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War of Wizards - Copyright WoW Games 1996-1999

News Heading.


This is the game news page. Any player wishing to submit a news article may do so. Rewards are given for each article depending on its quality.

The wizard Empyrion proclaims the following:

The gnomes of Hiabuvanywerzus are fantastical inventors. They have invented flying toasters, digging blimps, crawling butterflies, marching steamrollers, undersea spaceships, and other fiendish weapons of destruction. All these and more will be placed into service in the conquest of the universe. A brilliant Gnomish experiment has led to their main city being located on the edge of the Astral Plane, from whence they can gain inspiration from the pustulization of the void.

Our continued greetings go out to the Representatives from all the other inhabitants of this world, including Corwin, Dalinski, Merlin, Terano, Kaos, Dessana The Prophet, Joss, Vengeance, Farlinnin, Faethor, Finnaidann, Nephilim, Fallon, Miribalis, Kaer Corval, Zimbu, Manathor, Orlanth, The Scowling Infidel, BuRn, Lich, Krythanus, Quicksilver, Berrok Bonz', Psycoman, Krick, Penguin The Great, Quetzalzachicin, Quaan Satansheart, Garten, Balinor, Alma the Younger, Otto, Lord Fil, Gatin, The Nazgul, Archlord Syssigee, and Melmenelmir, all except the dreaded Walks With Spirits, Ozymandius, Tellurian, Kal Morgoth, Poison Arrow, Salat, Birn Hilgrath, Dark Demoniak, Arriekan, Morek the Wise, Starfoot, and Leventhal who are no more. The gnomes invent vacation in far places.

 # END
Barry Eynon

News Guidlines.

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