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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-2003

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Game 278 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Rathnagz

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Rathnagz at

  • PLAYER 2 - Fizzle

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Fizzle at

  • PLAYER 3 - Dunwoody the Disperser

    The Saga of Dunwoody the Disperser

    Come one and come all while I Nhoj the Bard weave ye a tale about Dunwoody the Disperser. A great wizard that has had misfortunes as well as great luck. He has known life and death, he has known happiness and sadness, and he known great wealth and poverty. So please my lords and lasses, and for a little spare coinage to aide me, take a load off your weary feet and I will regale ye with this tale. If ye cannot spare the coinage, I bid you fare well.

    Listen to the story

    Contact Dunwoody the Disperser at

  • PLAYER 4 - Gholan the Conqueror


    Vacationing in the Dimensional Prison

    New smoke billowed silently from the Castle paraphets. The screams from inside with pleasantly endless, as the smell of freshly ashen Drarves wafted down the valley wind drive currents to Gholan the Conqueror, as he calmly directed another assault. The battle had raged for days, thousands of Orcs continually storming the castle walls, in wave after wave, only to be driven back repeatedly by the noble Dwarves, in their desperate, but futile attempt to survive the onslaught. The Keep was simply a skeletal shadow of its former self, its beautiful walls pock-marked by boulders from the multitude of rock-hurled catapults that had rained down upon it over the past few days.

    He grimly assessed the damage done by another failed assault on the sturdy defenders. His rage quietly grew inside, as he watched the river of black blood flow down the crevices in the road on either side, feeling the blood-lust grow, and encouraging it. His tight muscles gripped the handle of his great mithril axe until he thought he would break it. The Dwarves, proud and fearless or not, would pay dearly for this debacle. Where the hell were his Heroes? Could they not manage a simple castle assault without this slaughter of his fine army? Must he micro-manage everything? His temper flared, his eyes blazed with hate. In one fluid motion he rose from his chair, hoisted his shield and blade, and strode down the blood-stained path among the troops, rallying their retreat, turning them, directing them, glaring menacingly at his hapless Heroes all the while.

    The Dwarven army saw it coming, or at least the remnants of the once proud Dvarven clan witnessed the final moments of their lives. With a mighty roar, Gholan charged the crumbling walls, and began to climb them, placing his feet in chiseled out holes, as he rose. His army followed, abandoning the assault-ladders in favor of the simpler and more direct approach, and within minutes, he had scaled to the top, as was over, swinging his bloody weapon with a ferocity few had ever seen. The last vestiges of a defense crumbled and them completely fell apart, as the fear driven Dwarves ran for their lives in the face of the living embodiment of Death itself.

    Within an hour, it was over, the Castle, such as it was, was his. He looked at his great, hollow victory, and the rage boiled up to a froth. Thousands of his men were dead, the Castle was a shambles, his Heroes had demonstrated an appalling lack of leadership, it was a completely Pyrrhic victory for the great, proud Orc King. Before him were a thousand Dwarves, and interestingly, the “Blessed One”, the Dwarf King himself, a favorite of WOW Gods, who had ordained that he was not to be touched, not ever, for reasons that were still a mystery. What was He doing here, Gholan wondered? This was not the Royal castle of the Dwarves, it was simply another of their holdings, placed over a thick and reportedly endless vein of mithril, running deep into the earth, a priceless source of metal which Gholan craved for his famed Black Dragons, and armor for his troops.

    He watched them carefully, as they were paraded before him, wondering what to do. To kill the Blessed One was unforgivable, and would really piss the WOW Gods off. The penalty of such an act was to be sent to a place so hideous, that it was beyond description, a thousand times worse than death. However, he smiled as he imagined seeing the look on their faces when the parchment arrived in their realm, detailing his latest act of defiance. In an instant, the decision was made, a course taken, from which there would be no return. He calmly looked at his shocked Captain, as he uttered the words, " Kill them. Kill them all."

    The Dimensional Prison. A place of unspeakable horrors. The birthplace of blackest nightmares. A swirling pit of bleakest hell, swathed in the stench of death, bathed in blood, forsaken of the tiniest ray of hope, murder incarnate run amok, a place of absolute dread, stealing courage, sapping life, gaining daily sinewed strength daily in the torture of its hapless victims.

    Just the mention of the place, just a whisper of its dire name, was enough to elicit whatever information desired from a cowering, blubbering captive. It was a incarceration from which there was no return, no escape; the only remnant of ones existence was the echoes of the dying screams and gasps, carried on the wind and spread by whispers and rumor among those more fortunate than the designee, as they sat in dark corners of taverns and campfires.

    Gholan the Conqueror sat in the only chair in the great Throne Room, a huge chair, made of bones of Black Dragons, stronger than mithril, crafted by the finest carpenters in the realm, the pieces so black that even light seemed absorbed by them. It was a chair fitting a king, a conqueror, but in fact, in this situation, it was a Prisoner’s chair, regal, but indestructible, brought in for the sole purpose of containing the most dangerous prisoner ever tried by the Gods of WOW.

    Gholan grinned at the Gods as the verdict was read, a mirthless smile, lined by huge jagged fangs, dripping saliva and blood as well, as he bit himself unconsciously in his black rage. He strained lightly at his bonds, a forged combination of mithril and Dragon King scales, unbreakable, perfect in conception and implementation. Over twenty loops covered his immense body, now stripped of armor and clad only in a leather tunic, weaving around him and interlaced within the spines of the chair.

    The Gods were droning on again, preparing to deliver the verdict, which of course had been reached long before charges which were being read had ever been prepared:

    Guilty, of course, was the word written at the bottom of the parchment detailing the charges. The sentence, a foregone conclusion. Dimensional Prison. Forever.

    Gholan malevolently glared at the Gods, their smugness evident in their speech patterns. Like they were finally ridding themselves of a sandspur in their shoes. His black eyes stared straight ahead, memorizing every detail of their appearance, realizing what it took to bring all three of them together to the same place at the same time. No one had ever taken a WOW God out before, no one had even ever planned it, as far as he was aware, but the first ideas of a plan began to swirl in the recesses of Gholan's mind, tickling his brain, as he began to think. His grin broadened.

    He tested his unbreakable bonds again, inch by inch, checking for any weaknesses. He ran his shackled hands along the smooth edges of the arm of the great chair, where the loops of his bonds joined together. His muscled arms tightened, and he felt the slightest give.

    Now they were talking about the Prison, and he listened more intently. The more he heard, the better he liked it. How exactly this place was different from every sun-soaked hellhole he had been sent to so far he could not imagine. He mentally began to calculate his survival chances, and though not good, it was no worse than usual either.

    He had heard enough of this drivel. With a mighty roar, he arched his back and pulled his great arms upward, and the chains that held him creaked ominously, the chair structure itself began to shudder. Discussion ceased, as the now concerned WOW Gods looked at him in stunned silence. At that moment, the mithril-scales bonds strained past the breaking point, and shattered. Long cords of razor sharp mithril flew outward, decapitating the nearest guard, and disemboweling another.

    The chair shattered, and in one fluid movement, Gholan picked up a long wing bone of the famed Black Dragon and flung it toward the closest WOW God. Gholan had no idea of what to expect, but what happened was almost beyond belief, and most satisfying. The God did nothing, sat as stone as the missile flew true and pierced his chest. He glanced down in disbelief, and looked up again at Gholan, then down again, as if this attack was just beyond comprehension. Golden fluid began to ooze from the wound site, turning black as it contacted air. The other two Gods also were paralyzed, watching in horror as their compatriot began to dissolve. A trinity for millennia, it was simply impossible that an Orc, especially THIS Orc, most reviled by the Gods, could reduce that to two.

    Black juice began to drip off the edges of the table they stood before, for that was all there was left of the God. Gholan, shocked by his unexpected success, nevertheless recovered quickly, and roared in laughter as the Gods’ fatal flaw was illuminated in such gory detail.

    "Better add another charge to my list, Gods of WOW", he sarcastically snarled. "But be quick, because I’m going on vacation!" He swiftly bent down, but before Gholan could reach for another bone fragment, the lead God recovered his shaken wits, and raised a wand banishing the Conqueror to the Dimensional Prison in an explosion of light. And thus Gholan the Conqueror’s well deserved vacation did begin.


    Contact Gholan the Conqueror at

  • PLAYER 5 - Kronos

    Kronos, the Minotaur King, sat in his throne room, head hung in despair. 
    His rule in this "Dimensional Prison" had just begun, and things were 
    already looking grim.  The minotaurs are an impressive race....tall, strong, 
    and fierce.  What they had in brawn, however, they lacked in brain.  None of 
    them were really capable of farming, building, or even constructing decent 
    weapons and ships.  Kronos knew that he had the necessary warriors to fight 
    in this new land, but he wanted something more than just a small area of 
    land that outsiders feared to go.  He wanted an empire that stretched from 
    one end of the horizon to the other.  So far, Kronos had been hiring 
    everything out to other creatures in this world.  They were building his 
    docks, taverns, inns, blacksmiths, and even his castle.  This cost money, 
    however, and his coffers were almost empty.  Without money, all of this work 
    would come to an end.  His dreams of an empire would crumble.  He barely had 
    enough money to hire the heroes needed to lead his great warriors into 
    battle.  Kronos knew he needed to do something fast, but what?
    At that moment, the door to the throne room opened and an advisor stepped 
    into the room.  "Sire," he exclaimed.  "I have found a way that you can 
    raise money for the kingdom!"  Kronos, lifted his head, looked at the 
    advisor, and asked him to continue.  The advisor began to explain about a 
    small monk outpost across the plains.  Apparently, their mission in life was 
    to collect writings from all over the Dimensional Prison lands and publish 
    them into huge books of history that are be distributed out to all people. 
    For each manuscript they receive, they pay a princely sum.
    "What's the use," Kronos grumbled.  "I barely know how to write.  They can't 
    possibly want any of my dribble."
    "It doesn't matter," countered the aide.  "They will take anything.  Just 
    list your favorite war axe, minotaur maiden, the best race to slaughter in 
    battle.  Just babble on and on.  The longer it is, the more they pay!  You 
    can't lose."
    Kronos could hardly believe what he was hearing, but what did he have to 
    lose?  If a few minutes of his time could earn him some much needed gold, 
    then he would be a fool to pass up this opportunity.  Kronos wandered out of 
    the throne room and into his personal study.  He said in a chair, pulled out 
    his official parchment, and began to write.  Maybe he would be able to hire 
    some heroes after all!

    Contact Kronos at

  • PLAYER 6 - Lord Steelmind

    Slowly, slowly, dost the memory of victories past and losses suffered 
    come to the poor wizard in the corner of a desolate world. Slower still 
    move his fingers, pathetically unused to the intricate dance of 
    spellcasting. Yet fast are his troops, furious his generals, and 
    fearsome his appearance. Lord Steelmind is back, and everyone beware.

    Contact Lord Steelmind at

  • PLAYER 7 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

  • PLAYER 8 - Alodar the Apprentice

    Grmph - once again this strange feeling of deja vu (or deja clone), so quite definitely another loop of that 'clone self' spell has taken hold again - wonder were I'll find myself this time... Let me see if I can dig up something from the collective memory of all my clonecarnations this time around, or... Hmm, well, maybe for a change I should try something completely different {tm} just for fun, ie. divination rather than clonecarnation-collective-memory-ransacking (one day I'll invent a spell to count the number of letters in a word, because I'm simply too lazy to count those manually - or even wizardly, in my case...) - OK, here we go with the divinationing [or whatever]...
    Yes, and no
    What the expletives deleted is that for an answer?? Hmm, wait, that exclamation didn't sound quite right, let me ponder on this for a while before pondering on the divination result...
    [42 minutes later]
    Ahh, I see, what I actually wanted to exclaim was this;
    What the <expletives deleted> is that for an answer??
    Now I only have to figure out which expletives were deleted, and why - oops, I see, not even Dicky the Trickster used words that foul...
    OK, now where was I, and why? Oh yes (or rather, oh no!), I had to figure out the meaning of 'yes and no'. I don't think I'll ever try divination again if it produces such expletive-producing results... Well, let's see if I can use some old wizard tricks to make this make sense [using some old wizard tricks to make a totally confusing divination result make sense].
    OK, that finally made sense. I'm in the WoW universe once again, which definitely explains the 'yes' part, but this is a completely new planet in said universe, discovered only recently, hence the 'no' part.
    Now let's see, if I can also figure out the particulars of this particular world, or whether I should wait until one of the locals shows up and briefs me... I'm looking forward to some intelligent conversations again - those kobold slaves amongst the chaos minions were incredibly bright, you could even discuss Zweibaum's theory of absolutivity with them...
    -Gmph! New wizard! Good! Old wizard dead!
    *sigh* So much for intelligent conversations - I'm stuck among orcs !!
    -OK, could you please take me to the headquarters and to the least unintelligent member of your tribe, and maybe I'll be able to figure out what is going on this time...
    -What you say? Me no get it! Me take you to city, and to boss, he smart - he tell you! Come!
    [42 kilometers, and 1764 failed communication attempts, later]
    -Big house! There boss! You go in - he tell!
    *sigh* Given that the intelligence of even a smart orc is likely to be on the level of a dyslectic chimpanzee I do not particularly look forward to this conversation, but I guess I had better get it over with...
    [Finally looking back on a conversation not particularly looked forward to]
    OK, at least I found out some details, better than nothing, I suppose. The previous wizard fortunately built a kind of library and research den, so I'll hopefully be able to pick up further details from there... At least I found out that this world is called 'Dimensional Prison' and that this place is called 'Prison of Gales' but if I understood him (it?) correctly, this isn't much of a prison any longer, after the previous wizard had pulled some tricks...
    OK, here we seem to have the den of the previous wizard - now reclaimed by the great *chuckle* wizard Alodar in one of his many clonecarnations. Let's start with the library, usually I tend to find something familiar there - ahh, here it is, no doubt:
    "A Short Introduction to the History of Dimensional Prison, together with some potentially useful spells".
    "A short introduction" - that sounds good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    *sigh* Once again that darn divination was right, 'yes and no'...

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.