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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-2003

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Game 229 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

  • PLAYER 2 - Mitsushi

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Mitsushi at

  • PLAYER 3 - SnowHeart

        Born of strife, learned in hardship, endures in silence, repaid in
    vengeance, this is the way of the Amazon. In the perpetual gloom of the
    jungle, the Amazon lives in mastery of their environment while at the same
    time remaining appreciative of its qualities and beauty.
        Many would be conquerors have vanished into the impentrable gloom of the
    jungle; prey to the poison and cunning of their Amazon foes as they suddenly
    erupt from the jungle in ambush from camoflauged locations. Few escape the
    wrath of the Amazons as they are peerless trackers who search out and ambush
    trespassers to their dominion.
        Amazon society is suprisingly domestice given their war-like nature as
    families are matriatchal and large, crafted into clans that rule all of
    Amazon society. These clans are lead by the elder female who makes all
    decisions for the clan.
        Just becuase women maintain a large presence in society, warriors and
    crafstmen are just as often men, though no mere man has ever held a position
    of power in Amazon society - until now.
        The new leader of the Amazons is Snowheart, who has risen to lead the
    loose clans of the Amazons from virtual anonymity, some believe he may not
    even be an Amazon at all and few have ever seen this shadowed figure at all.
        Finding common ground for the Amazons is their desire to recreate the
    ancient kingdom of old, and to this end they have begun to control the areas
    near their capitol and to embark on new building programs and form new
    military units.

    Contact SnowHeart at

  • PLAYER 4 - Sirikul

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Sirikul at

  • PLAYER 5 - Alodar the Apprentice

    *grmph* Here I go again it seems - and with that particularly annoying feeling
    of both 'deja vu' and 'jamais vu' at the same time... Wonder if this is a new
    world in an old setting or an old world in a new setting - guess I will find
    out sooner or later anyways... Why couldn't that 'clone self' spell I fiddled
    with back on my first homeworld just have been of the ordinary kind - creating
    a couple of Alodars in my own backyard? We could have had a lot of fun casting
    spells at each other - not to mention at innocent bystanders... But no, I had
    to fiddle with class, and tested the ADVANCED CLONE SELF spell without even
    knowing how to pronounce advanced (not that I think that that has anything to
    do with the disastrous outcome) *grumble*
    And now I (though which 'I' is of course a question for the philosophers to
    argue heatedly about) find myself in the strangest of worlds all the time, and
    I have yet to find a way out of this seemingly endless loop...
    OK, enough of reminiscence (hmm, one day I had better check how to pronounce
    that correctly so I don't end up with the wrong kind of memories - not that all
    my current memories are all roses either *shudder*) - guess I had better start
    walking in any general direction and see what happens...
    [*yawn*] No, I definitely don't like the climate around here - the only good
    thing about this heat and humid mosquito-infested swamp is that it is not in
    the underworld; I still haven't completely conquered that claustrophobia which
    struck one of my previous clones when the focussing of the spell failed even
    worse than normally and landed him in solid rock [yes, literally *IN* solid
    rock *shudder*] - I'll cast a couple of spells [casting the spells 'repel
    irritating buzzing mosquitoes', 'create an air-conditioned cocoon' and 'sleep
    well without claustrophobic nightmares' in quick succession] and take a nap or
    [Somewhat, or - to be perfectly honest - somewhat more than somewhat, later,
     awakening with a start]
    -Excuse me, sir, but are you a wizard?
    -A somewhat sleepy wizard, yes... What kind of a place is this, where an honest
     wizard cannot even take a catnap (or fortytwo) without being brusquely
    -My sincere apologies, oh mighty wizard, but you have been asleep for roughly
     42 hours, and that mosquito-repelling spell of yours drove all mosquitoes to
     our own village, and we have enough trouble as it is...
    Trouble - guess that explains the 'deja vu' feeling... *sigh* Just wonder what
    is new this time around - OK, let's bite the bullet and ask this fellow, at
    least he seems more polite than most fellows my clonecarnations use to stumble
    -To tell the truth, I have no idea even which world this is, so would you mind
     explaining those troubles in a little more detail?
    -This is the province of Fallen Forest, in the world of Pendrake, and our
     universe is called WoW, oh mighty wizard. And our troubles are manifold - as
     you can see, our once proud forests are reduced to swampland, which explains
     the name we wood elves have given our capital and its surrounding shires. But
     that problem is just a minor one compared to the perilousness of the sea
     lanes - the pirates of Pendrake still rule the waves, making trade and
     communication between the different islands quite difficult, not to say
     almost suicidal. And to add insult to injury, our previous wizard has become
     *ahem* somewhat strange after he stumbled on a singularity which obviously
     was cast by the wizard of the chaos minions - even normally they are totally
     unpredictable, but their new wizard seems unpredictabler than most...
    Wood elves, chaos minions... No wonder I had so strong 'deja vu' feelings, and
    not all of them pleasant! But Pendrake is a world I have never heard of before,
    so even after 42 zillion clonecarnations there are still some new things to
    explore - great!
    -Ehh, in which way has your previous wizard gone nuts... *ahem* become strange,
     if I may inquire?
    -Well, that singularity did something to his brain, I fear, and now he keeps
     insisting that 42 is the answer to each and every question... Unfortunately,
     the pirates of Pendrake are many more than 42, so his magic is of little use
     in combatting them...
    -So now you probably hope for me to take over his chair of wizardry and lead
     your people in a holy crusade against the pirates, I presume?
    -That would indeed be most kind of you, oh mighty wizard... ?
    -Alodar the Apprentice is the name, and even if I haven't crusaded against
     pirates for eons (or 1764 clonecarnations, at least) I'm looking forward to
     the challenge! So take me to your capital, and I'll see what I can do!
    -As you command, mighty wizard! If we walk in that direction, we will be there
     in maybe half an hour... Ehh, would you mind disabling that mosquito-repelling
     spell first, so that the mosquitoes can return - hey, maybe you could set it
     up in our capital instead!??
    -Sounds like an excellent idea; could you now please fill me in on some more
     details while we walk...
    [Approximately 42 minutes later]
    -Thank you for the briefing, fella! So this magnificent wooden creation is your
     magic college - your previous wizard must have been quite skillful in the
     art of architecture before his most unlucky encounter with the singularity!
     Now let me just concentrate on the mosquito-relocating spell first, and then
     I'll start working on ways to defeat those dastardly pirates!
    [A couple of relocated mosquitoes later...]
    Let's see - this must be the library... Now where do I start - hmm, this title
    looks somehow familiar:
    "A Short Introduction to the Foundations of Pendrake Magick".
    "A short introduction" - that sounds good! I like them short and snappy - wait,
    what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    Score one more for the 'deja vu' feeling... *sigh*

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

  • PLAYER 6 - Shuri the huntress

                                       A new home in the


    A new home in the mountains


    A long ride through the snowy landscape had left me tired and nearly frozen. I didn't want to pass another night under the sky, but longed for even the most filthy inn in a dirty village.

    The sun had sunk under the horizon already several hours ago, and the stars spanned a shimmering baldachin over the snow. Except for them, all was dark. But halt, on top of the highest mountain which silhouette could be seen against the stars, there was a small golden light. How warm and attracting it shone!

    With a few encouraging words I made my tired mare walk a little faster again. After some time I found a narrow path between huge boulders and followed it carefully.


    The path was easy to ride and after about one hour of constant ascent I arrived at something which once probably was a moat, but now was filled with all sort of garbage. On the other side, some palisades and a tower made of huge boulders, which was the only higher building I could see except from a high hall looking like nothing I had seen before: its colums looked like the truncs of mighty beeches, and through these high slender colums which carried what once was a pointed roof shone the fire I had already seen from far away. The tower protected a portal over which an ornament of two griffins fighting each other could be seen, although only one of the wings of the griffins were still intact and the heads were hardly desceptible anymore. The portal made of thick beams was wide open and a huge fire could be seen through it, and the night wasn't silent anymore.

    "50 men on the dead man's coffin, hoya ho and a bottle of rum" I heard, sung by many hoarse voices. I hesitated a moment, and then decided that the voices sounded drunk enough not to present a danger to me. So I slowly rode on through the portal, and although the hoops of my horse resounded loudly in the tunnel leading through the tower into the interiour of the castle, the noise didn't alter. I rode through the court in from of the great hall, then up the stairways and arrived in the ruins of the hall. I commanded my mare to halt and had a look around. About fifty ugly beings sang, drunk, some slept. They had greyish skin, flat heads, strange round, reddish eyes, long canine teeth, pimples and warts, enormously broad shoulders and were about one head taller than a normal human. They looked horrible – and nevertheless had a childish joy within them and a stupendous grace in their quick precise movements – and this although most of them obviously couldn’t stand anymore.


    I rode towards the fire, my horse tried not to step on any of thebodies lying there. More and more of the huge beings stopped to sing and to drink and looked at me with stupefaction.

    I had my horse stop in the middle of the circle they formed and waited that the noise ceased to stop.

    Finally one guy got up who was decorated by lots of furs dyed deep red. "Whom do you belong, woma, and wherre did you stea de horrrse?" he shouted. "Rorron, what dos dis matta, no she and de horrrse belong to us!" cried another smaller one, who had a hood on his head on which long teeth where sewed, forming an gaping mouth around his wily face. "Grreat, a horrse, we haven’t swallowed horrse bee forr monds!" a thick one said. "And no morr cold de night!" another one laughed.

    Well, this wasn’t exactly what I had expected. These guys seemed able to play some very bad tricks upon me in spite of all the emptly barrels of wine or beer around and although the air they breathed out was filled with enough alcohol to catch fire. I slided my hand into one of my saddle bags and pulled out a small leather bag of what I hoped was a sleeping herb and threw it into the fire. No more risk! The smoke would have them fall asleep nearly instanteously. FFFFIIIIZZZZ!! My horse exploded under me when a bluish flash shot into the sky just next to her hooves. Damn, the flash powder, I had the time to think during my flight from my horse’s back before my head met something hard with a cracking sound.


    I woke up with an incredible headache. What was wrong? Had I emptied a dozen kegs of orcish beer all alone? I tried to open my eyes, and to remember what had happened very hard, but it gave me too much pain, and it became dark again.


    A splash of cold water into my face woke me up and I gasped for air. I coughed the water out of my lungs and blinked into the sun. A huge figure was standing there. What was it? A giant? It seemed to wear skirts. Not one of them, several, and they shone in all colours.

    "He, litt‘ one, time to get up!"

    A hard cloth was rubbed through my face, touched something which made my head feel like an anvil under the hammer, and my cry made the cloth disappear.

    "Doo, doo, don’t cry, no need to, will be morr carrfull no." Indeed, the next time the cloth touched my front I could clench my teeth in time as I was alerted.

    "Who arre you, litt‘ one? De men said you rrode a horrse whose hoos made flashes and which flew away wid de win afterr brringing you to us! What a pity dad I didn’t see, must’ve been marrvels." She – that much tenderness only could be expected from the hands of a woman - applied a cool paste upon my aching forehead, and told me "Crrrushed earrd-worrrs wid some white of rrotten eggs, noding betterr forr a headache! Underrstan, can’t use well de frresh ones, dey for meals only."

    I felt too weak and too anxious to refuse such warm-hearted treatment.

    "Gotta eat, litt‘ one" and she placed a reddish clay plate in front of me. Scrambled eggs! I tasted them carefully, but couldn’t notice anything strange except that there was no salt and instead my nurse had used some herbes I never had tasted before. And she gave me a mug with a steaming liquid, which I tasted cautiously. It was hot beer! I took another sip and decided that these were strange remedes, but surely given without bad intentions.

    After eating my meal, I felt a little better. "Who are you" I asked the strange woman. "I a Rrirrolla. I am de mistrrress of Rorron, the leader of dis people of Ogres." She said with pride. "You’re ogres? Really ogres? You eat men?" I said, crawling back from her. "Litt‘ one, no need to be afrraid, ourr ancestorrs ate yourr kin, but we abstai frrro dis custum since lon."

    I looked her intensively, but could see no false in her brown eyes. "What do you want of me?" I asked her. "Well, no yet de time to say...wait until you fee betterr" she said with hesitation and suddenly seemed sad, and turned away after a short moment.

    This worried me just as much as when she had said that they were ogres. Perhaps there was a way to escape from them before whatever they intented for me would happen...

    <to be continued>







    Contact Shuri the huntress at

  • PLAYER 7 - Lecostarius



    The cry yelled through the wizard’s tower, echoed off bright-painted walls, propagated its path down a narrow stairway, was heard in several secret passageways that originated in the narrow stairway -–one of which was not even known to the person that yelled, Master Wizard Vater.

    "Martha! Come up! The boy is gone!" the wizard screamed again. Standing in the entrance to a chamber in the fourth floor of his tower, he overlooked the playing room of his son. Teddy bear innards were spread deliberately over the floor, the bed, the table, even the walls. Even given that the boy had obviously massacred all his nine teddy bears, it stroke Vater how much ... stuff ... there is inside a teddy bear. Not that the wool mattered much in the general chaos that was the typical look of the boys chamber. In fact, there was nearly nothing that was situated where it was supposed to be, not even the bed. Vater had searched the whole chamber carefully and had even invested a SenseLife spell (which he had acquired from a merchant that had given him coupons that would offer a ten percent discount for three other spells, RemoveDust, NiceMusic and ConsolidateDebt; however the SenseLife had been of poor quality and had leaked wild magic even on the first day he had used it, and the wild magic had somehow spilled over Marthas carefully tidied living room floor and had caused several animal-shaped holes in the floor which he considered nice but Martha had cast a powerful curse on the merchant who was killed by it as a consequence and therefore he had never had a chance to save his 10% on the ConsolidateDebt spell). He sighed.

    Martha appeared, clad in iron like a Valkyrie, a staff in her hand. Her cheeks were burning red and she was still shivering with rage.

    "I will tell you what, Mister Father-of-a-son-that is only a thing, I say, a nail in the coffin of my life, that is what he is. I had his room tidied up and it took me the whole day and I let him in just to finish a conservation with my sister" – she glanced at him with her "dont dare to say anything about my sister!" look, but he knew better than to interrupt her – "and when I came back I saw... this. She pointed to the mess in the room.

    "Serena had told me about the chaos minions she had discovered, the leaderless tribe. Chaos Minions! When I saw this room, I decided to teach your son a lesson! I magically sent him to the tribe of the Chaos Minions. He knows some magic, he can manage alone. And he will see that living a life of pure chaos leads to.. to... Chaos!" she snorted. "And dont you tell me I should not have done it. You are not taking your responsibility as a father as serious as you should, no you aren’t. I have taken over and we will see how well your son Lecostarius will manage amongst REAL chaos. Hrmpf!"

    She left the room.

    Vater turned to the mess in the room. His only son. No point to ask Martha to channel him back, not until whe would calm down again. His head ached. How would Lecostarius, aged only ten, yet already a good spellcaster, fare amongst the feared Chaos Minions?



    Contact Lecostarius at

  • PLAYER 8 - Tethress

    KhonQar's double-headed axe sliced through the air, and with each=20
    mighty sweep another of the loathsome horde died, its head=20
    smashed to a bloody pulp. But still the Daemons came on and on=20
    and each of them became a crushed corpse, victim to the focus=20
    of the avatar. Time after time another of the repulsive enemy was=20
    no more. Again and again the weapon swung and each sweep=20
    left another hideous victim writhing in agony. This was destined=20
    to be the day that marked a turning point in the tide of history.
    Long ages marked the battle through the Abyss to the Vermillion=20
    Keep. Held by the one they called Tethress. Dispatched directly=20
    by the deity himself KhonQar had tirelessly fought across the=20
    three regions of Limbo, twelve levels of Hades, and finally four=20
    realms of the Abyss to deliver but one message. He fully intended=20
    to make this last stretch of the territory as gore strewn as he was=20
    High above in the Wailing Tower of the Hall of Woe, Tethress=20
    could sense the approach. He moved to the balcony to observe=20
    the avatar in action. With no idea how, or why this creature had=20
    made this journey his stomach started to sour. The entertainment=20
    of the melee below quickly dissipated as he recalled his last luckless =
    venture in to the Netherlands. Hopelessly trapped in a Wyrm hole=20
    by scores of Dark Lords, Tethress had made a hasty pact. It's=20
    details long forgotten,... but there lay little hope this was going=20
    to be a pleasant exchange.
    Making his way down to the foyer he readied for the traveler. The=20
    intense gaze of the Man-Bull came upon him as it entered with=20
    a deafening snort. It shook,....slowly at first and then violently,
    leaving the entryway covered in demon blood and ichor. It=20
    bayed his name and presented him with a battle standard=20
    fashioned from bone and weapons of the fallen. With silent=20
    reverence it produced an ancient tome banded with sinew and=20
    adorned with worn mithral. As the haggard giant turned to leave=20
    its' voice echoed throughout the Keep.
    "Chosen One, do not bear false witness, Long is the road, Hard is=20
    the journey and Death is the suffrage of the weak!"=20
    In the ancient codex it is written, "The day of prophecies is as=20
    hand when my children are to be led to their rightful place among=20
    the mortals. I make them in my image, Two hooves, two hands,
     two horns. The ethereal fields I will stock deep with the Gems of=20
    Arcane power. Their toil is to be made on the backs of slaves so=20
    that they may focus on the purest of endeavors,.. the glory of=20
    War! I shall place upon the land a scourge of vermin races.=20
    Born to die, they suckle from the teet of suffering until the day c
    omes that my children send them back to hell. All this bears=20
    testament  to my will. Under the banner 'Submit or Perish' the=20
    chosen one will lead the horde to massacre." Book of Vengeance, Code of =
    Malice, Chapter of Blood. So sayeth the scripture, so sayeth StormBull, =
    Lord of War.

    Contact Tethress at

  • PLAYER 9 - Arkolyn


    Here I go again. I'm once more in a mysterious place. I look at the plane surrounding me. These people are strange. I look closer and realize they aren't people. They're lizards. I shrug and head towards the castle in the distance.


    What is this? I look at the rock I had just kicked and realize that it is no ordinary rock. An emerald? Lying around on the ground? As I look around, I see several other gems lying about. I pick up a ruby and sapphire and start juggling as I continue my journey. I could like this place.


    I nod at the farmers that I pass. They hiss in response. Friendly folks. The farms are orderly and tidy. They look a bit more fastidious than the last group I encountered. They small town around the castle is clean and orderly as well. There are a few of the creatures carrying weapons, but they don't stop me. A few start following me. Let them come.


    The castle gate is manned (lizarded?), but they allow me to pass. The small garden in front of the castle is a riot of greens, yellows, and reds. A small fountain splashes water to the left of the road.


    As I approach, a tall lizard steps down off of the steps to greet me. His voice is sibilant as he says, "We have been waiting for you. My name is Sarsak. I am the Royal Seneschal. Your apartments have been prepared. There is a bath being drawn now. We will have food for you shortly in the small dining hall. Please join us there when you are ready."


    He claps twice, and a young looking lizard runs up. Sarsak speaks to him quickly, and I'm being led into the castle proper. The banners are clean and well maintained. The statues are bright and shining. Nowhere is there dust. Impressed, I ask the page how they knew of my arrival.


    "It was fortold." As if that explained everything, he went on. My chambers were comfortable. The bath was a wonderful diversion after so long traveling. At least I think I have been traveling a while.


    I shrug off those thoughts. I check the wardrobes to find silk shirts and trousers that fit me. Cleaned and dressed, I headed down the corridor. The page fell in beside me as I left my suite. He led me to the dining area. There were several people (lizard people, of course) around a table talking. They stood as I entered.


    I walked to the head of the table and motioned everyone to sit. They bowed slightly and took their seats. I smiled, just a show of teeth that didn't reach the eyes, and said, "I guess you are the elders?" There were nods of agreement around the table.


    "Well, gentleman ... " I paused noticing one or two that were dressed in what could only be called feminine attire, "... and ladies, since you all seem amenable to my taking the reins of power here, We will need to get a few things accomplished. You all seem agreeable to a bit of hard work, so I don't see that as a problem. Let us dine tonight and get to know each other a bit. I will tell you of my plans in the morning."


    This seemed to please them. Food was brought and we feasted and I learned the ways of this new people. They were odd - even alien. They did things differently than we do, but they seemed good people. Other than eating their food live, I didn't have any complaints with what I saw from them. Hopefully this will be a good beginning and a better ending.



    Contact Arkolyn at TJESTEP@CMHMETRO.NET

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