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Game 214 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Mitsushi

    Welcome all yee who seek knowledge...
    It has been a long time that our people's have travelled from the eastern lands of Arragoth to find a suitable site for our new city on the lush coastal plains of this isle. But it seems that old ties die hard as our townsfolk refuse to acknowledge its new name of New Sushe and have unofficially let their longing for home known by dubbing it Drakilak. So please enjoy a long ale drawn from our cellars as we recite the tales of the past of our beloved leader, the great and benevolent Mitsushi the Fifth and his journey of quest.

    "It was the age of darkness, when the sun never broke through the dark and stormy clouds, with the weather's harsh icy wind alone being a deadly force to be dealt with from day to day. The creator's glorious work was now the tales of legends. It seemed to have been totally undone in a short period, with the forces of evil and destruction ruling all of the lands that our elders knew. All laws of nature seemed to have been broken and the seasons were gone. The powers of magic were also somehow diminished, if not totally negated, by forces unknown. Many a long known magical art were lost in practical terms and script, leaving only a few of the ancient crafts remembered by a few devote practitioners, albeit their inability to practice them.

    During these times dark and mystic shadows moved throughout the skies, never materialising but forever being the forwarning of the approaching armies of the Dark Ones minions. It was believed that these were manifestations from the bodies of the evil dark leaders, yet they were remained unknown in body or name to those who inhabited the lands. Many peoples were lost in those days, with total races being lost to the marauding forces of evil and becoming known only in folklore, such as the orces, centaurs and manticores. Even our close breatheren, the naiads, were lost to us forever, together with vaste archives of their unique mechanistic knowledge. Many of our forefathers were lost in those days too, slain with their whole kinfolk in merciless battles, which were inevitably finished only with no life remaining, even their animals and pets. It seemed that the total destruction of all life was the goal of these shadowy beings. Our people survived solely by using our unique knowledge, creating small communities with complex defenses and traps to keep our enemy at bay, although eventually most of these villages were lost over the years. It was only by keeping mobile were we able to endure these years. It seem that all effort was spent on survival by all races, despite our best efforts to raise the perennial struggle through co-operation, including some minor victories too. But after four generations and 140 years it seemed that our final fate was drawing ever nearer.

    It was in these darkest years that our creator seemed to answer our persistent pleas for divine intervention. For amongst all the surviving races it came to pass that in a short period one was born bearing unusual features to their brothers and yet still taken within their clan. It was only after each reached their "age of earning" did they finally come to understand their strange longings and visions. For it is told each left their village, some more easily than others, only to find each drawn to the same location, on a long forgotten barren and devastated island to the north. As they came together, strong natural phenomena began to occur, the long dead gems and crystals again began to glow with an inner power (although none left alive knew how to use the crystals anymore), the skies began to disperse in small isolated areas and the winds even decreased or warmed for short periods. Several years of these strange events were to pass before they returned back to their home villages, to the surprise of most who had presumed each lost to the forces of evil. Our Naagathuti who left as a wide eyed youth was now sullen and quiet but with an aura of strength and power. Soon he had the elders as believers of his divine right to leadership of our people, as it was clear he held the power we all were awaiting. And so began the Second Age of the Wizards.

    In time, as knowledge was shared, apprentices become skilled, and vital magical gem sources were collected, our people soon gain the power to hold the forces of evil at bay. Then in time, as all races made equal gains in power, evil was pushed back further and the world returned to normal. Many famous tales of heroic and brave deeds were told of these glory years. But it was feared that the eventual normalcy was just a respite. And so the wizards all came together and entered into the realm of where they expected this evil to dwell, in the upper regions of the astral zone. Lore speaks of mighty events occurring in the skies that time but the real events are locked in the silence of the oath of wizards. All that they told their people was that evil had been defeated and banished from their worlds.

    As time revolved, the races prospered and in due course Naagathuti passed to the world beyond and Hiroshi assumed the reins of power. Peace continued for three more generations, and again our leader passed away. It was in the third triach of the rein of the next leader Mitsushi that the first and only occurrence of the shadowy beings was reported. A council of the wizards was hastily called in seclusion. Again little was told of the discussions, but our leader proclaimed that he (together with all other races) was to send forth four of their strongest apprentices, which included two of his own sons, the first and third born. They were to be raised to full wizard level and joined by a chosen few citizens to seek out the new homes of the shadowy beings, which were deemed to exist both beyond the edge of the world and into alternative realms. We knew that this was not to be a solo effort, with numerous races sending their strong out on parallel paths, seeking out these evil beings.

    And so began the quest of our leader Mitsushi the Third.

    Being sent out by sea, Mitsuishi's fleet soon reached the edge of the world. Yet here, where many had feared to go near, he boldly led his small fleet into the darkness of he void. Days went by sailing in the darkness, and yet there was no sound of waves or other liquid to sustain the ships nor any wind to propel it. Time seemed to be endless and brief at the same time. Hunger did not occur but hair grew as if months had passed. It was indeed a time of madness and despair, as many could not contain their minds and plunged overboard into the void. And still our leader held his heading firm. After what seemed like an eternity, light returned out of nowhere and soon they were sailing in water with wind. But the sky was strange and unknown. The depleted fleet was also in a poor state and all flyers were desperately sent out seeking land. It was several days before the one and only returned, barely reaching sight of our ships before he plunged into the seas. After he was recovered, he was able to guide the way to the grasslands he had seen in the distance to the west. The remaining ships set course for these lands but was engulfed by raging storms as it neared its goal, but progress was still made despite this hardship. And yet this progress was to prove disastrous as our ships hit hidden reefs offshore, crushing the weakened hulls easily. Fate allowed our leader reached the shore, but after all others were found he had only a few hundred of the 5000 followers that started the journey. And so they were led inland to start anew and build towards reaching their original goal, DEFEAT THE EVIL.

    Dear Seeker of Knowledge...
    we honor our leader Mitsushi, but his task is perhaps beyond to take upon himself totally at this time, having lost so many trusted advisors. And so we have established several bodies or "pillars" to aid in his duties. These are the "Red Pillars of War, Temple of Gold Pillars and Green Pillars of Growth." And herewith follow of basics of these Pillars.

    Red Pillars of War

    "Life is Use"

    The Council of the Red Pillar of War is restricted to those individuals who show that they can equal our solemn oath of sacrifice for our leader. The table shall be governed by he who hs the power and experience to dominate all other, although his table shall be sought for consul in all matters of war. Class or race shall not be a hindrance to joining. Invitation shall be by way of challenge alone. All skills shall be treated as equal in the Pillar as a myriad of tasks can be foreseen. Such accumulance of intelligence, knowledge and body skills shall aid our ultimate goal.

    Temple of Gold Pillars

    Life is Faith

    To gain access to the higher plane your mind must be of pure thought and your heart be strong in the old ways. Leave not from the path of mutual existence of the two pure forces which follow the divine laws. But don't follow one path without a foot in the other or else you will break the chain of power. Disobedience will surely damn your sole forever and eternal purgatory shall prevail.
    "Seek the balance of choice, process, presence, compassion, faith, expectation, integrity, action and unity."

    Green Pillars of Growth

    Life is Strength

    All that seek the way for seeking the secrets of times past shall follow the pure route to wisdom through the skills of mechanism and structure. It is the strength to be gained to those that are weak on the outside which shall give most gains to those that find the secrets. "Yee shall seek to but to find". The ways of the world shall be governed by those who occupy it and use it to the best ability of their race. The ways of the air and sea are not unknown to our elders but we must delve into what is not known that the greatest gains shall be made.
    "Seek the balance of form, structure, force, material, mechanics, spectrum and energy."


    We wish all well and Issue an open request that all fellow wizards of like mind (to eliminate the evil) that might occupy this strange land shall contact me or Pillars.
    We await news of other who may have survived the trip through the void. And shall continue to post our progress towards this goal too.
    Fare well
    Mitsushi the Fifth


    Contact Mitsushi at

  • PLAYER 2 - Semblar the Great


    The Ogres

    Or a Short Study in the Importance of Being Ogrish

    In the next few moments you will read about some of the trials and tribulations, problems and hassles, woes and troubles of the ogre's daily life and livelihood. We all hoipe that it will prove instrumental in helping all wizards to avoid conflict with a peaceful but much maligned race. A set of beings with a gruff exterior, but a warm and loving heart

    The Life of an Ogre is not the meaningless stereotype of wielding the odd tree branch for the sole purpose of crunch, munch, crunch. Even the average underling has more between the ears than is usually surmised. However, the way that this unfortunate impression has come about is perhaps an unfortunate loop of causality.


    1. Ogres like to live their productive lives in the peace to which they are accustomed.....

      This is not really a SURPRISE, is it?

    2. Many people think Ogres are evil, rampaging beasts, out to crunch their bones to gnaw the marrow

    when all they really want to do is farm, hunt and raise a family


    1. These people try to destroy any poor, defenceless ogre family they come across

      Without giving a thought to "Innocent until proven Guilty"


    2. So, to avoid any possibility of such misconceptions resulting in mortality for them selves, most ogres have ascribed to the following plan:

    • Teach each other self defence.

    • Move on from merely choosing the nearest tree for a place to find a good weapon: Most ogres have heard of metal, after all, and a lump of metal hurts much more than a wooden club..... especially if it's sharp! Ogre blacksmiths, with their very own smithys are now an area of the economy that is growing strongly.

    • Give those that may be innocent the benefit of the doubt. In practise, a cry of "Run, Before I 'Urts Ya!" is considered sufficient warning. If they aren't planning to kill the good ogre (or ogress), then they will almost always take good advice when they hear it.

    • If the aforementioned warning fails to work, then the person involved is most likely GUILTY of wishing to harm an ogre- a crime in our society.

    • The punishment for wishing to harm an ogre is one of deliberate deterrence. The ogre who has issued the warning must, though it hurts his gentle nature and tears at his immortal soul, catch the offending being, tear his (or her) head off, remove the bones from the still-warm corpse and crack them open to suck the marrow.


    This is something that many find hard to do, and is by no means a pleasant task. We much prefer mutton or beef. However, if beings persist in tormenting a gentle, funloving folk, then no wonder we feel forced to defend ourselves! Those who come into our presence in genuine friendship find warmth and loyalty, which lasts in eternal friendship. We have no need to quarrel with any that do not wish to quarrel with us. Our lands may be stark, but many would judge them beautiful, especially our capital of Sawtooth. We have much that could be traded or bartered, if only other nations would treat with us rather than treat us as monsters. While we love peace, we know from bitter experience the need for a strong deterrent force. Couple this with the fact that we recognise that we should aid our friends in all that we may, and you find us allies to be proud of.

    Has this answered your questions on how important it is to be Ogrish? Can you draw parallels between the plight of us poor, peacefully defenceless mortals (well, excluding my good self, of course! Immortality is such a useful little side effect of our collective studies and incantations, don't you think?)and your own people's existence? Do you long to implement fair and just laws (like the ones outlined above), or even just allow the Ogres to live in peace and harmony with the denizens of your realm?

    I truely hope that it has, and that you will be sending winged messengers and heralds towards me with messages of understanding and joy. This world is in a state of irretrievable development, and we now acknowledge that we must interact with outsiders and nonogres all. The main point of contention from my chieftans, is only the nature of that interaction, for we are mindful of the ogre's reputation for cunning savagery, and whilst we will do what is necessary, any possibility of avoiding the reinforcement of this graphic imagery will be commended within the ranks of my National Defence Force (commonly known as NoDufF for some bizarre and peculiarly Orgespecific reason that I for one have failed to fathom)


    If you are able to see beyond the sterotype to the golden heart that lies within each ogre, then contact me, at

    Contact Semblar the Great at

  • PLAYER 3 - Geronimo


    In the days after the great war, we searched for our bretheren, lost in an unknown land. We stumbled around until we found some nice pastures to call home. It is here we began to build ourselves a small town to live peacefully, eating what we can find, and taking the earth's precious stone, iron and mithril that we could find. And so for many years our people lived a quite and peaceful life.

    But now we hear rumours of great alliances being formed and armies being mobilised to bring more wars back to our lands. And this is not only in the lands around us but in the underworld and skies above. We wish to remain at peace but what are our small people to do as we are probably too near our warring neighbours. There are envoys, appearing out of nowhere, to our little town, with requests for peace, alliances or trade from both familiar beings and from creatures previously unknown to us. Can we trust an alliance from someone declaring themselves to be chaotic? Or can we risk that these people will target us after we rebuke their offer.

    As the leader of our people, the wise and noble Geronimo of the Castor Fields, we shall stand true to the allies we chose, and hope that we can bring peace to the world forever. It may be that we fail in our peaceful ways, but we shall not be drawn into the bloody battles to come willingly. And at the same time we shall prepare for war, expanding our towns into the empty lands around us and stockpiling our resources for future needs.

    If there are people in this world who wish to make peace with our people we shall recieve all messengers, but do not expect positive responses from those with evil intent (or even for your messenger to be allowed to leave). As a peaceful race we have no hesitation to turn to war if the need be there. Our war mongers are eagerly seeking an excuse to transform all our resources into weapons of war.

    And as even now we hear the echoes of distant sounds of war we prepare for the worst.

    Geronimo (the elder)

    Second Form


    Contact Geronimo at

  • PLAYER 4 - Aeneas

    A Lizard

    A Lizard

    Several years ago.......

    The female Lizards woke up with a start in the middle of a clear night...... she felt something was different. It was time for the newborns to be role assigned for their whole lifespan. The stars would foretell their future and set the role of the infants in this life. But she still felt something weird on the air. She had two hatchlings ready for the ceremony. It was strange, two was a small number, most lizards had at least eight to ten hatchlings. This worried her not, she was proud of them. One was slim and the brightness seen in his eyes showed intelligence above average, the other was big and could be a great warrior. The ceremony began in earnest at Tlalok Ssihs pyramid, god of life. Their newborns were the last in the long line. The race was reading itself for the coming years, harsh and long would they be as the priests and scholars said, thus the constant increasing of the race. The day was promising and the omens were good. At last her newborns were hold by two priests, and they looked at the sky to asses what the stars will foretell for this two new members of the great Lizard nation. The astonished faces of the priests told everything. Such a sight was never seen at Gysh S'armuine. When all the presents looked at the sky they saw no stars there and they knew why the priests were shocked. Never in the long story of Gysh S'armuìne had this happened. They knew not what to do, and that was not a good sign. Premonition hit the female lizard, her sons destiny was linked to the race and this nation. What they did in the future will doom them all or bring great success to the race. Then the sky became full of stars and the sun rose three hours before its due sunrise. The priests seeing this told the presents and the mother that their sons were destined to be the very core of the race. One of them was going to be the brain and the other the strength, but who would be whom was to be seen in the future.

    Gysh S'armuìne History

    • Today, Great Pyramid of Gysh S'armuìne, residence of Wizard Aeneas.
      Aeneas behold the greatest spectacle below. Line after line of warriors under the command of his loved brother were advancing toward the close jungle. They were advancing on the unsuspecting races beyond the actual empire border, out of the jungle. They won't remain the same much longer, that he knew. His brother's tactical prowess and strength would make the mission a complete success. The race will hold new lands in a short time and it was his job to administer them. He did think of the surprised faces of the new subject races. Like eons ago, they will see the fearless and terrible Lizards come out from the jungles again, their faces showing conquest thirst. Swarm after swarm will pour from the trees. Long ago the race had been strong, until the coming of Caizarius... to get more power the race allied with him and that was the great undoing. When Caizarius was defeated the race succumbed with him and his minions. Long time ago. That would never happen again, Aeneas thought, at least while he was in command. Now after years of hiding the race was ready again, proof enough was this display of power. The problem now was decide what to do, and this alone was the most important thing Aeneas had to do. The armies and conquests were nothing compared to this. The stars had talked, Caizarius and his generals were back. What to do?. He had been the undoing of the race once. Will we ally with him to take revenge on the other races and the Druids?, Will the Druids forgive us our last deeds if we chose to join them against Caizarius?. Some of the most important priests were anxious to join Caizarius, others were against it, but Aeneas knew this was a great decision and any of the two choices could be disaster for the race. He will wait to make this decision. In the meantime the armies will march and conquer new lands and Aeneas will get rid of anyone contesting his power. He will make the decision in time, the arcane arts he wielded would help him, let his brother have fun and enjoy himself while he was readying the land for the coming struggle.
    • News
      Gysh S'armuìne is thriving. We control now different types of lands and races. All play reverence to Aeneas our great leader. We control thrice the territory we controlled last year. At this pace the sun won't set on our empire. We expect contact soon with other empires. The diplomacy went well and we now count with several allies.

    If you still want to contact Aeneas, just send a winged deamon baby with the message.

    Player number:

    Wizards name:

    Please stick a paper with the following message unto the baby's foot:

    A Lizard
    Born from the cradle of Darkness

    A Lizard


    Contact Aeneas at

  • PLAYER 5 - Dorlas

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Dorlas at

  • PLAYER 6 - Shrike

    The black night was alive with the thrashings of a fierce tempest of a
    storm. Occasional lightening forks strobe-lit the village, producing strange
    phantoms of eerie shadow. The wind was a wild beast, rising off the ocean
    with a banshee wail to scrabble at the roofs of the huts in the wee
    community of Lachlan Spur. It screamed, as if in frustration at it’s
    inability to pry the lids off the stone walled buildings, then roared up the
    peninsula upon which the village sat, to scour the surrounding hillocks,
    before pouncing once again at the hapless hamlet. Planks creaked and ocean
    spray pattered in sheets across the partially completed, sprawling dock site
    that soon would launch great longships and myriad fishing skiffs, to be
    followed in the coming months by obese transports and frightening
    Man-o-wars. The only light in the bedraggled village came from around the
    edges of door and windows of the new tavern, it’s freshly painted sign "The
    Raven’s Rest" dancing wildly in the gusts.
    Tuar O’Caullaghain, more widely known as ‘the Shrike’, slowed in his pacing
    to gaze out into the storm and listen for the snatches of merriment from the
    tavern, sent his way on the capricious wind. "Where IS he?!" He muttered to
    himself. Three weeks had passed with no sign or word from his man, whom he
    had sent to the plains of Gabton to treat with their leader. Gabton, the
    city of the Plainsmen. That realm he had once held sway over. Many mistakes
    made there. Mistakes he would not repeat. Not here. Not with these people,
    his people… The missing messenger was the last of the diplomats that had
    been sent out when the Shrike took charge of the village. Already word had
    arrived from lands far beyond the small seaside village. The Shrike mentally
    ticked them off as he considered his goal of a worldwide alliance of noble
    wizards. Ithilnaur of the Icelanders, not well known to the Shrike, but
    known widely as a competent ruler, loyal friend and fearsome enemy. Alodar
    the Warrior Mage of the Amazons, sometime ally, sometime enemy of the
    Shrike. Always respected. Which way would circumstance blow the talented
    magician in this lifetime? Ordo Equestor, a recent friend from a different
    existence, now arising in the sands of Jaffna, a favoured and trusted
    companion of great power. Dorlas of the Dervishes, a mysterious warlock met
    long ago, in a far off land, unheard of from then until now. All had agreed
    to the Shrike’s call for alliance, war against the marauders in the island
    kingdoms and ultimately a great peace over the land. Word too had arrived
    from another immortal, Aeneas, who had won control of the lizardmen of ?.
    This wizard asked for trading and peace with the people of Lachlan Spur.
    Perhaps it was possible… Perhaps, if they kept to their Island and
    restrained themselves from their reaving ways…
    He waited yet too for news from the orc, minotaur and ogre pirates but
    expected none. The last of his scouts had headed out last night. They had
    gone forth to claim what land they could and make contact with the peoples
    of the other Immortals. He had confidence that they would hold to their
    sworn words and join him in ridding this world, his world, of the scourge of
    the pirate Immortals spreading mayhem across the seas and coastal lands. In
    the coming months, these brave scouts would be followed by forged steel and
    burnished armor, fearless rangers and silent agents, blistering magic and
    sharp mithril, glorious beasts and gory behemoths. All tasked to spread
    security and confidence across the land once again. Peace on the edge of our
    swords. A good motto. A motto for an alliance of guardians. And when the
    last of the evil Immortal’s heads were severed from their body, then he
    could rest. Rest and move on with the knowledge that he had finally done a
    good thing, perhaps.
    A hollow creak distracted the Shrike from his musings. A small wrinkled
    crone crept in with victuals for the master. She hurriedly set the platter
    down on the battered oak table, not meeting his eye. She dashed out, her
    speediness belying her age. And yet, she was the brave one, stepping in to
    bring his meal. Or perhaps she was merely the loser of the pulling of
    straws… His kinsmen called him Immortal. Respected but often feared or
    shunned, he was destined to rule. As a hawk is born to soar or a scorpion to
    sting, so his kind is born to rule, to build nations, to conquer cities and
    lay waste to empires. Athanon, Immortal, Fey, there are many names used to
    describe his kind. All know of them though less than a small town’s worth
    exist in the entire multiverse. His kind is as varied as the peoples they
    rule. Some are traders, seeking to build great, vibrant merchant empires,
    others are scholars, building great libraries and colleges whose sole
    purpose is only to increase the knowledge of the builder, more are monsters,
    megalomaniacs intent on land and power that even they must admit they can
    hold only fleetingly. A few, like the Shrike, are stewards, attempting to
    leave the places they briefly rule a little greater than whence they
    arrived. This particular existence held special significance for the Shrike.
    It was his birthworld and these highlanders of Lachlan Spur were his true
    kinsmen. He had left long ago and had only recently returned. None
    remembered him; of course, he had raised sheep and fought marauders with
    their far distant ancestors. Yet, it was home and he swore to put all he had
    learned in his travels and travails to use in raising his kinsmen up as the
    proud race they once were.
    His thoughts are disturbed once again, this time by a sharp rap upon the
    door. "Enter." The Shrike commands. The oaken door swings creaking on its
    hinges to reveal a braver subject this time. Tall, lightly bearded in wispy
    blonde hair, the stranger’s garments and hair spoke of a long trip through
    the lashing storm without. "I know you not, brave sir. Why do you seek me in
    these dire times?", queried the Shrike. "My name is Turrig Oth Umbra. I
    heard you bring talk of taking back what once was our Highlander land. I
    heard also you are recruiting scouts. I’m the man you want.", said the young
    highlander boldly. "Hmmm…. Yes, yes you are a man I seek, but not foe mere
    scouting. You I have larger designs for. You shall by my eye, my ear, my
    senses, but not my voice. Return on the morrow for instruction. For now,
    enjoy yourself in yonder tavern for you will not have many chances to quaff
    ale and chase wenches after tomorrow." And with that, he tossed bold Turrig
    a gold coin in dismissal.

    Contact Shrike at

  • PLAYER 7 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *grmph* I know this feeling all too well - a new cloning loop has taken effect
    once again; wonder what godforsaken outlandish world I have been clonecarnated
    to this time... On the other hand, it feels like I have been out of the loop
    for quite some time now - almost nonecarnated for some eons (or should it be
    neons?) so... However much I hate to admit it, I seem to actually enjoy being
    back in the loop again - wonder if my subconscious has picked up any disturbing
    news in the "Nirvana Times" or what is the reason for my sudden enjoyment of
    being in clonecarnation status again?!
    I often wonder who that original Alodar was, compared to all the subsequent
    me's, and if he ever realized what a chain effect of clonecarnations his
    mistake with that first 'clone self' spell would lead to... Hmm, I know I know
    more than a couple of his memories as well, so why don't I try to find out WHY
    he did it in the first place...
    [sifting through approximately 42 quadrizillion memories of a somewhat, but
     only somewhat, lesser number of clonecarnations]
    Ahh, I _see_ ... I (which I?) never thought of *that* before! Hmm, maybe it was
    that that my subconscious picked up, rather than any dire news in the "Nirvana
    OK, enough of reminiscence - time to find out where I am this time, before it
    finds me... Fortunately magic is much the same all over the worlds, it is only
    the implementations which vary a little, so I should be able to catch up on
    this world's magic quite soon - but of course I have to identify the "this"
    -Identify yourself, stranger, and state your purpose! If it is an honorable one
     we might actually think about considering not killing you outright!
    [Hey - it was me who should identify this world, not the other way round! But
     on the other hand, maybe I can fulfill my own objective in this somewhat
     circumvential, ehh... circumstancial, ahh, drat... roundabout way as well!
     Except I had better come up with an honorable purpose pretty soon, or this
     loop will end almost before it started...]
    -I am no stranger, I am Alodar the Apprentice, wizard of 42 million
     clonecarnations (give or take a few) in search of yet another wizardry
     mission on this world! Ehh... would you mind telling me WHICH world this is?
    -*HAH!* If you are as mighty a wizard as you say, how come you don't know it
     already? I say we kill this impostor without even thinking about considering
     anything else!
    [The reason I don't know it already is that got stuck sifting through 42
     quadrizillion memories - and besides, I am sort of lazy so I prefer to ask
     rather than finding out myself... But I guess I'd better do something about
     the current situation - I don't particularly fancy being discarnated this
     quickly... *ZAP!!!*]
    -OK, folks, now let's talk business! And if you prove to be cooperative enough
     I just might begin to consider thinking about unpetrifying you again...
    -Well, you might be a wizard, or you might even be a mighty wizard, but if you
     think that a proud amazon tribe would succumb to such a threat you are a
     mighty stupid wizard at least! 
    -Hmm, would you prefer it if I just burned down this entire jungle, then???
    [42 extremely helpful answers later]
    -OK, thank you, proud and highly ecologically conscious amazons of the Carossan
     jungle! Now, I presume that you happen to have a vacant chair of wizardry in
     your magic college - that is usually what triggers a new clonecarnation loop?
    -Indeed we have, oh mighty wizard Alodar! Our previous wizard recently made a
     stupid spelling mistake in a teleportation spell and ended up in Canossa
     instead, so just now we are sort of devoid of magic protection - we only have
     these poison darts to rely on...
    -All right, let's make a deal! I unpetrify the rest of you as well (and not
     only your tongues) and you don't use those poison darts on me, and I'll take
     over your chair of wizardry at least until the other guy comes back from his
     trip to Canossa... Now just show me the way, and I'll take care of your magic
     protection for a while!
    [A couple of lianes later, and some anacondas and pythons - though none named
    -So this magificent wooden creation is your magic college - well, your previous
     wizard might have a spell(ing) problem, but he surely must have been an
     architect in an earlier clonecar... ehh, incarnation, I mean! Thank you for
     guiding me here - now I'll take care of the rest!
    Ahh, here is the library - quite well stocked even taking into account the
    abundance of wood in these jungles! Now where do I start... hmm, this title
    looks promising:
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Crynn Magick"
    Good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    Yes of course - more than a couple of previous clonecarnations have had that
    same nasty surprise before me... Let me try something completely different
    this time - yes, here we have volume XLII;
    "A Short Summary of Volumes I to XLI of the Short Introduction to the
     Foundations of Crynn Magick"
    *chuckle* Seems good old Alodar the newly cloned Apprentice still can learn
    some new tricks with each and every clonecarnation... (OK, OK, every second
    clonecarnation, then, you nitpicker... Not satisfied even yet? All right, let's
    say every 42nd clonecarnation then, but that is my last offer!)

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 8 - Ordo Equester

    Extracts from the Jaffna Gazette gossip column
    ?In The Realm of Ordo Equester
    Overheard in the castle kitchens of Jaffna city:
    The rattle of cups of soured camel's milk echoes around the empty kitchen, as
    the night's meals are done and cleared, and exhausted staff sit to ponder what
    the next day will bring;
    "I heard it said that our new master was once a grand wizard in far off lands"
          "So what's 'ez a duin' 'ere then?"
    "Well, it's said that he was in a Grand Alliance of Wizards that fought the Son
    of Arragoth, the Fire God!"
          "Ain't 'eard of no Fire God !"
    "Well there is one see, and having beaten the other wizards who fought against
    the Grand Alliance, he set about destroying the Son of Arragoth?"
          "Seem t'me that non'll be the sense in picking fights with Gods. Bloomin'
    daft if'n you's ask me."
    "Well, nobody was asking you, was they?. So are you gonna listen to the story or
         "Can't says I'vn a better place t'be, an' t'ale's nun so bad. Carry on
    "Well, as I heard it, it seems that our master had a mishap when casting a spell
    to rid the world of this demi-God, and the entire land was laid waste while he
    was cast into some nether world to reappear in a rainbow of dancing lights in a
    Gnomish city on Shadowmoth, to be hailed as their saviour."
          "B'aint no time fer Gnomes, little blighters meddle ?."
    "I shall not say another word if you keep interrupting?."
          "Pah!. Me pots a empty, an b'aint no time for bletherin', I'z orf!"
    Overheard in the castle guardhouse of Jaffna city:
    As the sun rises on the new year, the sharpening of pitchforks makes many a
    tooth shudder.
    "My cousin, who married a highlander merchant these seven years past, has said
    that a star fell from the heavens and crashed into the sea of water far from the
         "I heard that rumour too!. The wife says that is an omen that great chaos
    is about to come to Crynn, and we should stick to the sea of sand, as it is our
    "Nah, the talk I've heard is that it was the sign for the land of Crynn to grow
    strong, with the power of the fallen star to aid it. Why else would we be
    preparing for a long march "
         "But, what about the old tales of dark islands far out beyond where the sea
    of water ends to the eye  - my gran used to tell me stories of the monsters that
    live there, out the fear of all evil into me it did."
    "Old wives tales are for children!. I've seen the plans of the new barracks and
    a blacksmith where Lord Ordo wants weapons made. You mark my words, we shall be
    marching soon!."
         "Maybe that is a good sign, for too long we have been blamed for the
    attacks of robbers and thieves ? 'It must be those dirty Sand People' ? a few
    beatings will sort out our neighbours!"
    "No, no, no!. There's a new sign to hang in the Barracks, the painter told me,
    PEACE'. Lord Ordo is not about conquering neighbours, but providing a secure
    land which we can trade through. You've seen the gems that lie about the dunes,
    so many that the children play with them, well there's many a neighbour would
    trade richly for such as those."
    Overheard in the Chancellor's chambers in Jaffna city:
    The rotund figure of the Chancellor of Jaffna easily fills his chair, with
    seemingly a piece of him protruding through every gap. His tears leave streaks
    down his face, and he raps a halting rythmn on the desk with both of his massive
    hands, making the quills dance around the ink well like rabid puppets:.
    "Damn, damn and double damn!. Lord Ordo is mad!. Mad I say!. How many times must
    I tell him that taxes are for bolstering the treasury". A stong city has a
    bulging hoard, with peasants who pay their dues without a murmur.
        To spend as he would. The buildings, the soldiers!. The city will be
    bankrupt inside a year!. He does not know the peasants like I do, give them a
    tavern, and they will be drunk all day!. Who will tend the flocks, who will
    scour the sands for brittle firewood?. He will rue the day, and who will he turn
    to when all is in decay?. Me!."
    The knock on the door startles the Chancellor, and before he can rise (a
    difficult enough feat given time, let alone in a hurry), the doorway is filled
    with militiamen.
    "My Lord Ordo bids his chancellor welcome, and offers his solution to all your
    concerns, " booms the Sargeant at Arms. "A new Chancellor has been appointed,
    and your reward for years of devotion to the comforts of the City Treasury and
    its keepers, is by Royal Appointment to the post of Flock Tenderer and Gatherer
    of Firewood.
    Understanding the value you place on taxes, you shall be graced with paying
    double the levy of the common man as demonstration of your love for your City."
    Stop Press entries to the Editor of the Jaffna Gazzette
    Two items of breaking news:
    1)   The contracts have been placed for local labour to build a splendid tavern,
    to be known as the 'Oasis of Jaffna' the first pints are expected to be drawn
    within the month!
    2)   The City assembly was stunned and then cheered when Lord Ordo announced a
    tax holiday to celebrate the new year. No dissenting voices were raised, but a
    faint wailing was heard from the direction of the sheep pens.

    Contact Ordo Equester at

  • PLAYER 9 - Azant

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Azant at

  • PLAYER 10 - Ithilnaur





    Extracto del Diario de Draconis, Señor de la muerte
    Dia 1 de la nueva era. La revelación.

    Finalmente podemos volver a reclamar nuestro puesto entre los 
    gobernantes de este mundo.


    Hace años que esperamos la oportunidad de restituir el orden en este 
    mundo, el orden tal y como lo interpretamos nosostros, los 
    nigromantes, los que tuvimos que escondernos y huir de esa masa 
    infecta de campesinos y mal llamados magos que creían tener la razón 
    frente a nuestros planes. Nunca entendieron que la busqueda de la 
    inmortalidad es un deber de los de nuestra clase, debemos perpetuar 
    nuestra vida para poder dirigir a los no bendecidos con el Don, ellos 
    nunca podrán comprender ni sabrán como afrontar los avatares de la 

    A pesar de todo nuestro poder, una serie de débiles que no se 
    atrevieron a traspasar la línea que divide la vida y la muerte se 
    pusieron a la cabeza de ingentes cantidades de campesinos cuya 
    voluntad era manejada al antojo de aquellos que una vez llamamos hermanos. 
    Nosotros en nuestra arrogancia permanecimos ajenos a los eventos que 
    se producían cada uno quería mantener su parcela de poder sin tener en 
    cuenta el bien del conjunto. Como despuès se comprobó, es to lo 
    pagamos muy caro, tuvimos que luchar por nuestra existencia en vez de 
    por regir los designios de este mundo, y finalmente abandonamos 
    nuestras posesiones en una agónica huida.

    Han sido muchos años de espera pero ya han terminado, y para no volver 
    a caer en el mismo error lo primero que debemos hacer es declarar un 
    grupo que dirija los designios de este mundo, para ello nada mejor que 
    la selección de los más fuertes, aquellos que cuyas dotes 
    diplomáticas, militares, mágicas o administrativas demuestren ser 
    las mejores.

    Aquellos que se horrorizaron por los hechos que sufrieron los 
    campesinos no se dieron cuenta que estas criaturas están para servirnos, algunas 
    veces su trabajo es suficiente, en otras ocasiones necesitamos algo 
    más. Los hipócritas que nos enfrentaron nunca hicieron ascos a 
    contar entre sus filas a hermanos nuestros, los Lichlords, pero si nos 
    acusaban a nosotros cuando empleábamos las mismas artes. Pero ya 
    sabemos todos que la historia la escriben los vencedores, mas esta vez seremos 
    nosostros los que la escribamos.

    No todos somos merecedores de regir el destino de este mundo, espero 
    encontrarme entre ellos y lucharè por demostrarlo, si no lo consigo 
    supondre que los dioses a los que jurè lealtad no me han hallado digno 
    y deberè demostrarlo en otro tiempo y lugar, pero tambièn espero que 
    estos dioses me sonrían y sean mis enemigos los que deban rendir 
    cuentas ante sus señores.

    La cuenta atras ha empezado, mi exiguo grupo de seguidores pronto se 
    verá incrementado y si los señores oscuros lo permiten, empezarán 
    a extender su palabra a lo largo y ancho de este mundo, espero y 
    confio que encontrarè otros magos que sigan los mismos senderos y que seamos 
    capaces de hacer entender a todos que sólo nosotros podremos llevarles 
    a nuevas metas y bienestar, Claro está, tal y como nosotros pensamos 
    que debe ser su bienestra y sus logros.

     Contact Ithilnaur at               




    Contact Ithilnaur at

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