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Game 279 Blurbs.
Clicking on the player numbers below will take you to their blurb.
Click the email address beside the wizard name to contact that player.

  • PLAYER 1 - Hazaar

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Hazaar at

  • PLAYER 2 - Gorbaal



    I am Gorbaal, Lord of the Lizardmen.

    Long have I slept, waiting for the time to awaken and once again ravage the world.

    That time is now!

    Power and greatness will come to all who walk by my side in my quest to rule this rock. Those who oppose me will learn swiftly the folly of opposing a wizard whose ambition is limitless.

    Few of you truly know me for I work in the shadows, manipulating magic to suit my whim. Many of you HAVE felt my sting, and many more will before the final call to arms. I would name the souls I've banished to other realms but the list grows to long for the purposes of this message, let my current actions speak for themselves.

    These Lizardmen have embraced my strength as a sign that I am the chosen one. They are mere mortals, but they have the wisdom and strength to have chosen my leadership and I respect that. These subjects will do nicely. They surely deserve to be my instrument of destruction.

    Contact Gorbaal at

  • PLAYER 3 - Togashi

    The Dragon Clan is living proof that fortune favors the mortal man. The
    Dragon never admit defeat, no matter what foe they face. They
    tenaciously cling to everything that is theirs, refusing to surrender and
    expanding their holdings through the sheer determination of their warriors.
    Outcasts from the dawn of the Empire, the clan's founder Kaimetsu-uo was
    forced to forge his own destiny, purchased with his own blood and sweat.
    With only a handful of followers, he traveled to the remote Parched Prison, 
    formed his own band of warriors, the Dragon Clan.
    Throughout history, the Dragon have played a number of roles.
    For the most, they have simply remained unseen, trading with various clans
    and accumulating great wealth with their knowledge of the seas around
    Desert Realm.
    During the Clan War, Yoritomo led the Dragon into battle. Bitter over
    centuries of treatment as lesser men, the Dragon unleashed their anger
    against the Shadowlands in a determined effort to prove their worth to the
    Empire. Against all odds, the gambit succeeded and the Dragon became a
    Great Clan
    In the time of the Oni Lord Akuma, the forces of Jigoku made a special point
    of weakening each of the great clans from within in various ways. The Crab
    found the Kuni family divided with corruption. The Crane found their
    finances steadily drained. The Dragon were assailed with confusing and
    contradictory prophecies, preventing them from taking action. The Lion were
    contained physically by the brute force of the Oni Lord's Armies. The
    Scorpion were betrayed from within by the Yogo. The Unicorn found themselves
    facing the dark spectre of the Moto, and divided themselves from the other
    clans to finish their personal vendetta. Akuma rejoDesertd that the 
    of the kami were left divided and weak, unable to resist him at full power.
    But in all of his plans, Akuma never considered the Dragon.
    Their humble origins and tendency to inspire distrust and derision from the
    other Great Clans led Akuma to think the Dragon a worthless and weak foe. No
    special effort was made to undermine their power or destroy them from within
    as in the case of the other clans. Akuma never bargained upon the
    charismatic leadership and tactical savvy of Yoritomo Kenjin, who rallied
    the clans and pronounced himself Emperor Yoritomo I. Even after Akuma
    arranged for the new Emperor's death, he was quickly replaced by his son,
    Hideki, who became Yoritomo II and proved to be an even greater leader than
    his father. Soon the Dragon emerged from their hiding with the Fire Dragon
    bombs. Akuma's army was struck a great blow and, with Yoritomo II's
    leadership, the armies of Jigoku were swiftly and soundly defeated.
    For almost a century now the Yoritomo Dynasty has ruled the Diamond Empire.
    Though many things have changed under Dragon rule, the people of Desert 
    Realm are
    safe and happy. The Emperor is greatly loved by his people. The activities
    of the royal family are watched with great attention by the common people of
    Desert Realm, and many peasants and samurai alike live vicariously through 
    accomplishments of the Dragon families.
    But a black shadow hangs over this seemingly peaceful clan. A horrible curse
    lingers in the Yoritomo family, a curse that many believe is destined to one
    day destroy the Imperial Line. Yoritomo VI seems to be quickly slipping down
    the path to destructive violence. His son Prince Kameru is brash, but much
    less so than his father. He will likely be a much better Emperor, but few
    fatalists feel Kameru's capability to rule may be a moot point. If Desert 
    cannot survive Yoritomo VI, Kameru will never have a chance to rule.
    Families of the Dragon
    The Yoritomo Family are the largest family of the Dragon. These days they
    seem evenly split between those who choose to defend the Imperial line
    through force of arms, or through guile and politics. Most members of the
    Yoritomo family can trace their relation to the Emperor no matter how
    distant, and have a clear view of the line of succession at all times. They
    area hot-blooded family, driven toward proving themselves in all things.
    Their leader, of course, is Yoritomo VI, Son of Storms, Emperor of Desert 
    The Ranbe Family are closely related to the Yoritomo. They trace their
    bloodline to Osano-wo, and feel the power of the Thunderer in their genes.
    They are a family of powerful shugenja, making up for their lack of subtlety
    and with pure, raw power. The very same lack of introspection has left their
    own studies of magic on the lean side. The Ranbe have no shugenja school on
    their own, though their ties to the Emperor make them welcome in nearly
    every shugenja school in the Empire. Their current daimyo is Ranbe Yuya, an
    eccentric old woman famous for her staff of offDesert, the Shard of the
    Thunderer. Supposedly it is a fragment of a tree that Osano-wo once
    shattered with lightning when, in a moment of doubt, she demanded that the
    Fortune prove her power. She must now carry the staff with her wherever she
    goes. The oaken stick crackles constantly with a blue nimbus of electricity
    that does no apparent harm to Yuya.
    The Daikua Family seem not to have been affected much by their clan's sudden
    rise to power. They are still relatively "common" for a samurai family,
    carrying on the clan's traditions of merchantry, sailing, and a bit of
    piracy on the side. The Daikua are also skilled diplomats and litigators, a
    skill that comes in very handy when some of their more flamboyant relatives
    get themselves into trouble. Their current daimyo is Daikua Dokohutei, a
    grizzled old former pirate who has settled down into a life of politics. He
    has found that the life of a politician suits him just fine, though it is a
    bit cutthroat for his tastes.

    Contact Togashi at

  • PLAYER 4 - Ragnor Skydigger

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Ragnor Skydigger at

  • PLAYER 5 - Yarl

    No Blurb Submitted As Yet.

    Contact Yarl at

  • PLAYER 6 - Shuri the huntress

    Who had told me that I would find a nice town down here, with taverns, 
    churches, wall, wells and especially a nice, big comfortable castle, all 
    deserted by its decided to leave my formner realm, it’s fabulous city 
    and coutless soldiers lead by brave heroes to go for a more adventurous 
    life in a more interesting new place? What’s that now? I have been 
    betrayed! They lured me into something they call a prison, with 
    guardians slowly walking the hallways of my so-called castle. Strolling 
    angrily through the ugly and dirty throne-hall of my new castle, I 
    wonder whether more wizards felt just the way I do. At least they - 
    whoever they are, these almighty gods of Wow - had granted me the boring 
    compagnonship of 300 fithy ogre peasants. They hardly show any reference 
    to their new mistress and her suite, but who cares, I will teach them! 
    Inside the heap of stones which might have formed the castle in former 
    times fifty men dressed in rags awaited me – my new army. Weapons? Well, 
    they have rusty knives or clubs, that has to do for the moment.
    Damn! I really should have known better. In these worlds of mystery and 
    magic you hardly ever can find real luxury and treasuries, and, more 
    important, you never can trust a promise of a paradise awaiting you 
    somewhere, you always have to start anew, even if you thought that you 
    already know the world you chose for yourself from the stories other 
    wizards told you or perhaps even from what you saw there yourself, the 
    world you enter always is empty again, all what had been built up by 
    former generations of busy wizards is gone.
    How was this possible? I already had tried all sort of magic against 
    illusions I could remember but in vain, the castle didn’t swap back to 
    the impressive fortress it must have been under the reign of its last 
    master. I had formed archaeological expeditions, ordering my soldiers to 
    dig for any kind of weapon where once a battle had taken place or hewed 
    stones where the most impressive building of all had been erected : the 
    Pyramid of Power. I never found even the slightest hint of the glorious 
    history the place must have had. What about the stories I heard about 
    glorious conquests and destroyed capitals? It was the same all again: 
    whether you chose to rule a people with a glorious past or a people who 
    had been defeated and trampled to the ground, again and again you found 
    yourself in the same old dirty heap of stones, wondering whether it was 
    more important to get fresh water into the castle or the rubbish of 
    fifty filthy men out of it. Or had all these wise and level-headed 
    Lords, the former masters of all these famous capitals lived a common 
    dream, a nightmare in some cases?
    And this time it seems to be even worse, they seem to have condemned 
    several wizards to live in a restricted place, to suffer from the crimes 
    they committed in former lives. Did I committ any crimes? Where has been 
    the trial who condemmed me? Well, not much sense to argue ...these 
    guardians don’t react if you talk to them, only their armour and weapons 
    are shining, their eyes are as cold and liveless as pebbles. I better 
    don’t pay much attention to them any more and at once start my new 
    career as an architect, builder, instructor, tax-inspector, recruiting 
    officer, teacher, and a dozen more professions by calling for more 
    candles and a broom first.
    My advisor enters in a hurry, and tells me after a deep bow: ”Mylady, a 
    hero has arrived in the courtyard and wishes to enter your service!”
    I cheer up and tell her: ”Finally good news! Give him whatever he asks 
    for and ask him to present himself to me...well, send two or three of my 
    soldiers up here first to do some cleaning-up!”.
    ”Mylady, I am afraid that will be impossible.” She said, looking at me 
    her front in deep furrows like a basset.
    “Why that, isn’t he worth to be hired? Or are all these soldiers to 
    drunk to do the job of a housemaid?” I asked, feeling more and more 
    “No, Mylady, he’s well worth it, the problem is that there isn’t enough 
    money left to pay him after you ordered to construct the most necessary 
    buildings to influence the population here in your favour.”
    ”What does he want, the impudent? Half a million gold coins?”
    ”No, Mylady. Not that much. Less than 2000.”
    “That’s a not too much for anyone but an admiral or a pirate. So why 
    don’t you give the money to him?”
    “I am so sorry, but we don’t even have 1000 gold coins left.” my advisor 
    answered with a trembling voice.
    ”..... Eheem....Not even 1000? You never stole from me... did anybody 
    else here dare to touch my treasury?”
    “No, Mylady, there’s simply nothing worth being called a treasury. I am 
    so sorry.”
    ”Stop apologizing! What about my jewels?”
    “There’s nobody who could afford to buy them in this rat-hole...ehemm, 
    your capital, Mylady. And the hero himself – I never would dare to offer 
    them to him...simply have a look at him through the window, and you’ll 
    I decided to believe what she said for the moment and looked for another 
    solution. “Raise the taxes!”
    ”Mylady, your people will hate you for it and might stop’s 
    too soon to raise taxes, you need to impress them with arenas, 
    cathedrals and all this stuff first.”
    I knew this problem, it was the same everywhere, every time, but I 
    somehow had hoped that time at least the peasants would be more 
    reasonable and would see the need to give me all they could afford right 
    from the start – wasn’t it for the benefit of them all, of their children?
    ”Go steal it from our neighbours, send an army and rob it somewhere” I 
    made a last attempt. My advisor didn’t even answer, she only looked at 
    me sadly. To steal without an experienced thief, to steal it from 
    someone who surely swore at his empty treasury just the way I did, to 
    plan a robbery when I didn’t even know the way to the next castle was no 
    way to solve this situation. Both of us grew dumb. After a long while, 
    my advisor cleared her throat.
    ”May I suggest something quite ... experimental?”
    ”Of course.” I replied without much hope.
    ”There’s a competition of a publishing house here in Arragoth....they 
    seem willing to pay up to 2000 gold coins for interesting stories. I 
    might order your scribe to send them a story of your glorious past....”
    ”A publishing house? Somewhere here in this wilderness? Are you sure 
    that the person who told you that didn’t want to dupe you? Or perhaps 
    it’s a new attempt of our foes to spy us out?”
    ”Mylady, even if this is true, we may as well rather fool them with this 
    story than tell them anything valuable about us. What can you lose by 
    making an attempt?”
    ”You’re right indeed” I said taking a deep breath. ”You’re sure that 
    they – whoever they are - will give us 2000 coins for a story? What a 
    beginning to my career as a warlord and wizard here in this 
    start as an author! How disgustingly peaceful!”
    ”Mylady” she replied with a soft voice ”come to the window and look down 
    at this hero. I think he’s worth that we choose even very unconventional 
    methods to make sure that he serves you.”
    I did what she had asked me to do and knew at once that she was right.

    Contact Shuri the huntress at

  • PLAYER 7 - JustOne

    Many an eon have I spent subjucating races and the lands around me, across
    all the planes of reality. Some I won and some I lost but all I survived
    with the aid of my magical arts. My survival has seemed to irritate some
    higher power though, for during my last orgy of conquest I was blinded by a
    fantastic white light and stunned of all senses for what seemed like an
    eternity. When I at last roused myself, I thought I was in hell - The heat
    and magma surrounded me and the very act of breathing caused great pain. I
    ached from every joint and tasted my own blood flowing down my blistering
    skin. But the very same powers that had bought about my downfall have also
    kept me alive, for a simple death seems beyond their plans. Everytime my
    heart seemed to grow still, a shudder ran through me and life flowed into me
    again. Once I had forced myself to concentrate enough I could final make out
    my surroundings - I seemed to be inside a lava filled cave filled with
    beasts of hideous description - Great hounds with flesh hanging from their
    every bone,  multi-headed dragons spitting venom and ire in all directions,
    demon spawn who cackled whilst tormenting all within range. Chaos ruled here
    and I was but their prisoner, to be tortured and made to regret the lives I
    had destroyed and destruction I had bought to the planes - and all seemed
    But I hadn't risen to such heights by giving in at the first hurdle. My
    powers had been stripped, much like the flesh from my body, but I retained
    my intelligence, my wit, my sheer desire for life and to rule all life. I
    started to build my strength, allowing my captors to think they had broken
    my spirit, but unknowingly growing stronger day by day. After many months I
    waited until an Imp drew close and tore out his throat, his lifeblood
    pouring down my throat and allowing me the strength to break my bonds. The
    others drew back in abject fear, not expecting any fight left in me but
    knowing why I was here and what I was capable of. I kept my distance in the
    back of the caves until my strength was almost back to normal and then set
    out to turn the captors into my captives. Starting small at first I gained
    control of a few imps here and a few there but as days grew to months and
    month to years I found myself surrounded by a small army of devoted
    followers. Once again I bid to play my old game but this time the stakes are
    much larger - so far it seems the powers are looking elsewhere but will this
    last forever??? - Most likely not so my only hope is to control the lands
    around me and grow great in power - great enough that I can hopefully meet
    these powers on an open playing field. Are there others out there like me -
    if so maybe we can learn from each other - or I can take the knowledge from
    your lifeless bodies - At any rate I now move foward knowing that my destiny
    is now in my own hands and my life is once again of my own making.

    Contact JustOne at

  • PLAYER 8 - Alodar the Apprentice

    What on earth happened to that dastardlious Lich Lord - he was supposed to teleport into our capital to defend against the chronological advance by wizard Kronos, but he is nowhere to be seen! Without him we don't have a shadow of a chance, and even with him our chances are slim at best...
    [Turning to his nearest aide, the smartest orc in the whole village, with an IQ which actually is positive]
    -Orchard, try once again to verify that the orders given to lord Guildhall were delivered and ask him why the <expletives deleted> he isn't already here!
    [Receiving a totally blank stare in response, indicative of an IQ slightly below zero rather than slightly above said number]
    -C'mon Orchard, I know you're not that stupid - get on with it!
    -Ehh, lord Alodar, me really not know who you talking about - no lich lord in whole army, lord! Just one hero in whole army, lord, and he be admiral!
    -What on earth are you babbling about, Orchard?? I know our situation is difficult, but we still have ten heroes in our service and you have met them all - Percolating Smasher the merchant, Prefacing Hostel the thief, Ripped Laryngoscope the spy, Spectral Guildhall the very lich lord I now request you to retreive, Courted Glossographer the rogue, Gelatinous Operator the saboteur, Supercharged Solution the rogue, Neoplastic Graduate the paladin, Flourishing Teapot the thief, and finally Aegean Tailfish, a thief also he!
    [Receiving an even more bewildered blank stare in response, indicative of an IQ rapidly approaching negative infinity]
    -Lord Alodar, me not understand a word! Me go get admiral hero, he still in village - maybe he understand what you mean.. (Running out of the magic college with a speed you wouldn't believe an orc capable of, not even if promised a particularly bloody slaughter]
    Strange - usually he at least knows that one plus one is two (well, in his brighter moments at least) but now he seemed totally bewildered...
    [A brisk-looking youngster in a blue uniform a little too big for his size enters the room]
    -Lord Alodar, admiral Laundered Paralogism at your service, lord! What can I do for you, mylord?
    Now what on earth (or whatever this planet holding this cursed dimensional prison is called) is going on here?
    -Hmm, for a starter you could explain to me what on earth (or whatever this planet holding this cursed dimensional prison is called) is going on here?
    [Some very long explanations later]
    -OK, thank you admiral! Dismissed!
    Now this is something completely new! Seems I have performed some kind of dimensional shift from one time warp zone to another, ended up in the same spot, only in a slightly different dimension... I'd better check just to make sure (goes outside and checks) - indeed, this magic college is on street number 279, and I clearly remember it used to have street number 278 because I don't like numbers with primes larger than 100 in them. This one is much better, indeed!
    Though the strangest thing is that this transition (or transgression, or transmogrification, or trance-whatever) didn't involve a new clonecarnation at all, I am still the same me as I was in that magic college with the unlucky number (not that the concept of "me" makes particularly much of a sense in my {my?} case anyway)
    OK, back to square one, then (hmm, actually square three, to be precise, but never mind...) - let's go back to the library and perform the usual routine - yes, he we are
    "A Short Introduction to the History of Dimensional Prison, together with some potentially useful spells".
    "A short introduction" - that sounds good! I like them short and snappy - wait, what says the fine print...
    "Volume I of XLII"...
    *sigh* Too bad this new transitional process couldn't break with that old routine...

    Contact Alodar the Apprentice at

    * Off to WOW Game Status Page.