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The Zamus Enquirer - special edition

Unconditional surrender of Lecostarius

By our palace correspondent

The tall man stands at the window aisle, staring outside into the night. "Master...please..." the voice behind him repeated. Its owner, only one meter tall, but sturdy and strong built, shuffled uncomfortably with his feet. "The orders for this months army movements - we lost Shadowmage's city to a small hoarde of only two hundred bowmen, our slinger army that escaped the assault of Alodar in Jove needs orders to turn his lands into turmoil! Sirikuls ships have again invaded our home lands, we need to stop his troops. Our dragons..."

The man at the window turns.

"Come on, Strongarm Sledgehammer. Do you believe, do you sincerely believe that there is anything left to do for us? Or are we merely stretching a position which is undefendable just a bit longer? Do we produce more than more orphans and widows? Is there any chance that the Hill Dwarves will ever rule this world?"

"Master Lecostarius, I ... I... I assure you that in this dark months all the Dwarves of Mount Zamus stand behind you. We are all ready to die at the hands of the merciless troops of those rogue wizards Alodar, Sirikul and Uther. We will"

"all die" interrupted Lecostarius, silencing his General. "I have fought this battle up to this point, and now I can see it is useless to continue. I therefore order all hostilities to end by the end of next month. No more spells will be cast from me, including the Ultimate Shield spells that have so effectively protected us from our enemies' magic. No more Black Dragons will be mustered, since those are the most hated creature by our enemies. This is the hour of our surrender, Strongarm. May I say that I really came to love the Hill Dwarves in the fifty months I have had the chance to lead them. But only by surrendering we stand a chance that the Hill Dwarves will be spared by our enemies and therefore you and your brethren do not have to pay the price for my plans."

With this, Lecostarius turned round to the window.

The strong, small figure stood, weeping. Then general Sledgehammer, victorious in many battles, slumped towards the door. Yet before he reached it, Lecostarius voice was again in the room, strong this time, commanding, like he was used to hear it:

"General Sledgehammer. Send a messenger to Bishop Dyba. Order him to attack Uther One Eyes capital this month. Let him cast a Betrayal spell. Send orders to the first and second Dragonarmy - if I remember correctly, they should have three hundred Black Dragons together, shouldn't they? Send all gems we have to their commanders. I want the most effective support when they storm against Uthers capital. Give all my artifacts to the leaders of the dragonarmies, and send everything that can move against Uther One Eye immediately!"

The general turned. "Master, Uther is warned. By the erroneous orders we sent last month, our intentions are crystal clear to him. He will be prepared!", he thought, but the words did not make it to his tongue when he saw the expression on the wizards face: the mage knew all too well. Sledgehammer bowed silently. "It will be done as you order, my master." "And, thank you for this last chance to prove our valor" he added silently, only to himself.

The mage scribbled words onto a parchment and sealed it. "This is the document of unconditional surrender. Send it to Sirikul, Alodar and Uther at the end of this month. Well, maybe no need to send it to Uther, though... They have offered me to stay here, did you know that, Sledgehammer? They have offered me not to crush me, but just silently let me live here in this castle. By this noble act, they have humbly renounced of claiming the victory in the eyes of the world. Everybody would think, by reading the reports from the scribes, that I have been among the victorious, among the rulers after the war ended.

This is such a magnanimous act that it is hardly believable. It deprives them of the fruits of their master diplomacy and warfare. That must not be!

Therefore, I want to make known to the whole world, by publishing this in the 'Zamus Enquirer', that Lecostarius has surrendered to the other wizards of this world, and that the glory of victory is by right theirs, not mine. Everybody else should know this. And now go, my faithful general. I will focus on the "improve chair comfort" spell that I learned from Alodar".

After the general did not move for a few seconds, Lecostarius sharply hissed

"Dismissed, general!"

The small, sturdy Hill Dwarf stiffened, turned round and went outside, this time with a smile on his face.

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