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Game 206 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Mitsushi


    Tales of the Desert Elves of Dilimanas

    Once it was said that we, the people of Dilimanas, were a mighty race, spread throughout the lands of Elven Nation as well as through the other worlds. But as time evolved we were driven from our place in society, driven to the harsh northern deserts to dwindle and die. This tale has long been told and told and told by our fathers, our father's fathers, our father's father's fathers and our father's father's father's fathers. And it shall never be forgotten.

    It is now with a strong leader, the great and wise MITSUSHI that we can avenge the deeds done by others in the past. WHile it is known that the evil Dark Elves were the main culprit, it is little known that those whom call themselves our brothers, the high elves, also played their part in the events of the past. It is not to be made known to the general public yet, but there are those that shall feel the bitter taste of revenge in the years to come, as we again rise to our former strength and power in these lands. And then we shall see who shall be banished to the desert wastes (although we may not let nature do our dirty work, and be far more swift in our vengence).

    And so, let it be known throughout the lands, that the people of Dilimanas, shall be setting forth on their quest to regain all that rightfully belongs to them in these lands. We have forsaken the ways of the "high" path. We shall be merciful for those that bow down before our armies, but no mercy shall be shown for those that resist.

    Let this be known throughout the lands, until each city's day of reckoning is met.


    Contact Mitsushi at

  • PLAYER 2 - Aralin

    Hail Wizards,
    I, Aralin, master of Orcs of Dark Caverns have come to this 
    world a consent of the council to lead the brave nation of Orcs in
    their pursuit of complete and unconditional domination of the
    world. Orcs of Dark Caverns are quiet and peaceful beings, but I
    am NOT! And what more, I am extremly sensitive about all matters
    that regard my precious orcs. Who ever touches or hurts any
    orc anywhere in the world should prepare to meet my wrath!
    There is going world through the world that Orcs are ruthless
    and lack compassion. Its not true at all, these merry fellows
    are nice and good to everybody, its their master who you should
    fear, not them. So don't hinder them when they come to play
    and sing in your land, go out of their way and they will leave
    you alone. Be nice to them and they will be nice to you!
    But once and last time I warn you! Don't ever touch any of these
    folks! Don't dare to break single hair on head of even the least
    of my peasants else my wrath will catch you and strike you down!
    There will be no mercy whatsoever for anyone hurting my orcs! 
    Now if you have any personal correspondence, invitations to your
    land for visit or offers of tribute and pleas for mercy, send them
    all please to Orc Embassy which address is advertised bellow. 
    I hope there will be no problem between us and remember:
    When you refuse to serve me alive, you can still serve me dead!
    Aralin the Dark Magician

    Contact Orc Embassy at

    Wizard Aralin
    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin

    Wizard Aralin
    Lord of Chaos, Master of Magic, Terror Personified.

    About Orcs

    Orcs are sweat, neat nice creatures, living in their small hayhomes, raping their lovely orc ladies and screaming at their many kids. There is no creature more miserable in their lives than poor orc peasants. These guys are used and abused and you really should not touch these since they did nothing wrong except for being born in wrong place. Its not their fault, its usually not even their's mother fault and when you consider the environment and social conditions, its most likely not even fault of their fathers, that they have been born into this.

    What is really terrible, are the latest news about the new place for breeding these giant spiders. Did you know that poor orc childern are fed to these spiders so they would grow bigger and stronger? If you really have to kill someone, I would suggest to go after spiders, they are nasty and really not worth the life that circles in their veins.

    Contact Aralin at

  • PLAYER 3 - Ithilnaur

    Como discipulo de la torre de Soth he visto la evolución de mi pueblo, su
    división en clanes y reinos, pero nada me hacia suponer que al final esa
    division tambien se produciria en el seno de la cofradia. Los magos se
    dividieron con la intencion de controlar a los otros y se convirtieron en
    dirigentes de las distintas naciones e iniciaron una batalla cuyo unico
    final se produciria con la destruccion de todos menos uno.
    Y digo hasta hace poco tiempo porque actualmente vago por distintos
    planos hasta que purgue mi pena, y todo por un pequeño incidente sin
    apenas importancia, ocurrido mientras preparaba un hechizo en mi
    laboratorio, algun sirviente debio cometer un error (no existe
    posibilidad alguna de que fuera yo quien se confundiese) y en una
    pequenya explosion hice desaparecer dos torres, tres pabellones, 50
    casas y otro numero indeterminado de edificios de la capital de mi
     mundo junto con la poblacion que en ese momento estaba por alli,
    apenas 250 personas. Todo ello no hubiese sido resenyable sino fuera
    porque entre los desaparecidos estaba la prometida de nuestro Rey,
     gracil y bella princesa de una nacion vecina, y por cuya desaparicion nos
    declaro la guerra, no lo entiendo!.
    Despues de unos meses de conflicto se llego a un acuerdo de paz, en
    cuyos terminos se incluia el enjuiciamiento del culpable y condena del
    mismo, y que para sorpresa mia no fue mi sirviente sino que fui yo el
    inculpado. Tras un juicio a todas luces manipulado y en el que de nada
    sirvieron mis intentos de soborno, fui condenado al destierro de mi mundo y
    del plano de existencia del mismo, hasta que demostrase que mi magia ya no
    era incontrolable.
    Asi desterrado y abandonado por mi gente emprendi un largo peregrinaje
    en el que fui conociendo otros pueblos y culturas, y tambien me di cuenta
    que mis conocimientos de las artes arcanas eran bastante limitados
    confrontados al de otros poderosos seres. Llegue a la conclusion de que la
    mejor manera de evolucionar y mejorar era enfrentarme a ellos en una lucha,
    aparentemente sin fin, por la supremacia sobre todos los demas.
    Para estas luchas era necesario servirse de los habitantes de los mundos
    donde se entablaban las pugnas, con la exasperante necesidad de empezar de
    nuevo en cada mundo, y tener que acaudillar a distintas razas con su
    Despues de varias escaramuzas en un mundo pequenyo, donde un insignificante
    maguito, un tal Arragoth o algo por el estilo, se interpuso en mi camino, me
    fue comunicado el comienzo de un nuevo desafio donde los mas grandes magos
    pugnarian por el control de un mundo de gran importancia. Que mejor piedra
    de toque para comprobar mi potencial, asi que me materialice en el y adopte
    la forma de un hombre de las praderas, mi verdadera identidad parece que no
    es muy aceptada por la mayoria de seres que pueblan estos mundos.
    Inicie mis pesquisas sobre los contendientes, y para mi consternacion se
    habian dado cita algunos de los mas poderosos magos, y cuyas intenciones no
    eran muy positivas, "Mandare mis ejercitos para arrasaros", "No dejare
    piedra sobre piedra en tus ciudades", etc. Gracias a los hados tambien
    parece que habra magos de mi corta experiencia.
    A pesar de todo mis primeros pasos en este mundo no han sido del todo malos,
    tengo una ciudad con un coqueto castillo, nada comparable a mi posesion en
    mi mundo natal, unos cuantos subditos prometedores e incluso el apoyo de
    otros magos cuyas intenciones, de momento, son amistosas.
    Asi que ya veremos que ocurre, cuando mis quehaceres me lo permitan ya os
    contare mas cosas sobre mis avatares, hasta ese momento procurad sobrevivir.

    Contact Ithilnaur at

  • PLAYER 4 - Black Wizard

    The difference between an eye of newt and an eye of bat is not as great as
    difference between a man of the sword and a man of the unseen powers of
    Replacing the eye of newt with the eye of bat can be compensated with three
    legs and the eye of newt is more agreeable with the palate, especially when
    complimented with a nice bottle of white wine. The difference between a
    swordsman and a magician is vastly wider. When a knight kills a mage, he
    the world of evil, but if a warlock causes the death of a king (or even if
    he is
    suspected of conspiring to do so), he is chased to the end of the world, and
    then some. While trying to evade these ruthless, fanatic, blood-hungry men
    war, the wizard, quite often, is practically defenseless, as spell
    are hard enough to find even when you don't have to hide out in caves or old
    barns. The warrior's life is a short, glorious one, which climaxes in his
    untimely death in a great battle for some noble cause. He may carry a noble
    title, Earl, or Duke, or even King. A Wizard's life is usually a short,
    mysterious life, dying at the hands of petty thieves who broke in to steal
    silver, which he obviously was lacking. He may carry the title of Court
    Believe me, not every mage is spectacular. Not to say that every
    sword-bearer is
    an dragon killer, but there is definitely a higher chance of earning a title
    the sword than surviving as a man of the secret powers. After all, how many
    famous magicians have you heard of? Three? Four? Have you ever heard of
    great warlock, Pierre l'Merde (He gained his title by dropping dung piles on
    enemy forces), or of Aloria's grand Phtom-lek ? But everyone has heard of
    Valiant, Sir Honorable, Sir Virtuous, the duke of this, the high lord of
    It just goes to show that most men prefer a good blood-dripping sword to an
    of newt.Okay, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but here at King Snoddy's court,
    I've seen more hatred directed towards old Noggin than I ever imagined
    Maybe I should tell you a little more about myself, so as to make it easier
    you to understand what I really mean. Four years ago King Asnodine the
    court magician, Slanoggin, had an affair with my sister, Neeta. Nine months
    later she gave birth to my darling nephew, Nogeet. When Slanoggin heard that
    had given birth (and that the child survived the birth, too), he did the
    thing a respectable wizard could do -- he took me on as an apprentice, to
    all about the dark secrets and how to use them. More than three years have
    passed and I must say that I've come a long way since I came to him, young
    that I was.
    By now, I can tell the difference between toad legs and frog legs, between
    salamander eyes and gecko eyes, and I cast a spell or two. (I can cause
    flames to appear out of nowhere and I can cause any inanimate to glow, and
    to shine as bright as the sun).'F'noot,' he said in his deep, gruff voice.
    think you're coming along just fine. Now get me some poison ivy.'He's one of
    those really warm people, if you know what I mean. However, not everybody
    see through his tough skin. For instance, Sir Tiwan, who accidentally found
    death in the garden one day when an extremely rare spider bit him amongst
    geraniums. Interestingly enough, he had accused Noggin with murderous
    just the night before. However, as Noggin was distantly related to the
    mistress, he was never put on trial for treason (which is all for the best,
    because the chaos it would have caused would have been enormous). There was
    slight fuss at the funeral, but nothing that Noggin couldn't get away with.
    After all, it wasn't his fault that the honorable Sir Tiwan had thrust his
    where no hand had gone before (It had been a fresh batch of geraniums, just
    off the ship). And so, you may ask, why am I, F'noot Snokhan, son of J'kard
    Snokhan, village shoemaker, staying here at the castle, as an appentice to
    occupation which may cause my untimely death, before the age of twenty-five?
    don't I go and join all the other sixteen year old youths who are practising
    their fencing and horse-riding? These questions have two answers to them.
    my family will be humiliated if I don't finish this apprenticeship
    (As if the humiliation of an illegitimate grandson wasn't enough). Two, I do
    have the physical fitness needed to swing around a sword and my social
    does not open many job opportunities, besides shoemaking and begging. Not
    either of those two wonderful occupations are not legitimate enough, or
    honorable enough for that matter, it's just that magic is so much more
    interesting. Just tell me this -- wouldn't you prefer a dangerous and
    life to a boring, banal life as a shoemaker ? No? Let me put it another
    way --
    wouldn't you prefer to sleep in the castle and eat four solid meals a day
    to sleep in a leaky loft over your father's chicken coop and subsist mostly
    turnips, rutabagas and rye bread? Well, I never could abide rutabagas.
    my master admits to two-score years, and I suspect him of many more (scores,
    years), so not all mages meet an early end.
    Anyway, for three years, I have fetched Noggin his poison ivy or whatnot,
    blackened his boots and kept the embroidery on his court robes in repair.
    And I
    study; I can read pretty well, do some some maths, and have a smattering of
    Anglo, Persian and Latin languages.
    Today, I am hauling a pail of horse manure (no, it is not a spell component;
    is for my master's herb garden) when Worm runs up, panting for breath. "Hey,
    Foot!" He gasps, "h-, h- " He is too out-of-breath to speak, and I flex my
    aching shoulders and put down my pail. W'rym Hodges, one of the court pages,
    my only friend in the world, but only because he is too simple to realize
    mages are a poor choice for companionship. "What is it, Worm?" I ask. "His
    Majesty wants Slanoggin in his chambers righ' away!" Worm speaks so fast the
    sentence sounds about three words long. "What, why?" "I don' know, he was
    yellin' pretty loud, though." I sigh, "Noggin's in town, and not expected
    until this evening," I reply, "Do you think His Majesty will wait?" "He
    angry, Foot -- awful angry. I don' wan' a tell him Slanoggin isn't comin'."
    sigh again, and look down at my soiled clothes, "I guess I had better go get
    cleaned up and head on up there." "Fast!" I leave Worm with the pail and run
    fast as I can to my small alcove in Noggin's workshop (up, of course;
    always live in towers). In the time that I have lived here, I have only been
    allowed to speak to the king once -- I said "Thank you, Sire," when I was
    introduced to him upon taking up residence in his castle. I have no clean
    clothes! Luckily, another minor spell I've learned allows me to cast small
    illusions (that are not very hard to see through). I use this to blend the
    stains and a small tear into the rest of the fabric of my best court garb.
    Donning it, I hustle my sweaty frame down the tower steps, across the
    and up to Snoddy's residence itself while tearing my fingers through the
    of the tangles in my hair. "No Slanoggin?" the guard frowns, "His Majesty
    going to like that." "I know," I sigh, "Still, what is one to do?" "True
    enough," the guard opens the door and steps inside. "F'noot, Apprentice to
    Mage Slanoggin, begs audience with His Majesty Asnodine III!" he announces.
    balls, no Slanoggin!?" I hear the kings irate voice, "Very well, let the lad
    "Sire!" I bend low to the floor, skinny derriere up in the air, "It is a
    privilege to serve you!"Snoddy sprawls in a large sunken bath; perfume
    into the air above the water. "Get up and get over here," he snarls, "There
    is a
    bag o' runes on that table. You will tell me my future."
    "Your future, Sire?" "Will you make me repeat myself?!" "Yes, Sire! I mean,
    Sire!" I grab the silken bag and pour the stones into my hand. They are the
    beautiful I have seen. Without ceremony, I toss them onto the ground near
    bath and watch horrified as one skitters in. The king quickly fishes it out
    hands it to me, his eyes already on those I cast. As I toss the last stone,
    realize that he is barely hiding a sense of panic. "Now, what do they say?"
    I look up and swallow, fearing just how much he can read the runes himself.
    many people seem to think that supernatural tools such as the runes or the
    are not much more than simple wave-of-your-hand, snake-oil showmanship --
    old fool can learn the meaning of each tile or card and learn how to string
    all together. On the other hand, some people feel these devices are
    by mysterious and deep secrets which can only be truly understood by the
    and learned.To be honest, both are right -- to a degree. Any old fool can
    the basic meaning for Fehu and Gehu or for Temperance and Death. Casting the
    runes is easy. Shuffling the Tarot is a piece of cake. Seeing what stones
    face up, or which cards are laid out, is child's play and any idiot can
    manufacture a story that ties them all together. (Well, maybe not any idiot.
    have my doubts about Worm's abilities as a convincing storyteller.) But to
    really devine the future from the runes or the tarot, one must know more
    just the basics. The depths of true meaning is found only in understanding
    subtle inter-relationships between the different archetypal icons and
    Knowing that the Gefu rune to the right of Fehu means that the client will
    wealth away while Gefu to the left of Fehu means that someone else will give
    wealth to your client. Or knowing that when the card of the High Priestess
    surrounded by many cards of the Sword suit, the future deals with an
    subconscious battle. This is the type of knowledge that raises a real
    above the common rable, that marks the prophesies of a true diviner.
    Unfortunately, I've never been very good at remembering subtle details.
    "Get on with it boy!" Jumping at Snoddy's snap, I look over to see that he
    now leaning halfway out of his perfumed bath, dripping soapy water onto the
    floor. Oddly, I notice that water from the puddle forming beneath his hairy
    chest has begun to slowly meander towards the scattered stones. "Uh, yes
    Of course sire." I wipe my now-damp palms down the side of my tunic to calm
    myself, and then take a closer look at the scattered runes. Out of the 24
    stones, only thirteen are face up. Thirteen! I hope Snoddy doesn't think to
    count them -- that particular number would probably panic him more. I decide
    better keep things simple by only considering the face-up stones (Why should
    confuse the issue with the less important secondary relationships associated
    with face down runes? Besides, I bet I'm going to have enough trouble just
    figuring out the rest!) Stalling for time to collect my thoughts and concoct
    future reading, I begin to trace my finger above the scattered runes and
    under my breath as if I am ruminating on the individual significance of each
    stone (a useful trick I picked up from watching Slanoggin over the years).
    of the corner of my eye I can see that Snoddy is watching my movements like
    hawk. The important stones have fallen in an unusually regular pattern,
    forming two concentric circles with a single stone at the very center. I
    my tracery with the middle stone, and realize that it is the stone which
    into Snoddy's bath. Briefly, I wonder whether the soap bubbles should affect
    reading. The rune is Berkana, "the Birch", known for its durability and
    vitality. Unfortunately the rune is inverted, the top pointing down towards
    feet, which doesn't bode well for old Snoddy and his Vitality. Berkana is
    tightly encircled by four runes, Hagla to the left, Pethru above, Ihwar to
    right and Tiwar below: "Cruel Nature", "The Unseen", "The Hunter" and "War"
    respectively. I swallow nervously -- this is not looking very promising,
    especially since the top of each rune points in towards Berkana. I quietly
    that the outer eight runes are more promising -- I have the distinct feeling
    that my career would not be favourably advanced by pronouncing that the
    future is doomed.
    I start a clockwise circuit of the outer ring of face-up rune stones just to
    left and up from Hagla. The circuit starts with Raidu, "Journeying" which is
    followed by Kaunna, "Fire"; Naudir, "Desperate Need"; Isar, "Ice"; Mannar,
    "Wisdom"; Lagur, "Water"; Aigir, "Protection"; and Dagar, "Daylight". And
    rune lies so that it follows the curve of the surrounding circle, the head
    one leading into the foot of the next.I stare at the runes for a moment
    and finally step away from these hellish devices. I wonder whether I should
    on the conservative side, making a warning where ever a warning would be
    prudent, or err on the side of keeping my job by hand-waving over the
    implications. Slowly I turn and look over where King Asnodine is leaning so
    out of his bath in anticipation that if he leaned just one inch more he
    fall out, sprawling his soapy body among his princely runestones. "Well boy,
    what does it mean? Tell me boy, I need to know, and I need to know NOW!" I
    quickly decide that starting with the centre rune would be a bad idea - I
    have liked starting with the obvious - you can't bullshit as well.
    Completely at
    random I focus on one of the outer eight - Raidu. Breathing deeply, I drop
    voice low, trying to imitate Noggin's deep voice. "Sire," my vocal chords
    out. I cough and start again, pointing at Raidu. Suddenly an idea comes to
    me. I
    quickly thank all the Gods I know of, in case one of Them sent it to me.
    rune represents but one of the four focuses of your power." I indicate
    idly with my hand. "Each focus is three fold. We have Raidu, Dagar and Hagla
    the west, the sunset - or we could say Dark - side of your power." I glance
    the King to check his reaction. I notice he's slid back down into the bath
    slightly. I let out a breath I hadn't realize I had been holding. I gesture
    the other side of Brekana. "Here, on the sunrise side we have Mannar, Isar,
    Ihwar, representing your Bright side of power - the parts that your subjects
    love about you." I realize that the King must know nothing of the meanings
    these words, because he doesn't find it odd that "Ice" is included in this
    group. I let myself smile. Warming up to my telling, I tackle the bottom
    runes. "Here, sire, we have your foundations, what you've built your kingdom
    on - Algir, Lagur, and Tiwar." I purposely pronouce the last one Tih-wahr
    Tih-wore, hoping he won't ask me it's meaning. I guessed wrong."Quit being
    boy and tell me what they mean! I have court magicians to tell me things in
    plain language, not in gobbly-gook!" He sits back in the tub, causing water
    slosh over the edge of the bath and wash away several of the face-down
    "Well, sire. Your kingdom, as most are in these trying times, is based on
    Protection - for your subjects and from your subjects; Water - You control
    of the ports on this side of the ocean; and - War - your glorious forays
    the lands of the infidels who do not look to your leadership." I mentally
    my fingers and hope he buys it. I glance over - he's grinning at me like a
    school boy. "I told them I was doing it right - Protect, Ports, Punish!" he
    tells me. With hand gestures that cover me with water droplets, he motions
    me to continue.
    I turn back to the first three runes. "Linked to your forays, you have a
    love of
    journeying that no one knows about and that you don't get to fulfil often, a
    journeying into the world to face Cruelest Nature and to tame her. But with
    Dagar, or Daylight, appearing here you wish to bring these desires out into
    east, into the surise, moving through your power, your vitality that is
    Brekana." I gesture to the centre stone again. I wonder if I went too far on
    that one, but he grins at me again, this time with a conspirator's smile. He
    doesn't say anything but he does blush a bit. I wisely pretend I don't see
    embarrassment. "To the East, your Bright side, you are the Hunter - the
    for everyone in your kingdom. And you are wise, and the people love your
    And -" Here I glance at the king's body wondering if I can get away with
    I'm about to say. "You are beautiful sire. You sparkle like ice in winter.
    You're dangerous, but handsome. To many people, the perfect ruler." I roll
    eyes and tell myself to shut up before I get into trouble, but my mouth
    seems to
    have a life of its own. "You are firm and cold in your decisions, but not
    unwilling to melt a little bit if presented with the heat of passion, to be
    flexible when you wish." By this point the King has sunk down almost
    underwater. So he's easy to flatter, I realize. I'll remember this in the
    future, when I'm court magician, I think, ambition beginning to rise in me.
    make my voice as low as it can go and boom out in a prophet's voice (or at
    what I think a prophet's voice would sound like). "And finally, sire, your
    future, what your power, your reign and even YOUR LIFE depend upon." The
    quickly scrambles back out onto the edge of the bath, leaning forward,
    for my pronouncement. I look at the three remaing runes - Fire, Desperate
    and the Unseen, reversed! - and realize I'm in deep shit. I pause a moment
    study Pethru (the unseen). The rune is beautifully carved out of a stone I
    not recognize. Unlike the cheap set I own, it is the work of a master
    I am mesmerized in by its beauty. I begin to speak, but my thoughts are
    on the quality of rune. "Your future begins with..." My voice trails off
    the rune is suddenly cloaked in a mist. I rub my eyes and return my gaze to
    stone. The mist is gone. In the background Snoddy is inching forward ever so
    slightly, trying to discern what I might be seeing. Must have been staring a
    little to hard I think to myself. "My future begins with what?" Now Snoddy
    doesn't like to be kept waiting. In fact, he hates it. The combination of
    hot bath water and his excitement were turning his face a positively bright
    "Sorry" I say, realizing if I don't finish this reading I won't live long
    to be court magician. I turn back to Pethru. The intricacies of the carving
    fascinate me. My gaze is once again captured by its perfection. "Your future
    begins with ..." The mist is there again, rolling across the face of the
    It clings the rune obscuring it. This time I rub my eyes and shake my head.
    I look back, the mist is gone. Just some steam from the bath, I think to
    "MY FUTURE BEGINS WITH WHAT WHAT WHAT?" Snoddy is getting hysterical, so I
    immediately return to reading the runes. Once again, pethru grabs my gaze;
    once again the mist forms around it. "Do you see that?" I ask, continuing to
    stare at the rune. "Do I see what?" The King is panicking. "The Pethru
    rune," I
    say, "Do you see that?" I point to the rune and its mini-cloud. Snoddy leans
    forward out of the bath resting his considerable weight on his elbows.
    WHAT. TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE!" I suddenly realize just how anxious the King is
    about his future; and my survival skills were kicking in. I begin my
    again. "Your future begins with..." Suddenly, the mist begins spreading to
    neighboring runes. My attention is drawn to Naudir (desperate need). The
    seems to be falling back away from me, leaving a void. I am drawn in the
    it has left. I get this strange feeling that Pethru is reaching out,
    the other runes. Somehow, I know Pethru is the key. "Now you listen F'noot
    you listen good," Snoddy intones in a low threatening growl. "If you don't
    me what is going on I will slay you myself right here. GUARDS! GUARDS! Fetch
    my sword." I pay him no mind. Wafts of mist are being drawn off Pethru in a
    whirlpool around Naudir. I have never seen anything like this. A pattern is
    forming; a pattern, or perhaps a window; yes, its like a stained glass
    Suddenly, Pethru and Naudir ignite Kaunna (fire). The rune springs to life
    in a
    fiery glow. Isar (ice) is next. It radiates cold blue. As each rune joins,
    window becomes more complex, and more transparent. I can see something
    the window, but I can't make it out. Ihwar (the hunter) and Raidu
    are the next runes included. Hagla (cruel nature), Mannar (wisdom), Dagar
    (daylight), Tiwar (war), Lagur (water) and Aigir (protection) all join
    to form an intricate pattern around the center and as yet lifeless Berkana
    birch). I realize the runes are a catalyst. In much the same way that a bat
    and two holly berries help the mage unlock the forces of light, the runes
    are a
    tool of divination; but what will they show me? The future? The Past? I
    to see through the window. Berkana is the focus, the lens which will make
    everything clear. Pethru? Pethru somehow ties this all together. It is the
    driving force. In the distance I am aware the guard has returned. Naked,
    leaps from his bath, slips on the wet floor and lands next to me with a
    thud. "BALLS! You'll pay for that F'maggot. Give me my sword now or you'll
    next," Snoddy threatens the guard. I extend my finger and it goes through
    Suddenly, the shimmering tapestry of runes engulfs me in a whirlpool of
    shimmering light! "This is your last chance F'nidiot. You will tell me my
    or you will die," is a last thing I hear before I am being drown inside in
    splashes of emerald light.
    I open my eyes (dont remember when I become unconcious) to see that somehow
    place is different. It is possibly even different world, and different time.
    my, how did I get myself in such mess? Damn, sometimes I wish my sister had
    slept with some old, stupid blacksmith, and not a brlliant old wizard like
    Noggin. Thinking of this I realize that only wizardry can bring me back.
    Yes, I will find the way! There is a village nearby, maybe they will help?

    Contact Black Wizard at

  • PLAYER 5 - Darnoth

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Darnoth at

  • PLAYER 6 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *grmph* I know this feeling all too well - a new cloning loop has taken effect
    once again; wonder what godforsaken outlandish world I have been clonecarnated
    to this time... Yes, yes, I know I have only myself to blame - I should never
    have fiddled with that 'clone self' spell back on my first homeworld in the
    first place... Hmm, to be more exact, that cannot have been really ME, in the
    strictly illogical sense of the word - it must have been someone else than THIS
    me, though a "me" in any case... Wonder who that original Alodar was, compared
    to ME - yes, I know I know more than a couple of his memories as well, which in
    all cases is not as well...
    OK, enough of reminiscence - I guess I had better check out this world as well,
    before running into something not quite as well... Fortunately magic is much
    the same all over the worlds, it is only the implementations which vary a
    little, so I should be able to catch up on this world's magic quite soon...
    Except there is a small catch - I'd better find out what "this" world is this
    time... At the very least I hope it does not feature a restaurant at the end of
    the universe - I'm much too hungry already to travel that far for each and
    every dinner... [Going into deep meditation for 42 hours - well, ahem, usually
    meditation doesn't imply snoring, but good old Alodar has picked up quite a
    few interesting meditation techniques in his many clonecarnations *cough*]
    Well - that was good news and bad news... The good news is that this feels
    like another WoW world again, and I sort of like their magic implementations
    (especially my own improvements, like "improve chair comfort", "make delicious
    food even deliciouser" {YUM!} and... *chuckle*) but *sigh* the bad news seems
    to be I sense being amongst a bunch of snotty high elves again, unless I am
    psychedelically affected by all these strange mushrooms mushrooming around
    here... Mushrooms - hmm, wonder if I have been clonecarnated onto the astral
    plane for the first time in my [*my*? Which "me"? Well, never mind...] WoW
    Drat - it was NOT psychedelical! There comes something which is very distinctly
    high elfish, both in appearance and in particular in snottylookingness - well,
    better get it over with...
    -Pardon me, sir, but what is this world and this region called?
    -Why, this is Heaven's Pinnacle of the Elven Nation, you ignorant fool!
    -Pray tell me, sir, but where is the nearest magick college?
    -Not that I understand what a fool like you could possibly understand of
     magick, but there is an excellent magick college in Heaven's Pinnacle - walk
     that way and turn right at the 1764th mushroom and even a human like you can't
     miss it!
    -OK, thank you, sir!
    Astral it was indeed - now at least my food improvement spells will come in
    handily, the only thing abundant up here (except for snotty high elves
    *grumble*) is gems and mushrooms and not even my best attempt at food
    improvement can make a mushroom even remotely edible - so I'd better practice
    the good old 'feed an army on two bread and five fish' spell or we'll starve...
    Or was that 'feed an army on five bread and two fish' - I'll make it five each
    just to be on the safe side...
    [... 1763, 1764, *turn right*, 1, 2, 3, ...]
    Well, finally I've reached my destination - now let's see how their high elven
    wizard reacts to a mere human apprentice...
    -So YOU want to learn something of magick, *HAH!* Let me offer you this
     challenge, you stupid human - if you can perform even the simplest cantrip, I
     will happily step down as chairwizard of this magic college and surrender that
     position to you! But if (since...) you fail, I will transform you into a
     delicious dinner and eat you for supper! So back down while you are still
    -OK... *ZAP!* My friend, that was the simple human cantrip "transform snotty
     high elven wizard into a mischievous puppy" - now please jump down from that
     chair so I can occupy it! If you do it promptly, I might even consider
     cantripping you back into a snotty high elf... hmm, back into a somewhat
     humbled high elf, think I'll prefer...
    -Yap, YAP, **YAP!!**
    -Good puppy, now let me make yourself comfortable in this chair first and I'll
     turn you back into a high elf - after all, I need someone to fill me in on
     the political and otherwise situation of this world... *REZAP!*
    -I'll be damn... ahem, elved - a human who can actually perform magic! Well,
     one thing can be said of us high elves, we always keep our word, so the chair
     is yours, as I (too carelessly, I now freely admit) promised. As for your
     requested briefing, listen here...
    [42 long hours later]
    *Sigh* High elves are not only snotty, always keeping their word, but they are
    unfortunately also extremely fond of expressing those words as verbosely as
    possible... Not my style at all - I am always very short and concise, even and
    especially in my thoughts...
    Ahh, here is the library - quite well stocked given the rarity of wood in the
    astral planes (unless they have mastered the "make paper out of mushrooms"
    spell, of course) I daresay! Now where do I start - well, this title looks
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Elven Nation Magick"
    Good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    *sigh* Now, where did I put my glasses...

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 7 - Geronimo

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Geronimo at

  • PLAYER 8 - Takara


    December twentieth, Audience Hall in Mantack Mining Colony

    The man steps quietly forward and bows, his hat drawing the gaze of every warrior in the hall. Belying his sober cassock, worthy of the most lowly monk, it forms a blood-red Mohawk over his face. Smiling benignly, quite at ease in this warlike company, he speaks.

    'High Warlord, I salute you and your people. It has come to my attention  that your realm is under threat of the Elves from all sides and that you would appreciate help from any and all capable individuals. I have come to respond to that wish. I am the wizard Takara, of Gangs Yul in the world of Yaddrin, and would assist you in these times of peril.'

    One of the warriors jumps up and roars his rage, charging. The stranger hold up his hand and whispers. In midstride, the warrior halts. Muscles bulging, veins standing out on his forehead, he struggles, but is unable to move. The Warlord acknowledges his power with a nod. 'You have heard well, sorceror. This realm will be the location of many battles shortly. However, the Dervishes are warriors without peer and have never yet needed the help of spellslingers and witches to defend themselves and even go out and conquer. Walk through the tunnels and see the might of the fortress being built, even thought it is not even half finished. See the fletchers and armourers toil in their workshops to create the weapons to be used in the upcoming struggle. Consider the warriors you will meet and think deeply on the arrogance you have displayed. The Dervishes do not lower themselves by employing such as you in our armies.'

    For the first time looking the Warlord in the eye, the stranger speaks again. 'My Lord, if that is your decision, I will of course abide by it. Your warriors will prevail or not, with only their own strength and will, and so will you.' Once again he mumbles, and his hand moves. 'Could you please have someone show me my quarters?' he asks...


    December the twenty-second, Mantack Mining colony, Market Square

    ... and so be it declared that the Wizard Takara shall speak for us, as he is of one body and mind with us.

    Signed, Varn an'Tharon, Warlord

    With this the town-crier steps down, looks aroud at the astonished faces, and scuttles towards the safety of the tavern.

    Contact Takara at

  • PLAYER 9 - Fizzle

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Fizzle at

  • PLAYER 10 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.
