop the windswept cliffs of Yzaldra, Sithek uth
    Mater, sat amidst the backdrop of an evening sky...dark...speckled with a
    multitude of pinpricks of light.   Amng the stones of the open temple of
    Yzaldra, the Great Wizard, reflected upon the year's campaign as it drew to
    a close...the outcomes, the preparations for the winter months ahead, and
    the plans which could be put into action now, in preparation of next years
         Much had happened this season.  The Yzaldran Armies had brought many
    of the Lost Elven Tribes back into the fold of their Kingdom, including the
    once powerful Vilean Elves.  The Lord High Marshal had cleansed their
    nation of rampaging monsters that had plagued them eons.  Several holy
    places of the Ancient Elves and Dragons had been discovered and had
    contained much lost magic, as well as unholy places and magic, too.  Both
    sides of the same coin.  Alliances had been formed and broken.  The Gnomes
    to the south, would be pacified soon, that campaign would follow on into
    the winter, their treachery would not soon be forgotten.  The Lizard
    peoples to the north had remained loyal, both Kingdoms had prospered
    because of this.  How long it would last was another question.
         Great structures had arisen all over the Kingdom and Yzaldra
         Everything was proceeding towards the final battle.
         The splintering of his mind threatened to overwhelm him, even as the
    splintering of his Elven Council threatened to overwhelm the operation of
    his Kingdom.  Both situations mirroring one another.  Still, it grew and
    prospered, his mind, his power, the kingdom.  Its fragileness threatening
    to be over-run, to break at any moment.  He must not let that happen, the
    choice must be made before his mind splintered forever.  Once made the
    choice could not be undone.  Would the elves of go to the mists forever,
    having chosen to embrace the light or the darkness of the current world?
         Alone he stood atop the cliffs, symbolic, as the elves stood at the
    brink, their doom assured.  The manner of that doom, of embracing the Light
    or the Dark, the only thing left undecided.  The fork was quickly
    approaching in the road.  A path must be chosen.  Was there a way, to
    repair the Weave?  The join the two aspects of magic once again into one
    another?  Could the choice impact the outcome of this world?

    Contact Sithek uth Mater at

  • PLAYER 18 - Mashkor

    Dervish news turn 6

    Fort Artis

       This morning when the sun rose over Fort Artis Mashkor was already fully awake. He was planning an attack on the renowned city = of Taerk Hagul. One of the best defended towns on Pejron. Not wanting to = lose this battle that will certainly raise his whole army's morale he = prepared his plans with infinite care. Lack of money prevented him from researching = magics that would help his troops. The welfare of his peasants meant more than = the magic he could research now. At least for some time it would remain so. Only the peasants of his kingdom can provide enough goods to build an Empire that could Caizarus once again. The Dervish people played a great part in the first fall of Caizarus Mashkor intended to see his people do = the same in Caizarus' second and last fall. A few Miners of Maergot of Taerk Hagul stood in his way. They were going to be crushed...

       The Dervish established good relationship with their neighbours the Ogres. It should help muster our strenghts before the Big Bad Dude comes near as he surely will.

    Holliwican ???

       Dervishes also found a hilly region reaching high into the clouds. It might be a path to find other trading partners. If only = this fearsome tribe of Minotaurs could go away... Once the army has finished=20 with Taerk Hagul that's where they're heading. And they'll see who is=20 most fearsome!

    Wizard of the Dervish

    Contact Mashkor at

  • PLAYER 19 - Barca Blackheart


    Between the twin peaks of High Alfax, commanding the entry to the Heavenly Pass, the Green Tower shot up to the sky proudly. From afar, the sleek tower looked just like a great sword, and the twin peaks the victim of its vicious cut.

    Barca Blackheart stood before the entrance to the Green Tower, his heart pounding fast. Far behind him, a few hundred of the town folks stared at him uneasily, but he paid them no heed. He owned them now, as much as he owned his horse, Shadowdancer. He would take good care of them, but would not care what they thought. His attention now was on the great tower. The tower that had tormented his mind for so long.

    The ancient tower had been here long before the first men settled at High Alfax. Millennia had passed, but the surface of the tower wall was still smooth and shiny. All the rage of the winds and snows and proved futile. Legend said that the Green Tower was a sacred place, a gift left by the Gods to the last of the Immortals. Any mortal who dared to touch the tower would bring ill fate to his clan. Some learned men had said that this was just superstition. Still the town folks had guarded the tower vigilantly.

    For as long as he could remember, Barca had been fascinated by the great tower. Deep in his mind he had always felt that someone, or something in the tower was pulling him. He longed to enter the tower, but feared the consequences. Then, on the eve of his twentieth name day, he could stay away no more, and headed toward the tower. Like his father, and unlike his kinsmen, Barca was never interested in physical exercises and martial practices. He preferred instead to spend his time in his father's study, reading the numerous books and scrolls. The lack of physical training proved disastrous, for he was easily spotted by the tower guards. But his knowledge ultimately saved his life -- with a few poison blow darts the guards were dispatched on the way to the coucile of the elders.

    From that day on, and for more than twenty years, Barca had been a fugitive in foreign land. He never stopped plotting going back to the Green Tower. He knew that he would never gain access to the tower unless he had subdued the entire town, which was impossible, unless of course, with the help of magic. Barca had known for a long time that he could feel some otherworldly power that others could not. Gradually he gathered that he had a special affinity with magic. He knew if powerful wizards were nearby, and in the few cases when he stood close to a spell-casting wizard, he could almost see the flow of magical power. However, he dared not approach any wizards for apprenticeship. For they were a jealous lot, and might well have killed Barca if they had realized his potential. All Barca dared to do was to secretly observe any wizards when he could, relying his gift to feel the power flow. In the mean time, he kept his eyes open for magical items, which allowed spell casting by even the untrained laymen.

    At long last, Barca returned to High Alfax, with a wand and an orb in his pack, and "Blackheart" as his surname. He had been a thief, a murderer, and finally an informer to King Talos of the plains men. He gave no thoughts to his victims, for his mind were consumed by the thought of the Green Tower, to which knowledge and magic was the key. His efforts eventually bore fruits. When he learned that a wealthy merchant had a collection of magical items, he managed to frame him. In the chaos during the arrest, Barca made off with a couple useful items. Now he was ready to go to the tower again.

    Subduing his home town was surprisingly easy. Barca timed his arrival on the night of Winter Solstice, when every soul in the town gathered before the altar, and the tribal shamans led the annual prayer to the Gods. A big fireball from the wand turned the shamans to cinder. Amid the ensuing chaos, Barca stepped before the crowd, his Orb of Command in hand. Heart pounding fast, he uttered a silent prayer to Fortune and Fate, then chanted the words he had heard but once but silently recited for countless times. The first spell casting in his life was a success, and ecstacy rolled over his mind and body. He opened his mouth, and his voice boomed across the town.

    "People of High Alfax, now I claim all of you as my subjects. Obey your master, or die!"

    One by one the crowd knelt before him.

    Now Barca stood before the Green Tower, with no one in between. The power pulling him inside grew stronger and stronger. And somehow he just knew that this was just the beginning. A grander future would be waiting for him when he emerged out of the tower again. Barca raised his hands toward the door. The double door swung open before his hands made contact. Without hesitation, Barca stepped into the dark entrance ...

    Contact Barca Blackheart at

  • PLAYER 20 - Ra

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Ra at

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