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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-2002

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Game 165 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

  • PLAYER 2 - Princess

    ---  -.-
    ..    --. ---  ---  -.  .-    --  .-  -.-  .    .-  -..  .  -  -  .  .-.
    -...  .-..  ..-  .-.  -...  --..--    ...  ---  --- -.
    Papa Romeo India November Charlie Echo Sierra Sierra

    Contact Princess at WOW_PRINCESS@HOTMAIL.COM

  • PLAYER 3 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *grmph* Here I go again (but which I... ?) - my uncle TOLD me not to fiddle
    with that 'clone self' spell back on my first homeworld until I was absolutely
    sure I had mastered it... Well, I _thought_ I had, but somehow I got stuck in
    an endless loop, and now I find myself in the strangest of worlds all the time,
    and long ago I lost count of which me is really me, and which me is a clone of
    a clone of a clone... Not that it really matters, it is kind of interesting to
    have so many lives to choose memories from - it could be quite an awesome movie
    if I picked out the greatest and most rewarding experiences from each life and
    squeezed them into a two-hour megablockbuster named "The best of Alodar the
    Apprentices" *chuckle*
    Well, enough of daydreaming, let us (us? Me, I guess I [I?] should say - ah,
    what the heck, why brood over personal pronouns when you [you?] are a clone -
    impersonal clown-nouns are more to the point...) exploring this new world...
    Somehow I seem to sense an odd familiarity in the vibrations of magic - I
    really get that familiar (or clonear) feeling of deja vu once and again... On
    the other hand, after so many clonecarnations it would be nothing less than a
    miracle if I dropped into something completely different - I guess...
    OK, let me think in which way this familiar feeling feels familiar -
    Oops, whatever that was, it was something VERY FAST... I couldn't match that
    speed even if I were running away from a Kylie Minogue performance...
    There is zapped past again - I had better cast the spell 'time warp' to get a
    better look at that greased lightning {casting the spell 'time warp'}
    Oh WoW! That is a pack of PLAINSMEN WOLVES!! That means I must have been
    clonecarnated on a WoW world again, and among my favorite race as well! Not
    that I hold racial prejudices of course - after umpteen zillions of clonings
    among the strangest of creatures you get so used to non-human appearances that
    even the human appearance seems odd... Nevertheless, I seem to have developed a
    special fondness for the plainsmen race - especially those wolves despite their
    ravenous appetite - hey, I am HUNGRY! And now I remember why I like plainsmen,
    their foodstuff is quite remarkable (after a couple spicing spells of course)
    so I have found answers to quite a few questions in exactly zero seconds, since
    that time warp spell is still on... Elementally, my dear Watson...
    Ehh - where did THAT come from? Watson somehow rings a bell, but I thought he
    was in elementary school and he didn't have any problems pronouncing "r" if I
    remember correctly (or whichever clone it was who read Watson in elementally,
    ahem... elementary, school)... Still at least one question to find the answer
    to, and keeping up this time warp spell is getting timesore, ehh... tiresome...
    [Uncast that spell and I could tell you in less than one second, you fool! Do
     you think us plainsmen wolves LIKE being timewarped into immobility??]
    Interesting - where did that thought come from? Hmm, never mind, it does make
    sense, so it must have been my subconscious which sometimes is even sensibler
    than the rest of me (not that that takes any great effort, of course)...
    [Stop your stupid musings AND UNCAST THAT SPELL NOW!!]
    All right, all right... {casting the spell 'uncast time warp' or is is maybe
    uncasting the spell 'cast time warp' or...}
    [Don't think - JUST DO IT !!]
    -Next time you timewarp a plainsman wolf do it while I'm asleep, please - being
     immobilized for more than 42 milliseconds is simply unbearable to us while we
     are awake!
    -I know you wolves are indeed somewhat impatient (from another encounter on a
     world named Crynn) but you seem to belong to a particularly fiery clan... ?
    -Hardly surprising, since this is Fire Island of the Elemental Isles, you foo..
     ahem, you seem to be a wizard or you wouldn't have timewarped me in the first
     place, sir... ?
    -Alodar the Apprentice is the name! [Ahh, so that is where "Elementally" came
     from - now I guess I have all pieces to the puzzle...] And now you are
     presumably going to tell me that you are in urgent need of a wizard, since
     your chair of wizardry has been vacated due to some strange incident ?
    -Indeed so, sir Alodar, the previous wizard tried the spell 'move as fast as a
     plainsman wolf' on himself and then challenged me to a race - he won, but just
     barely, and then he burst into flames... *sigh* He was quite a nice fellow,
     actually - sad that he would run himself into oblivion...
    -OK then, how about taking me to your magick college on the double (or rather,
     on the triple) ?
    -That was VERY fast indeed [on the... hmm, fourple, I think it must be... ?]
     - thank you for the ride! So this is your magic college - quite an impressive
     building, I must say...
    -Indeed, our previous wizard collected recipes from all over the worlds, and
     there is an entire room filled with nothing but cookbooks and recipes and...
    -Say no more, fella, I KNOW I am going to like this assignment! Ehh, what is
     this place called?
    -You are on the plains of Ditaran, sir Alodar, and I would urge you to not
     devote TOO much time to the recipes, our neighbours on these plains are almost
     as fiery as we are, and trouble is brewing...
    -Brewing... YUM! Now be gone, my good plainsman wolf, and let Alodar the cooked
     [oops...] ahem, the cloned Apprentice take over from here...
    OK - first things first, no one (least of all Alodar the hungry Apprentice) can
    plan for a war on an empty stomach! So let's search the library for some plain
    delicatessen and then I'll start thinking about pondering to begin considering
    my mission...
    [A lot of thinking, pondering, considering, not to mention eating, eating and
     catnapping, and then again eating and catnapping, later]
    Yes, here we still have the library... Now where do I start - hmm, this title
    looks familiar:
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Elemental Magick".
    "A short introduction" - that sounds good! I like them short and snappy - wait,
    what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XII"...
    *curse* So much for the 'short and snappy' part - hey wait, there is something
    strange after all - didn't that use to be "XLII" ? OK, my predecessor on this
    wizardry chair had at least some sense of proportions - XII volumes of Magick
    and MCMLXXXIV (at least) volumes of recipes... I am DEFINITELY going to like it
    here, yes sir! Guess I'd better deal with those two warring neighbours quickly
    so I can return to sampling this excellent recipe collection...

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 4 - Aralin

    Hail Wizards,
    I, Aralin, Master of High Magic and leader of Minotaur
    tribe from the island of Earth, greet you and wish to you and
    yours many prosperous years and good crops, unless you are
    leader of these bastardy hill dwarves who do not deserve but
    starve to death anyway. It was me, who offered them kindly
    leadership and help in these hard years, since I have once
    long ago led already a nation of hill dwarves to dominate the
    islands. But they did refuse and thus all they can expect is
    terrible death which will certainly be not caused by high age.
      Even now countless crowds of young minotaurs are asking for
    the honour to be selected in the army which will punish these
    small griffon-lechers and wipe the hills clean from those
    undersized hybrids. The total and complete genocide of the
    whole dwarven population is the only answer to this shameless
    denial. To the hell with them!  (Not that I would be
    bitter, but they have been in my way anyway and I kinda need 
    the land so any cause is good one and this one sounds pretty
    cool, no?)
    Now, you would really wonder, what I am going to do with the
    Earth Island, once it belongs to me. Well, I always kind of
    liked it. I guess I am taking also the Fire Island, but the
    rest is for grabs. Feel free to take whatever you like.
    You could also plea for mercy, send me peace offer or a war
    proposal with an alternative target in an attempt to divert
    my attention from you. You can as well send me kind invitation
    to your land (usually done in form of declaration of war or
    refusal of diplomatic contact). 
    But any messages you have for me, send please to the address
    advertised below.
    But I hope there will be no problem between us and remember:
    When you refuse to serve me alive, you can still serve me dead!
    Aralin the Dark Magician

    Contact Orc Embassy at

    Wizard Aralin
    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin
    Lord of Chaos, Master of Magic, Terror Personified.
    Ranger Arnatar
    Master of Dwarven Hunt, Head of the First Strike Army.
    Friar Halik
    Healer of the unlucky, Savior of Souls.
    Friar Vlk
    Minister of Internal Affairs, Mayor of Bastilion
    Trader Ferda
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Keeper of Treasury, Head of Minotaur Security Force (MSF)

    Contact Aralin at

  • PLAYER 5 - Gorbaal

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Gorbaal at

  • PLAYER 6 - Balar


    Hail the Hairyfoot!!
    "As the conversation carries on, and the drinks are passed around, the tavern fills with all manner of folk seeking refuge from the raging storm outside. Although the two burning hearths do well to light up much of the main room, there remains a shadowy corner sheltered by the protruding stonework of the nearby wall. There is always at least one shadowy corner in a tavern. From this abyss steps forth a mysterious figure cloaked in black, hood completely masking his features, all but his feet, yet everyone at once turns to see that it must be the Shadow of Hairyfoot... this they can tell from the figure's build as well as the manner in which it presents its self, its short but powerful stride. "br>

    BALAR King of the Hairyfoot Clan

    Balar Hairyfoot

    His gaze sweeps the entire room once more to meet every pair of eyes, many of which he knows well, and in which he too senses a bit of recognition. They need not see his face to know who this man err Halfling is, they need only be in his presence, to feel his magical aura. He nods slowly, then reaches up to draw back his black hood, revealing an unfamiliar Halfling face, yet complete with his familiar wicked grin.

    "Greetings my fellow beings of the Isles," comes his deep, familiar voice through the warm air. "I recognize some of you from another dimension," a nod to Alodar and Yarl, "others I have known since my entry to the Realms a good while back. Have you taken up the trappings of a bard, Hazaar? Or have you yet to decide what instruments will suit you in the lands yet to come into existence: those of beauty or of death? You have some talent in tale-telling, I hope you will continue to develop it even if you decide to wield death's implements in these lands." "Princess, such a long journey you have made to be at my side once more. Ah, not for that reason I think, but yet here we meet again... do you believe in fate, my dear? How do our brethren fare in the dimension we have both sought refuge from, do they please The Gods still? How I do miss brother TYM, may his spirit be with us still. I would be delighted if he were able to join us here, we would be able to take worlds together, and with nothing more than our words. Feel free to come closer my dear, to seize my attention as well as my coin. I'm feeling a bit generous today, and besides I do not carry much of my wealth on my person, but I know how you so love the capture as much as the treasure you gain."
    "The rest of you I will continue to observe, and eventually know through our discussions here. I would be glad to be of service, if any of you are in need of assistance, or just someone to discuss the mysteries of the multiverse with. Beware, though, I am not to be taken lightly, nor trusted with your lives. I give this as fair warning now and there will not be any further. Become a friend to me, and you will be greatly rewarded even long after my departure. Become to me an enemy, and it will be your departure that is painfully swift, and deadly."
    His wicked grin gracing his lips once more, he draws the hood back over his features and steps back into his personal abyss. From that moment on, the room was never quite the same, even though it was exactly as it had been before anyone was aware of his presence. Everyone still had the lingering feeling that his eyes were upon them, that their words reached his delicate ears, that their very thoughts were read as an open book to him. Indeed, Balar Hairyfoot master assasin, had descended upon them all.

    The Halflings of Janbar are willing to work with everyone! We have no enemies in this new world!

    Behold the Rolling Hills of Janbar!!

    Behold the great fleet of the Balar Hairyfoot!!
    Remember the words of Balar! Work with us or you are against us!

    Contact Balar at

  • PLAYER 7 - Nevin the Red

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Nevin the Red at

  • PLAYER 8 - Yarl

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Yarl at

  • PLAYER 9 - Dorlas

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Dorlas at

  • PLAYER 10 - Elrond

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Elrond at

  • PLAYER 11 - Marcil van Dramo



    Hail honorable wizards....

    The name be Dramo, and I be the new ruler of the Sandpeoples of Lasatar. Out in our 'ere desert, sandsfolk are a bit different than they once used to be. We sift through the sands, compressing it and purifying into precious gems, and fight with pride, honor, and loyalty -- usually; But now our purposes have changed, and the banshees have begun screaming anew.

    No longer do we take pleasure in the beauty of nature as we once did, nor thrive for the precious warmth of sunlight on our rough skin -- We have become one with the darkness and terrain of endless sand dunes, angry whirlwhinds, and the blight of nothingness that is our home - and have thus come to accept this new life as our own. Inevitiably such living conditions have scarred us in ways we might little notice any more, but never let it be known that the Sandspeople of Lasatar show disdain for any of the races who so selfishly put us here. We have found peace amongst our tools and our toil, mining stone, gems, and mithril, harvesting grain, and endlessly walking among the once beautiful plains that have since gone deserted.... without any knowledge of day or night ~ Here our struggle to be stronger, brighter, and more productive than our self-righteous dwelling neighbors is non-stop. We shall not cease in our efforts to be anything less than perfectionists, and to bury all who attempt to stand before us.

    Unlike others of our people who have grown restless and contemptuous of their once friends among the other races, doomed to survive with what little we have been given, we of Lasatar strive to work once again towards unity. We believe that in alliance, ignorance and hatred, which has separated all our peoples from that race which the Gods all intended us to be, shall be overcome and forgotten. We can not acheive these goals alone, and do not proclaim to be able to do so. The efforts of diplomacy with all the races and peoples of the Isles has been a high priority for our nation of late, and that is why we have a new ruler to lead us to prosperity once again. His name is Dramo - and he is Thane over the Desert. I do be him. One might ask how a dwarven metalsmith came to be ruler of a surface dwelling race of sandsfolk, half human people - I myself am not so sure I must admit. However my efforts have been successful before and the knowledge of how to rule a nation is within my abilities - the sandspeople take great pride in having a spokesman that is not of their own, and will not be doomed to failure, or killed anew in battle by the first arrow as has been the case of late it would seem. I make no promises for them, and they expect nothing - yet somehow we both seem to know more than we let on, and I have full confidence that we shall not only survive, but prosper and conquer all who would oppose.

    May all the rulers of the Isles know that wisdom and justice abounds when they do speak my name - Peace, generosity, and mercy are as overflowing, but also quick to come by is the demonic anger of a Dwarf in an arid desert with a leech up his....well you get the point.

    You can contact me, Thane Dramo through any of my numerous diplomats, who even now roam the lands of the Isles in search of worthy allies, beneficial partners in trade, and possibly, future subjects of the merciless wrath of Dramo.

    Contact Marcil van Dramo at

  • PLAYER 12 - Arkolyn

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Arkolyn at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
