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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

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Game 148 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Nameless Wizard

    "As the scrolls of Datrium proclaimed;
    Lo, and behold, for he is named and unnamed!
    This one shall be our instrument and shall be known as
    such by our sign.  He is the Nine Dragoned!  He has no
    former life now, he is our vestiment of energy within
    you!  He shall lead you and he shall guide you!
    For the time of changes has awakened!  The Lord of
    Fires and child to Gods, has awakened!  His death is
    summoned, and you are our instruments!  Go forth,
    grow, build, destroy!"
    -The Naming of the Nine Dragoned, Official Record.
    "I have life, where once none was.  Yet all existance
    is life, so I must be life where life always was.  I
    must be a traveling soul brought for a purpose. 
    Apparently that purpose is Arragoth.  The Dark One
    they tell me.  I wish I had more memories.  But if
    destruction of these people is his/her/its goal, I
    shall surely defeat it!  Nothing can hold back the
    force of my fervor to help these people.  The other
    day a little girl told me she would grow up to be my
    strongest battle maiden, it pained me to know she
    might die in the battles to come.  They have brought
    me in and trusted me, and I must return that trust a
    thousand fold.  For this I swear, these are my people,
    as are the people of all life and existance."
    -From the Thought Crystals of the Nine Dragoned.
    "and that's why I don't think I could marry Beleigh
    Twizxdedump!  He just cares about his dumb old toads! 
    Well till tomarro diary, Love, Marliam Xexaphum
    1st of Txarki,
    It was wonderous indeed, fire belching from the
    cavern, the caves shaking and shattering!  It was more
    excitement then we had seen since Bileigh Twizxdedump
    found a twump toad in the Macrian Grotto!  The
    teachers, herded us all back towrad the Great Hall,
    but a thunderous voice called out to us all.  It cried
    'Stop and behold us, we are returned and the time of
    reconning is at hand!'  Or something like that, then
    it told us to gather all of our family and friends,
    and everyone into the Grotto Draconis, where we're
    usually told not to play.  When we were all gathered,
    the Nine Dragons burst into being!  Really, first
    there was nothing, then they were there!  They made
    alot of noise and shoot pretty lights, then they
    conjured a man into being right in the middle of the
    grotto, they made him from the earth and gems, just
    like they say the old Gods made us!  And they said he
    was nameless but gave him the honor of being named by
    Nine Dragoned!  So he's going to save us all!  So I'm
    going to become a battle maiden when I grow up, and
    then Biliegh Twizxdedump will have to like me!  Well
    till tomarro diary, Love, Marliam Xexaphum"
    -The day the Nine Dragoned was named, from the diary
    of little Marlium Xexaphum.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 2 - Drakanus

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Drakanus at

  • PLAYER 3 - Azrael

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Azrael at

  • PLAYER 4 - Ellonion von Slitzer

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Ellonion von Slitzer at

  • PLAYER 5 - Audis

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Audis at

  • PLAYER 6 - Kali Ma

    	Remember back to a time before after the tyranny of Arragoth.   It was 
    then, when only the sky alone was there.  Only the seas pooled under the 
    sky; there was nothing whatever gathered together.  Whatever might be was 
    simply not there:  only murmurs, ripples, in the dark, in the night.  Within 
    these shadowed waters resided a god, Sovereign Plumed Serpent, clothed in 
    quetzal feathers, in blue-green.  The celestial god, Heart of Sky, otherwise 
    known as Hurricane, descended and joined him, and they talked, then they 
    thought, then they worried.  The gods devised their plan of the universe, of 
    living things.  For the forming of land they said “Land.”  It arose 
    suddenly, just like a cloud, like a mist, now forming, unfolding.
    Then they conceived the growth, the generation of trees, of bushes, and the 
    growth of life, of humankind, in the blackness.  And once the gods had 
    brought forth the land, they planned the animals of the mountains, all the 
    guardians of the forests, and creatures of the mountains:  the deer, birds, 
    pumas, jaguars, serpents, rattlesnakes, yellowbites, and guardians of the 
    bushes.  Yet the gods had not yet brought their ideal into being, for the 
    animals simply squawked, they just chattered, they just howled.  And so the 
    gods experimented, creating and destroying until they had made a human 
    design, one that could speak, pray to them, keep their days.  They populated 
    the land with tribes, and then the sun, moon and stars appeared, when it 
    dawned and cleared on the face of the land, over everything under the sky.
    This is the proud creation myth of the now prosperous Amazons.  I, Kali Ma, 
    have been the leader of the Amazons since shortly after Arragoth's entrance 
    into hibernation.  After Arragoth’s decline many empires surfaced and 
    attempted to take control of the land.  Some of these were peaceful, wishing 
    only to live their lives, while others had more morbid plans in mind.  Our 
    society falls into the category of the latter.  The populations that 
    surround us will tell you of our nature.  It has been through conquering the 
    feeble that we, the Amazons, have created a society that has grown and 
    flourished throughout the past five centuries.
    As the land begins to rumble into life once again, it is the responsibility 
    and duty of the Amazons to ready ourselves for the battle that is sure to 
    follow in order to ensure that our history lives on for eons to come.
    We all remember back to the period of horror when the Evil One and his 
    devilish Lava Legions spread out over the land.  It was during this period 
    that men trembled and thousands upon thousands of kingdoms fell.  The 
    leaders of these communities were themselves purely weaklings.  They had 
    neither the might nor the valor to face the terrors of brutality.  We, the 
    Amazon leaders of the present, have witnessed the downfall of many.  It is 
    clear to see that as many now prepare themselves for the renewed fight 
    against terror, those who were weak centuries ago will continue to remain 
    so.  There are very few who will be able to live up to what is sure to 
    ensue.  As Arragoth releases his Lava Legions, one by one many will fall.
    We, the Amazons, know that the ones who will succeed in this round are those 
    that the world least suspects; the ones that have been suppressed since time 
    immemorial.  Yes, it will be the women who will band together and bring to 
    an end this age.
    	While hidden and forgotten, the women of the jungle have trained in all of 
    the ancient war forms in order to prepare themselves for this day.  As men 
    were consumed with petty squabbles and arguments, it was the women that grew 
    the courage and the strength that will be required to defeat the feared 
    Arragoth.  It is now women who will rise above their oppressors and show the 
    world the end of chaos.  I, Kali Ma, shall lead these warrioresses into 
    battle.  The era of men and madness will be destroyed and the age of 
    prosperity will ensue.
    	I urge you to join the Amazons now in their fight for
    righteousness.  Beware, with each victory we celebrate, the power of
    the woman increases.  Attempt to destroy us, and your destruction is

    Contact Kali Ma at

  • PLAYER 7 - Muni

    I know this sensation...
    I can see, I see green...
    The world is a glow around me, blurry...
    Faces, I'm drawn to the faces.  I know these people, these are friends, 
    family, rivals, and myself.
    The world is changing from green to red!  Flames leap from the ground, 
    footsteps burn them into the forest!  Magma Legions!
    What is happening?
    I know this sensation...
    I can hear, I hear buzzing...
    The world around me is noisy, murmuring...
    Voices, I'm drawn to the voices.  I know these voices, these are companions, 
    bretheren, foes, and myself.
    The murmuring is changing to screaming!  I can hear the crackel of flames, 
    the stomping of crushing feet!  Magma Legions!
    When is this happening?
    I know this sensation...
    I can feel the forest, I feel winds and rustling...
    The world around me is pulsing, vibrating...
    Motion on my skin, I'm drawn to the touches against me.  I know these 
    caresses, these are compatriots, kindred, enemies, and myself.
    The caresses is changing to pummeling and burning!  I can feel the thrashes 
    of mighty blows, the tearing of flesh as it turns to ash under the heat!  
    Magma Legions!
    Where is this happening?
    I know this sensation...
    I can smell the morning dew, I smell the cooking fires and evening meals...
    The world around me is tasty, comforting...
    Smells across my senses, I'm drawn to the memories they invoke.  I know 
    these smells, these are intimates, soulmates, terrors, and myself.
    The smells turn rancid!  I can smell ash and trees screaming!  The flesh 
    rought with injury and disease, burnt and maimed!  Magma Legions!
    Why is this happening?
    I know this sensation...
    I can remember my life, I am myself again...
    The world of the present wraps itself around me...
    The council looks to me, and my answers are grim.  I know their responses, I 
    have felt them myself.
    The world is to be recreated soon, and by our guidance it must strive and be 
    reborn in light and purity, not Arragoth's dominion.  Elven Legions!
    How is this happening?
    This we must struggle for.  No Spirit can answer that question for us.  We 
    must regird ourselves for war.  We must reawaken the fires of witchlight 
    within our souls, as we rekindle the fires in our weaponsmithing forges.  We 
    must reawaken the Alliances of Old.  The humans, and dwarves, and creatures 
    of all types must be brought togeather.  Harmony is our only hope!"
    Record of the Visions and Council of Muni, as recorded by Te'ampe Auriie.
    Sent out to all civilised creatures of the world, in hope for the future.

    Contact Muni at

  • PLAYER 8 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 9 - Blue Lotus

    Greetings revered and noble hierarchs of the mystic
        I am called the Blue Lotus.  I have ruled the
    Sandpeople of the Great Eastern Desert for centuries,
    since shortly after the time of Aargoth's entrance
    into slumber.  The Dynasty of the Golden Lion, my
    ancestors, have ruled this land since time immorial. 
    The Dynasty was founded over ten millenia ago,
    instilled by divine mandate.  The first great
    Matriarchs and Patriarchs to call themselves Emperors
    and Emperesses had the blood of great bronze dragons
    coursing through their veins.  Because of theis, they,
    and consequently I, have a deep and profound
    understanding of 'the way,' and how it guides all
    things around us, seen and unseen.  We founded and
    created the very definition of civilization on this
    rock.... humanity no longer had to hide in
    we brought forth the secrets of pottery, farming, and
    literature!  Humanity no longer needed to fear...for
    we have learned how to defend the world from
    barbarism, chaos, and wicked Oni spirits!  When
    Aargoth came, we sacrificed to bring the tainted one
    down... Now that Aargoth's great sleep is coming to
    its end, and magic is once again arising and flowing
    across the land, we shall meet the challenge again.
        The lineage of the Sandpeople boasts a legion of
    men and women who have defended the empire with honor.
    The noble Samurai Lords and magic weaving Wu-Jen who
    are my vassals have long protected the virtue and name
    of the Dynasty.  We have long been the sole bastion of
    culture and civilization in a world that has fallen
    into chaos.  Our home lies in a lush mist-shrouded
    valley hidden deep within the Eastern Desert, which no
    foreigner has ever laid eyes on.  But that will all
    change soon.  We throw open the gates to knowledge and
    proper that the world may once again become
    a better place, and all may pay tributes to us for
    guiding the world in the proper courses of action and
         Before the rampage of Aargoth, our progenitors
    ruled vast swaths of the world, and the other races
    benefited from our culture and the order we instilled.
    When the Dark Lord of Magma and his tainted minions
    cracked the world, empires fell and castles were
    smashed.  But it was the Matriarch of the Golden Lion
    Dynasty who sat upon the Jade Throne, that led the
    Nobles of the land against Aargoth's fortress.  Now
    that Aargoth will awaken, I am the Patriarch, and I
    shall lead the charge against the acursed one.  The
    world will once again be guided by those that sit on
    the Jade Throne, and benefit from contact with true
    civilization.  Even the un-cultured and inhuman Elves,
    and backwards chauvanistic Amazons shall be brought
    closer to Enlightenment and the 'way'...
          ...I, The Blue Lotus who sits on the Jade Throne
    of the Sandpeople, summon you to join my honorable
    effort to quell the chaos that will decend on our
    world!  As my people once again assert their dominance
    and bring civilization back to the world, so will
    yours have a chance to help us.  Oppose us, and the
    Empire shall squash your barbaric ways that must have
    given birth to the event of Aargoth's awakening.  Our
    ways of war are supreme, we act with honor to those
    who possess it...those who do not and seek to betray
    us...will find a host of dark clad warriors stalking
    their moves, and 'shurukien', which you know
    ignorantly as 'throwing stars', in their loved one's
    backs!  But I vow, I will bring order and harmony back
    to the world as I have been directed by 'The Way.'  My
    Samurai Legions will march forth against the Lava
    Legions... I hope to see you at the battle on the side
    of rightiousness.

    Contact Blue Lotus at

  • PLAYER 10 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 11 - Nameless Wizard

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nameless Wizard at

  • PLAYER 12 - Squall

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Squall at

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