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                                     NIGHTSCAR STATE NEWS
                                     SPECIAL WAR EDITION, # 27
                                               By Tarog, Editor in Chief

                        THE DEMON OF ARRAGOTH
Arragoth's Fortress, NSN reporting.  Quintana Roo drew his magical sword from 
its scabbard as he approached the massive iron doors of the Fortress' Great 
Hall.  Scintillating flashes of doubt seared through his brain for the first 
time in his life.  The Gods had spoken, only one Hero could challenge 
Arragoth, once his very doors had been reached successfully.  The royal 
parchment from Gholan had been explicit in nature, and though he felt greatly 
honored to be the one asked to challenge the Demon protecting Arragoth, he 
couldn't help feeling like a guinea pig in this adventure.  He was the least 
experienced of all of Gholan's Heroes.
    Other Orc Heroes encamped in the nearby wood had been issued Dragon's 
Armor, Flaming Swords, Scrolls of Enlightenment, and more, but he was ordered 
to take only this.  He absentmindedly twirled the Magic sword in his hand as 
he pondered his fate.  He finally concluded that he was probably dead this 
way, but certainly dead if he refused to go further and returned to 
Nightscar, so he reluctantly threw open the hinged iron door, and entered the 
massive chamber.
    It was his worst nightmare come to life.  Rivulets of boiling lava 
streamed thru crevices in the stone floor.  Fire spewed forth intermittently 
from gaping holes in the rock walls of the Hall. Giant winged nightmares 
circled endlessly far above him, screaming a soul freezing cry.  And there, 
across a great crevasse, sitting atop a throne of skulls, was Arragoth, 
smiling a malevolent grin, one great clawed hand outstretched, beckoning to 
the Paladin with a come hither curl of a finger.
    A huge stone bridge crossed the great divide, and there, in the middle, 
standing solitary, seemingly frozen, was an enormous Demon.  It stood at 
least 12 feet in height, patiently waiting.  Its breath came in ragged blasts 
of steam, his eyes blazed burning coals.  It was encased in black leather 
armor, and held a great gleaming sword in each hand.  Flames scorched across 
the surface of each blade, swirling a macabre dance of death.  Great black 
horns curved forward from its face, dripping a greenish fluid that burned 
tiny holes in the stone pavement.  Over the edge, was a bottomless pit, 
leading to the very core of Hell itself.  Not even the flames of the cavern 
could penetrate its midnight depth.
    Arragoth began to laugh, and roared, "Is this the best that the "Mighty" 
Gholan has to offer?  Come, boy, and meet your Assassin."
    The Paladin held his sword aloft, trying not to let the blade be seen to 
quiver.  With a mighty yell, he rushed forward, crying out, "To die for 
Gholan, is to die with Honor!!"  At that, Arragoth leaned forward, in 
anticipation, as the great Demon and the Paladin clashed swords.  The magic 
sword drew first blood, slicing thru the armor and ripping a tear in the 
great beast's arm.  A horrific scream bellowed from it, and both swords came 
crashing down upon Quintana.  His armor held, and so did the sword.   And so 
the battle raged.  For what seemed like hours they fought, but then the 
inevitable rapidly approached.  The brave, but inexperienced Hero was no 
match for the Demon, and fatigue finally took a great and mortal toll.  In a 
massive attack, the Beast slammed both swords down upon the magic sword, and 
broke it at the hilt.
    Defenseless, the Paladin knew the end had arrived.  As he waited for the 
death rush, the beast paused, and turned to Arragoth, then nodded his 
ascension.  He turned back to the dazed Paladin, sheathed his swords, and in 
a screaming frenzy rushed him, pinning both his arms.  In one quick motion, 
he threw Quintana Roo over the side, into the pit without end.
    Arragoth quickly rose from his throne chair, and roared into the Pit, " 
So to die for Gholan is an honor, eh?  Well, Surprise, Paladin!!  For you 
will never die!  You will be falling for all eternity!"  His laugh filled the 
chamber with ghastly echoes.
    In Nightscar, carefully releasing the newly repaired Scrying Bowl this 
time, Gholan frowned.  This would be much more difficult than he anticipated. 
 For the next attempt, he would send his most experienced Hero, General 
Deathrain, Commander of the Orcish Archers.  He also sent word to the 
Underdwarves and the Minotaurs, to prepare their Heroes, in case The Marksman 
failed as well.
    Back in Arragoth's fortress, Quintana Roo continued to fall.

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